It and Abomination

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Chapter 31


The whistle rang out three short times. In seconds Hercules was rushing for me like a runaway train. I stood my ground, waiting for him to get closer. And when he was about fifty feet away, I called up my Earth element making it slam right into the side of his head. But Hercules didn't slow down if anything it felt like he got faster. He raised his sword ready to attack with his long sword and I blocked it with my blades holding them high above my head.

"Come on, Freya. I know you have more than that," Hercules said with a smile; he was enjoying this. I kneed him in the stomach. Then dropping down low I kicked his feet from out under him, making him fall flat on his ass. I backed up and raised the earth up wrapping him up and squeezing him tighter and tighter.

He broke through my makeshift restraints throwing the rocks back at me. He got up and charged at me. Every time he swung his sword, I blocked it or sidestepped it. He was strong not holding back anything. He had me on the defensive walking back every swing of his sword.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw lightning strike the ground nearby. It was to close not to be Hercules or one of the other gods to be doing it.

I stood my ground and called up my fire element lighting my blades on fire. I pushed back swinging my blades wildly. I made each step forward a tremor on the ground. With a sharp jab of my blades, I sent Hercules's sword flying backwards out of his hand. He gave me a powerful roundhouse kick to my side knocking me off balance and making me drop my blades. He was getting ready to kick again, but I blocked it holding his leg. I was so focused on blocking the kick that I didn't pay attention to his hands. He punched me square in the cheek making me jump back to put distance between us. In seconds he was on me again. Punching me harder and harder. For every punch I blocked, two seemed to get me in the side and face.

I side stepped Hercules and hit him square in the back of the head sending him falling into my knee. I squeeze my hands together hard and slam them onto his spine. He fell to the ground with a thud. I wound up a punch ready to end this, only to have Hercules roll over and I missed him. Slamming my fist into the ground I quickly chased after him. Hercules rolled over onto his back and kicked me so hard in my pelvis I thought he broke it. Pain exploded out of me as I fell backward.

Hercules was standing ready to finish the fight. I crabbed walked backwards only to have a lightning bolt barely miss me. I stopped and called up my air element sending Hercules flying backwards. I stood up and chased after him, lightning struck in front of me. I tried to move out of its way only for it to follow me.

Hercules was getting up, and this fight was getting harder.

He threw his body weight behind his fist that edged closer to my face, he hit my jaw with such force blood pooled into my mouth. Pain erupted from the point of impact. With my own two hands, I grabbed his head in my hands and brought my kneecap up to his nose, there was a blunt crack and I released his head. Crimson leaked from both his nostrils and his nose was twisted right. He drew his fist back again and it ploughed into my stomach, it was like hitting a train head on. My guts smashed together, blood vessels bursting. I repaid this by punching his jaw, my fist collided with all my body weight. I continued this battering until he fell to the ground. His chest gently rose and sank with each shallow breath he drew in.

There was blood on my knuckles and a bruise above my left eye. I was getting tired, but I could see Hercules was too. I had to not only worry about Hercules, but the thunderbolts. I dodged a lightning strike only to run face-first into Hercules's fist. Knocking me flat on my back. He climbed on top of me, struggling to keep me down. He punched and punched and punched.

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