Come to Together

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Chapter 42


I shot up inside of the containment room.

"Welcome back," Bash said. Gods, I was covered in sweat. Was that a dream or premonition? "Did you..."

"See something? Yeah", Bash looked over to Anson with worry and doubt in his eyes, "If we don't make this work. I'm afraid our dreams will become reality."

Gasping for breath Alaric shot to life, "CECILIA!"

"It's okay. It was just..." I don't know what to say it was.

"A promise of what is to come if we stay the way we are," Bash explained. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Leo wake up. He was so ash white and weak; he couldn't even sit up. I tried to help him sit up, but he was just too weak.

"It looks like this is going to happen no matter what. I don't know what you guys saw. But darkness consumed the land and all that biblical shit. How in Hades name do we stop that... that thing?!" Alaric shouted.

"The wave?" I asked.

"If that's what you're calling it sure. It fucking took out everything at Haven," Alaric said like he couldn't shake the thought. I would never forget the screams I heard come out of Freya's mouth. Never.

"I saw that too. A wave so big it blocked out the sky," Bash said.

"It rained blood," I added.

"And it killed everyone and everything in its path," Anson said with bloodshot eyes and gruff in his voice.

"Can we all agree we don't want to be responsible for the things we saw?" Bash stated. Everyone nodded.

"Where do we go from here?" Milo asked.

Everyone remained silent. Until Anson finally spoke up, "I still fucking hate each and every one of you. And everything you stand for. But... Okay." Really?

"We can all still hate each other after we take care of Erebus and Nyx," Alaric said.

"About that, do we have a date or plan?" Anson asked.

"No," Milo said.

The speaker system clicked on ringing in our ears at a high pitch frequency, "But, we are working on that," Cecilia said.

"Where is Freya?" Bash asked.

"Uummm that's a good question. I haven't seen her since yesterday. She was trying to convince Hercules to be more agreeable," Cecilia said a bit nervous. Convince him how?

"Good to know the Gods are being dragged down with us," Anson said.

"We're all good right?" Milo said asking the room, "We'll work together?" Begrudgingly, we all either nodded or said yes.

"Great, then let's get the fuck out of here," Anson said.

"I can't do that," Cecilia said apologetically.

"Can't or won't?" Leo coughed out.

"Physically, I can't. I would open the door if I could, but Hercules broke the panel. So..."

"Are you saying we're trapped in here?" Milo asked.

"Just for a little bit until Freya gets back. Hopefully, she can convince Hercules to fight with you. Without having to get violent," Cecilia said.

"Turn off the blocker light!" Leo shouted in pain.

"Of course," Cecilia did exactly what Leo wanted, and we were sitting in normal white light.

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