1- big yes

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As I walk out the tall white building, I feel my mood completely switch. How could I have been so careless?

I walk down the road to the bus stop to wait for a bus home, praying there would be one soon but my mood goes down even further when I see I have a ten minute wait. There was only one other person here and it was just an old lady who looked just as sad as I did.

I sit down next to her and take out my phone to text Kyra; my friend  who had made my phone vibrate every few seconds of my appointment, much to the doctor's annoyance. I tell her to meet me at my apartment because god knows I was going to need her and our infamous movie nights binge eating pizza and watching mean girls.

The old lady beside me checks her watch every few seconds as if it will make the bus appear quicker and I guess it just gives her something to do to pass the time.

"At least the weather's nice I suppose" She hums sending me a small smile.

The weather was always nice, we lived in Los Angeles and so anything but sun was unheard of. I politely smiled back knowing she was just wanting a conversation to pass the time.

"So are you happy with it?" She asks.

I furrow my eyebrows at her question before I see her point to the building I just left.

"Uh I'm not sure really" I mumble.

I was taken aback by her personal questioning of my visit but I deduct that once again she's really just trying to pass the time.

"So was it a yes or a no?" She adds.

I let out a sigh I didn't even know I had been holding as I look over at the small old woman looking at me with curiosity.

"A yes" I reply "A big yes"

"Guess that wasn't the answer you wanted huh?" She replies knowingly, in a pitying tone.

"Not exactly" I say.

"You know I was in the same position as you once, hell I probably even felt the same way you're probably feeling right now" She says "But I promise you that it is completely worth it, it's one of the best things that ever happened to me"

"I don't know if that's the same case for me" I sigh again.

"Trust me, this baby is going to change your life" She smiles.

The bus eventually comes round the corner and once I get on, I just sit and stare out the window looking back at the baby clinic with the woman's words repeating in my head.


I had never used that word to describe my situation. I didn't want to because then that made this whole scenario real and I didn't want to accept that it was. Up until this moment it had only ever been a 'maybe' , it was never set in stone. But now it was, and it came with a pretty white letter and leaflet to prove that.

I had never planned for my life to take such a drastic turn. I came out here to make something of myself, to be someone and now the only thing I was going to ever be was somebody's mother and everyone knows once you have a kid, you're never going to be able to follow your dream anymore. But I couldn't give up the baby, the guilt would kill me inside.

I was only 20, I was far too young to be in this position. I should be thinking about where I was going to go drinking tonight or what dress I was going to wear. I shouldn't be thinking of what I'm going to do and how I'm going to raise a baby. Or alone, for that matter.

The baby daddy.

That was the tricky one. Not that I didn't know who it was because I knew completely who it was, he'd been the only person I had slept with this whole year. I knew he wasn't going to be happy about this and I consider if I should even tell him at all. But he has to know, it's his right, it is his child too.

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