11- X

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Maya's POV

"Christian this is Kyra" I say "Kyra, this is.. Well you already know I guess"

He politely gives her a hand shake then pulls in for a soft hug and Kyra looks like she's ready to melt once he pulls away, I'm scared I'm going to have to steady her.

"Lovely to meet you" Christian says.

Mitchel sits on the couch patting the spot beside him and so I go over and sit down also while Christian and Kyra sit at the other one.

"You seem familiar have I met you before?" He asks her.

"Uh no" She replies awkwardly "But I'm on twitter"

She looks almost shy when she says this and it's funny considering how much attitude and suggestive content she tweets at him daily. Christian takes a second before widening his eyes in realisation.

"That's it!" He replies "Yeah I've seen your twitter"

They joke around about the stuff she tweets while Mitchel tries to find something for us to watch. It was only 9pm so we decide to watch another film. The others were out with some friends and so it was just the four of us.

"So where is Kyra sleeping?" I ask him quietly.

"There's a spare room" He replies, his eyes trained on the television.

I had never stayed the night over here with Mitchel so I wasn't really sure what to expect. It was all quite surprising when he even suggested I stay over in the first place.

"So I'll be sharing the spare room with her?" I reply.

I didn't really like sharing beds with Kyra, mostly because she was such a restless sleeper. She had been known to kick me out the bed once from all her movement and not to mention she was a snorer.

"Oh well you could" He replies "But I was thinking you'd just stay in mine"

"Oh" I reply.

"Is that an issue?" He says giving me his full attention.

"No" I smile softly.

Mitchel's bed was big and so I didn't mind the idea of sharing with him because we would have plenty of room, it wouldn't be awkward with us squished together or anything.

Mitchel decides on a film for us all not giving us a say in what, probably because we were all pretty indecisive on our own so making a group decision would be even harder. He presses play and we all get comfy to watch. It was one id seen before so I didn't need to pay great attention. Christian and Kyra seemed to be hitting it off well as they weren't watching the tv at all and instead making small conversation between themselves.

I get up and make my way to the kitchen helping myself to some snacks like Mitchel has taught me to always do. I knew I wanted something to eat but I had no idea what. Sometimes I think I'm in the mood for one thing and it turns out I want the exact opposite.

I scan the cupboards over and over failing to find anything I fancy and I let out a soft sigh as I try my luck in the fridge freezer. It was considerably better as my eyes fall on a small tub of ben&Jerry's, I quickly grab it happy with my choice as I grab a spoon and make my way through to the living room again.

In the short time I'd been away I notice Kyra had inched herself even closer to Christian and she catches my eye sending a wink as I just silently smile as I sit back down.

I open the tub and start to dig in slowly enjoying the chocolate taste. I hadn't had ice cream in a while and it was exactly what I needed right now. A tap to my side interrupts my content state and I see Mitchel smirking at me pointing to his mouth which he then opens.

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