45- Adventure

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Maya woke up slowly rubbing her eyes that were still tired from the night before. She looked around the room and failed to find Mitchel and she sat up before stretching and getting out of bed pulling on one of his shirts before heading out the room.

She sleepily stumbled her way to the nursery knowing that was where Mitchel would be, she had come to find that whenever she couldn't find him, he'd more than likely be in here.

The other day she had come back from getting groceries with Christian to find Mitchel sitting on the chair with Rosie resting on his shoulders and he claimed he couldn't get up because he didn't want to wake her.

Sure enough as she enters the room she found him standing by the window with their baby girl in his arms as he lightly bounced her up and down as she made soft muffled noises.

He notices Maya come in and he sends her a warm smile as she walks over to him and they share a soft morning kiss.

"Do you ever put her down?" Maya jokes.

Mitchel never seemed to part with Rosie. Whenever she wasn't with Maya, she was in Mitchel's arms and despite Maya telling him to put her down or in the crib he always found an excuse not to.

"She was crying" He defends softly.

"And she's stopped now" Maya smiles.

He stubbornly takes the little girl and ever so gently places her down into the crib he had spent so long building to make perfect for her. Her eyes had only recently began opening more and sure enough he had been right; she had eyes just like Maya's. They were big and blue and held his gaze with the same amount of power as when he looked at the woman he loved.

Mitchel took his arms and wrapped them around Maya now that they were empty and he hated that feeling. They looked down at Rosie and both thought about how different it was now they were parents.

Rosie was a month old now and Mitchel had even insisted on a mini photoshoot and dressed her up all pretty, placing a little sticker in the crib with her saying 'I'm 1 month old today!' Which he had happily shared all over his social media's. In fact all he ever seemed to talk about now on them was Rosie and life as a father but people actually loved it. They loved seeing how cute the baby was and found it hilarious to see how Mitchel was adapting to life as a father.

Almost confused bottled baby milk with my beer. Saturday nights are fun 🙃

Tried singing new song to Rosie and she cried instantly. Perhaps your kids aren't your number one fan after all 😩

Why does Rosie wear our merch better than us?? @christianantho @clintoncave [1 image attached]

The month had passed pretty quickly and they were always learning something new. Mitchel also had the habit of panicking over the smallest things and taken her to the doctors several times when he really didn't need to. The doctor reassured him it was better to be over cautious than the opposite.

"I'm making coffee do you guys want one?" Clinton asks popping his head in the door.

His eyes were heavy and he looked like he'd barely slept and he probably hadn't. Rosie had the habit of crying particularly in the early hours of the morning and despite Mitchel and Maya's efforts, not much could settle her.

"No we're good" Maya and Mitchel agree.

Clinton lazily smiles before heading off to the kitchen. Both Maya and Mitchel shared a similar feeling of guilt. As much as they loved having all the boys around to help with everyday tasks, they felt bad they had to deal with having an infant in the house now. There was baby stuff everywhere, she cried at night and it wasn't the best place to have friends or girls over.

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