40- calm

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*2 weeks later*

Maya's POV

"It's so hot today" Christian complains.

"You were the one that wanted it to be nice again" I laugh.

He was right. Today was super warm compared to the past few weeks where it had been colder now that it was October. Today however, felt like a mini heatwave and all of us were out the back lounging in the sun. Almost everyone anyway; Mitchel was nowhere to be seen and I hadn't heard from him all day.

It wasn't unusual for me to wake up and have Mitchel be gone somewhere doing something but it began to worry me when I went downstairs and seen none of the boys knew where he was. It was now almost dinnertime and still none of us had heard from him and he hadn't responded to any of my texts. Christian could see me getting worried so he tried his best to distract me and reassure me he was probably in the studio and that they turn their phones off in there to avoid distraction. I nodded my head and figured he was probably right.

"Have you spoke to Kyra much?" Christian asks.

"She's my best friend" I reply "Of course I have"

"Right" He laughs lowly "How is she?"

"Alright I guess" I shrug.

I knew she wasn't. Her and Christian had a talk and he explained that although he liked her he just couldn't commit to a relationship right now and she of course took it pretty bad. I knew Christians intentions were never to hurt Kyra but he ultimately did so I was conflicted on who to comfort more. Christian had been feeling guilty all week and Kyra had been hibernating in her room with movies and ice cream. I had visited her yesterday and we had a girly movie day to cheer her up but today I stayed home giving Christian company instead. It was hard when your two best friends weren't talking to one another as I had to split time with them equally.

"Maybe I made a mistake" He murmurs.

"You did what you thought was best and you shouldn't punish yourself for that" I say.

I knew they would end up together eventually, they both just needed some time. They rushed into things so quickly just after Christian broke up with Alexa and so he just needed to work out his feelings. I just hope he'd do so soon because I hated seeing Kyra so down and I missed when we could all hang out together.

"Has Clinton told you about his girlfriend?" Christian smirks changing the subject.

"Girlfriend?" I ask amused.

"Well he won't admit it but I've seen him texting this girl constantly and he's been in such a good mood" Christian says.

I look over and sure enough Clinton was sitting by the edge of the pool, his legs in the water and his phone on his hands as he types away at the screen. I guess he had been in a good mood as I thought over it, he'd been sleeping in less and was always chirpy whenever I seen him around the house.

"I wonder who she is" I say looking over at him.

I made a mental note to go talk to him later and see if he would spill the beans. He wouldn't tell the boys cos they'll tease but he might tell me.

"Man I'm hungry" Christian complains.

"Go make food then" I reply.

"That's so much effort though" He whines.

"Lazy" I laugh.

"I've had a hard day" He smirks.

I laugh in response as I know he had had the opposite of a hard day. We were both lying on sun loungers and his arms were stretched behind him in a relaxed motion.

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