44- name?

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Mitchel's POV

I let my finger gently trace the side of her cheek, she was asleep as was Maya and I just couldn't get over how angelic she looked. I had spent the last half hour just staring down at my little girl unable to fathom that she was here. It was now the next morning and still early so it was just me awake holding her in the soft padded chair.

Everything bad from yesterday had been forgotten and cancelled out now I had her in my arms and any residing anger I had from the situation had dissipated.

The nurses did a few more checks on the baby while Maya went to sleep last night and I took that opportunity to get my face cleaned up and I changed into a clean shirt that I had spare in the car. The others had gone home to get some rest and would be back to visit today at some point, the only one who had seen the baby was Christian and the others didn't want to until Maya was awake.

I hadn't slept at all but I wasn't tired surprisingly, I was too focused on Maya and the baby. I never wanted to let her go and I only wished she could stay small like this forever in my arms but I knew this wasn't the case so I would have to cherish the time I had.

We still hadn't decided on a name yet because none that had been on our list seemed to fit her so as of now she was just 'Baby Cave' to us and the nurses.


I look over and see Maya softly waking up from her sleep, her eyes were still tired looking but she had been through a lot and I would make sure she rests up as much as possible when she was allowed home.

"How did you sleep?" I ask.

"Good" She smiles "Did you sleep?"

I could hear the concern in her voice, I knew she was ready to scold me for not having some rest but I couldn't bare to leave the baby in the room with all the others, I actually refused to let them take her.

"I'll get some later" I reply.

She looks like she's ready to tell me off but settles for a placid smile knowing she didn't have the energy to. Her eyes just stay focused on me as I gently stroked the dark hairs on the baby's head.

"Come over here I wanna see her" She smiles.

"You don't even wanna see me?" I joke.

"Obviously but I wanna see her" She says peering to look at her "You've had your turn"

"My turn?" I smile with amusement.

"You know what I mean" She laughs.

"No fair my turn was supposed to last until 10" I reply looking at the clock.

"Bring me my damn baby, Cave" She smirks.

I let out a soft laugh and I walk over gently handing the baby over careful not to wake her as she looked so peaceful, almost like a doll.

Maya cradled her in her arms, happiness radiating off her and I couldn't help but note how natural it looked for her to have her in her arms. She was made to be a mother and I had full faith she would be a great one.

"I can't believe we made this" She whispers looking at our creation.

"Who knew something so accidental could be so perfect?" I muse.

"She needs a name" Maya says, a small frown playing on her face.

"I know" I reply taking my brain for ideas.

A knock interrupts us and the boys come in, several gifts in their hands similar to the last time Maya was in hospital. They place them all in the corner of the room before giving Maya a gentle hug as well as sending me a congratulations.

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