20- cuddle

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Maya's POV

I looked out the window at all the buildings passing us by, the shapes blurring into one big grey mass. I can hear Clinton and Jesse shouting at eachother as they play on the Xbox and I just laugh quietly at their childlike behaviour.

I had been on the road with the boys for a week now and it took some time to get used to and adjust but I was finally starting to feel comfortable. After what happened with Xavier he refused to leave me at home while they toured so he made a bunch of last minute calls and arrangements so I could now join them.

The night of what happened with Xavier, he took care of me so well it was hard to believe why I'd ever let X treat me any different. He ran me a bath and sat his laptop on the small seat in the corner so I could watch friends while I was in and while it was a small gesture, it warmed my heart all the same. He held me as I let out soft cries on and off before I eventually fell asleep. I woke up a few times and I don't think he himself had slept at all because whenever my eyes opened I seen him either texting or on his laptop rearranging everything for me to be able to join them.

"You should get some sleep" I whispered as I turned around and snuggled into his side.

"I will later" He reassures stroking my hair "This is more important"

I had never experienced anything like living on the road. There were so many things you had to do and not do that I had to mentally make a list of rules to remember myself. Only take one shower a day and don't make it last longer than 5 minutes or you run out of water. Always make sure there's drinks in the fridge, use toilets at pit stops and much more.

I was at least glad Mitchel managed to change the bus so there was an extra small room at the back with a simple double bed and small window so I could sleep properly and not on one of those small bunks. Sometimes he slept in here with me and sometimes he slept in his own designated bunk. While the room was really small, I loved it and I loved looking out the window as I drifted off to sleep. That along with the rocking motion from the moving bus, it calmed me to sleep.

The bus door opens and Mitchel and Christian reappear with bags of food which I was thankful for because my stomach had been growling for the past half an hour. They pass out the different boxes and containers to the respective person and Mitchel hands me mine as he sits down next to me turning the tv over to Netflix.

"Hey we were playing!" Clinton whines.

"Not anymore" Mitchel replies "You can't eat and play anyway"

"I can too" Clinton beams "I'm a great multitasker"

"Oh yeah? Well how come you haven't done any of the things I've asked you to do today?" Mitchel retorts raising his eyebrows.

"I'm just getting to them" Clinton replies, his smile fading.

"Yeah I bet" Mitchel says.

"The files are rendering" Clinton says in a mocking tone.

"Just shut up and eat your rice" Mitchel says shaking his head while putting on friends.

I knew the boys didn't particularly care for the show but they always let me or Mitchel put it on because they knew I enjoyed it so I was grateful for that. I loved having an episode to watch whenever I ate. I tucked into the noodles happily while watching the tv as the boys had small conversation between themselves.

"Is it okay?" Mitchel asks referring to my meal.

"Great" I reply.

He smiles back and goes back to his own food and conversation with Christian. I really was grateful for him, I don't know what I'd do without him or his help. He had matured so much these past few months, it was sometimes easy to forget how he was before me being pregnant. I knew lots of stories, some which he told me directly; of his party days and wild nights. While he had the occasional cigarette here and there, he really didn't do anything else and I was grateful he was trying to better himself before the baby arrived.

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