31- Microwave

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Maya's POV

"Mitchel I'm so sorry" I start.

I didn't even know where to begin but an apology was probably the best way to start. I couldn't imagine how it must have felt for him to think I was lying to him, especially when he was so involved and excited for the baby.

He just nods his head slowly and I can tell he was still hurting, he was still doubtful and I had to put his mind at ease.

"I should have told you about this from the beginning but he was a part of my past that I didn't want to bring into my future and I was hoping he never would but I see now it was stupid of me to think that" I begin.

"Just answer me this" He says looking at the ground "Is she mine?"

I could hear the pain in his voice mixed along with the fear, I just wanted to hug him and kiss away all the suffering I had brought upon him these past few days but I knew I had to properly explain everything and pray to god he would believe me.

"Yes" I say "One hundred percent, completely yours"

"How do I know for sure?" He replies looking at me warily.

"Because you know me" I say "I wouldn't ever want to hurt you, I wasn't lying to you, I was lying to him and there's no excuse for that either but believe me when I say this baby is yours"

He nods his head slowly thinking over my words in his head and I could see there was obviously still doubt hanging over it.

"I can even get a DNA test if you want, anything" I say "I'll do anything to prove to you I'm telling the truth"

"It's okay I believe you" He says nodding.

"You do?" I say surprised how well he was taking it, had the roles been reversed I would have been way more sceptical.

"I know when you're telling the truth" He says before smiling slightly "And I know when you're lying"

He moves his chair over slightly so he was closer to me and he takes one of my hands in his two, bringing it up and kissing it gently before just holding it.

"You're no good at lying babygirl" He laughs "I remember when Clinton made you a veggie chilli and we all knew it was bad and even when you tried to convince him it was good, it was quite obvious you didn't enjoy it"

"It really wasn't good" I laugh.

"No it wasn't" He smiles shaking his head.

It was nice to be laughing with Mitchel again. I'd missed him so much in the short time we had been apart and being next to him again had comforted me immediately. The past few days I'd been ridiculously stressed and a bit of a mess to be honest. I had been living with Kyra and I'd spent basically the whole time crying and worrying and I barely ate despite how much Kyra scolded me for it.

"I still don't understand why you told him it was his though" He says furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well its a long story" I sigh.

"I have nowhere to be" He replies.

So I tell him everything; from my early relationship with Luke to his nature and to when I found him one day coming home. It sounded pretty insane just to even tell someone about it but he nodded his head and followed my story.

While he was still upset I hadn't told him about any of this, he was understanding of everything and I really didn't know what I had done to deserve him. I couldn't imagine losing him so I was glad we had managed to get everything straightened out.

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