21- almost

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Mitchel's POV

The sun was streaming in from the small window, shining straight into my eye. I squint and turn my body in attempt to escape the brightness. Maya was still asleep, her arms sprawled in front of her as her mouth was slightly agape, soft snores falling out her mouth. As I study her calmness, I realise I'm now wide awake and there was no point in attempting to fall asleep again.

I pull myself against her body, her back against my chest and I gently wrap an arm around her as one hand cradles her small bump. It was an intimate position, one that perhaps seemed strange when you considered the fact we weren't together in any sort of way except friends. I felt like we could be though, she had been fairly clingy to me since coming on tour, in an endearing way. I don't blame her; she was still shaken up over what happened with X and tour life can be pretty hectic and so she kept by my side.

I feel she may reside some feelings for me, or at least I hoped. We cuddled often and acted in the ways of every couple without the inclusion of kissing. I didn't press on it and I ignored whenever the guys asked me about her, I didn't need them filling my head with silly delusions. I was enjoying what I had now and even if I wanted more, I didn't want to risk losing the closeness we shared now.

I glance at the clock on the wall; it read 11am. I was surprised we had slept this late but then again we stayed up late anyway watching a film. I knew the others were also still  probably asleep from being out last night. I faintly heard them all filtering back in around 3am and while they tried their best to be quiet I heard Clinton stumbling around like usual.

Maya stirs underneath me sleepily rubbing her eyes before letting a soft hum escape her lips.

"Morning" I whisper.

She looks at me softly smiling as she lets her back hit my chest as she stretches out and turns around before falling into a content position lying on my chest. I loved mornings waking up like this, I loved the lazy cosyness of it all.

"Did you sleep well?" She asks.

"I always sleep well with you next to me" I reply twirling strands of her hair between my fingers.

"You're getting soft Mitch" She smiles, the faintest blush on her face.

"You say it like its a bad thing" I reply.

"I'm just saying your little badass rockstar with braids facade is slowly cracking" She giggles.

"Never" I beam proudly.

"Whatever" She says before scrolling through her phone.

I do the same on mine checking through various social media's although there wasn't anything particularly interesting but it helped pass the time as I wasn't ready to get out of bed just yet. The rumours online about Maya and I were only growing, she had been spotted at several shows and from Instagram stories and such it was obvious she was on the road with us. Some fans were okay with it but others were a lot more concerned and resorted to a lot of mean comments which was growing annoying, she didn't deserve any of their remarks and I sadly knew she read them all whether she let on about them or not.

I hadn't tweeted for a while but there were more than several people asking if we were dating in my mentions but rather than reply to any one individual, I decide to put out a general tweet in the hopes it would calm a little of the crazy that had been occurring this week on tour.

Mitty 🥀
Happiest I've ever been, only going up 🕊

I watch as the replies start pouring in and for the most it's worked and people are happy to see how I am. I like to reassure them, it was nice to see how much they cared for us all.

"I seen that" Maya smirks from next to me.

"What?" I reply.

"I have your notifs on" She replies.

"Really?" I ask smiling.

I didn't expect Maya to have any sort of notification on for me so the fact she did was nice and made me happy for some strange reason.

"Of course"

She sat up locking her phone but still leaning into me. Our faces were close, closer than they've ever been. I would never get over how flawless she could look even in the mornings. Her hair effortlessly fell in a body of curls over her shoulder, a few strands falling onto her face. Her eyes held my gaze like a prisoner and she was in control. It both amazed and frustrated me, how one girl could have me so helpless. There was a reason I never cared for dating, it held too much power, too much control over my emotions that could so easily be broken.

"Mitchel?" She asks softly.

"Yeah?" I reply, my voice just as hushed as hers.

"Thank you for always taking care of me" She says.

It came out as a whisper almost but I made out every word and it made my whole body ache wanting nothing more than to take away the pain that was still residing in her mind.

"I'll always take care of you" I say.

She nods softly but her gaze was averted away from my eyes, her focus on the metal from my necklace she was currently toying with in an attempt to avoid eye contact, her vulnerability was evident.

I brought my hand to her chin ever so gently tilting it up so her eyes were on mine again. I could see so many emotions in them, more than I could comprehend but I hoped and prayed that the same emotions I resided for her were swirling in amongst that pool.

I could feel my heart beating wildly in my chest, it felt so loud I wouldn't be surprised if she could hear it or feel it too. Our faces were almost touching, her nose grazing mine but she was still holding herself cautiously, scared to fully give into her thoughts that I knew must be racing through her head.

I needed to be brave. I had to do what scared me most and it could end beautifully or in ruins all around me. I didn't know if I was reading the signs wrong but I didn't think I was, she was leaning into my touch, I could hear her breath hitch as I slowly moved my hand from her chin to behind her neck pulling her in even closer.

Her lips brushed over mine, the touch hardly there but the sensation was electric. I go to pull in more, to kiss her properly and do what I had dreamed of for so long but a loud knock interrupts us, the banging on the door a cruel punishment for taking my time.

We pull away hastily and she nervously plays with her hair and grabs her phone again distracting herself as Clinton popped his head around the door. His smile was only making me more annoyed but I couldn't blame him, it wasn't his fault but mine.

"We're gonna go grab lunch do you guys wanna join?" He asks.

"Sure" I sigh forcing a small smile on my face.

"Cool we're leaving in twenty so get ready" He nods before closing the door again.

I go to look at Maya and I can see a faint blush on her cheeks as she looks down at her phone pretending there was something more important on the screen. I knew then that the moment and my chance was gone, over. I hoped I would be able to seize it another time but I gracefully accepted it was no longer now.

"I'm gonna shower" I state getting out of bed and throwing the covers off myself.

She doesn't say a word but continues to look at their phone while giving a subtle nod as I walk out the door.

I pass the boys who were for the most; dressed and ready. I send them a nod as I make my way to the bathroom and I turn on the shower. I let the water hit me and while I wished I was at home and I could just sulk in here for as long as I wanted, that was not the case. My time was limited and already running out. I get clean and turn the water off again before stepping out and wrapping a towel around my hips.

The action replayed in my mind, stuck on some taunting loop of what almost was and I tried to push it on my head but I knew that it wasn't going to be that easy. I was head over heels and I had a feeling. I was going to be stuck like this for a long time.


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