6- sidetracked

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Mitchel's POV

"Really? Justin Bieber?" I say trying to hold back my laugh.

"Hey you asked the question" She shrugs "I am merely answering"

"And here I was thinking you had good taste" I say shaking my head.

"I was 14!" She exclaims laughing.

We were currently playing a game of twenty questions as a kind of ice breaker, I figured it was the best way to get to know eachother quickly as we were going to be spending a lot of time around eachother, we might as well get acquainted. I had just asked her who her childhood crush was growing up expecting a good answer not Justin Bieber although I really shouldn't be surprised.

"Still" I reply.

"Okay fine" She replies "Who was your celebrity crush growing up?"

"Megan Fox" I say confidently.

"That is the most generic answer ever" She says rolling her eyes.

"And Justin Bieber isn't?" I reply.

"Touche" She nods.

Surprisingly I was having a really good time. Normally I didn't really care for the formalities of spending time with a girl outside the bedroom but Maya was actually really funny and a whole lot more interesting than girls I had previously encountered. Before I knew it, we were still sitting here two hours later and our drinks had long be finished.

"I should probably get going" She says giving me another soft smile.

"Yeah me too" I reply.

The boys were probably wondering where I was as I had previously told them I was only going to be gone an hour or so. I check my phone and sure enough there was several messages checking to see where I was, I had forgotten we were supposed to be working on one of our new tracks tonight.

We both stand up and I let her go first as we walk out the coffee shop. Even though it was now later and the sun was beginning to fade, the heat was definitely still present. I called an Uber for myself as I abandoned Clinton with the car earlier and I knew he wouldn't be too pleased if I asked him to come pick me up.

"Do you need a ride?" I ask Maya.

"No it's okay I'll get the bus" She replies.

"Are you sure? I can just drop you off on the way" I reply.

"No it's fine honestly the bus stops just outside my apartment" She says smiling.

"Okay sure then" I reply.

"But thank you for coffee" She says "It was surprisingly very fun"

"Surprisingly huh?" I smile amusedly.

"I didn't mean it in a mean way I just meant that Uh-"

"It's okay I'm just messing with you" I say sending her a wink.

A blush forms on her face and she says goodbye before walking down to the bus stop as I wait for my Uber to arrive.


"About time" Clinton moans "Where the hell have you been?"

"I told you I had a scan today" I reply firmly.

"For four hours?" Christian asks unimpressed.

"I got sidetracked" I shrug.

The boys still didn't really know how to feel yet about the news of me having a baby. Christian was probably the most supportive even if he was annoyed to begin with, I think he was proud at how I was handling the whole situation, I even surprised myself sometimes.

The others weren't unsupportive but they also weren't thrilled. My mum on the other hand, was over the moon. Once she got her long rant out the way about 'responsibility' and 'being a man' , she was actually very excited at the prospect of being a grandmother, I knew she would make a great one so I was at least glad I could do that for her.

"Everything okay then?" Christian asks.

I nod my head and smile thinking back to when I got to see my baby on the small screen in the doctors office earlier that day. It was crazy really, I had agreed to accompany Maya because I knew that it was something I should do and I told her I'd be there for her but when I actually got in there and seen the image projected on the computer, it made my heart feel things I had never felt before.

"I have pictures actually" I reply remembering about the ones Maya had handed me.

I grab my phone and pull them out the case unfolding them and I hand them to Christian who's expression I couldn't really determine but soon enough a small smile appears on his face much like mine did earlier. The others gather around too and also observe the paper in Christian's hand. Jesse gives me a manly pat on the back while Pat also gives me a silent nod showing he was happy for me.

Clinton took me by surprise though and actually took the paper out of Christian's hand and observed them closer tracing the small shape of the baby.

"This is so weird" He says.

"What?" I ask.

"Well I'm going to be an uncle" He muses "This little thing is gonna be my niece or nephew"

I hadn't even thought of that, Clinton was going to be an uncle and although I wasn't sure how good he would be as I had seen him struggle holding our cousin but I knew he would love it just as much as me.

It was amazing really how much love I felt for something I had only known about for a week, maybe that was the thing though, this was a whole different type of love. It wasn't like other love I had known in my life, it was new and completely raw and I couldn't wait to share it once the baby actually arrived.

"Yeah what do you reckon it is?" Jesse asks.

"What like a boy or girl?" I ask.

He nods in confirmation and they all look at me and I let the question circle my own mind thinking about it. Honestly it was too early to really say and you couldn't tell from the pictures, I didn't know what it would be. I shrug my shoulders unable to form an answer.

"What do you want it to be?" Christian adds.

"Honestly I don't care" I say smiling "A boy would be great and I could dress him like me or I could have a little girl and have like tea parties with dolls or some shit"

They all laugh at that and I think back to when we toured with lights who brought her little girl Rocket with her and so we spent a lot of time with her and she was very sweet and she basically forced us to have tea parties with her at least once a day and while it grew tiresome, seeing her smile made it worth it. Maybe I would be doing the same soon but with my own.

"Well whatever it is" Jesse says "I bet it comes out with braids already in its hair"

They all erupt in laughter and I throw a pillow at his face. I was glad they were at least warming to the idea of having a baby around because I was quickly starting to realise just how excited I was for it.


This story is mostly gonna be cute and short chapters to give y'all a break from all the drama in swim lmao

Again please vote and comment it helps immensely.

Also what do y'all think it'll be? A boy or a girl? 🎀💙

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