8- picture

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Maya's POV

I wake up and instead of Mitchel and I being at separate sides of the bed, we had somehow, during the night managed to find our way over to each other in the middle and we were now entangled in one another with Mitchel lying behind me. I notice how his arms are wrapped lightly around my stomach, almost in a protective manner. It was cute but also a little strange as we never shared such intimate moments.

I reach over and grab my phone and his grip loosens slightly but his hands still linger. My phone lights up to a ridiculous amount of messages and notifications and I'm overwhelmed with it all as I've no idea what's happening. I go to Instagram as that's where most of the notifications were coming from and my heart almost skips a beat as I see I have almost 400 follow requests.

I see the reasoning for this is Mitchel tagging me in a picture and I'm overcome with a mixture of emotions when my eyes land on his latest post which consisted of the the two of us posed in front of the mirror with his arms around me. He simply captioned it 'blessed'.

I hastily sit up and try to process all of this, Mitchel and I never communicated on any social media's and so this would appear all out the blue for any dedicated fans. My abruptness wakes him up and he squints at me with a confused look as he stares up at me.

"What the hell have you done" I say shaking my head.

It's not that it wasn't a cute photo or anything; because it was and that must've been the photo he took last night. But the last thing I needed right now was a hoard of teenage girls stalking me and making me their next target to harass just because Mitchel had posted that photo.

"What are you talking about?" He replies groggily while rubbing his eyes.

I simply take my phone and turn it round holding it to his face where he squints at it and then looks back up at me, seemingly not seeing the problem.

"My notifications are going crazy Mitchel" I state.

He sits up next to me now and I can't help but take a second to admire his toned body as he had removed his shirt during the night.

"You're welcome" He smirks.

I playfully hit him sending him an annoyed glare whilst also snapping out of my trance of checking him out.

"This is not funny" I say.

I begin to feel stressed as I scroll through all the comments people were leaving, some were supportive and nice but the good majority were people bashing on me and wondering who the hell I was.

"What's wrong with it?" He asks in a softer tone.

"Haven't you read the comments?" I reply.

He sits nearer and looks over my shoulder at the phone in my hand and a frown forms on his face as he too, reads all the nasty words. I'm guessing they all assume I must be Mitchel's 'new girl' and the caption was in reference to me and not the baby growing inside me.

"I'm sorry" He pouts "I was just really happy and I wanted to share it"

I couldn't help but feel bad for snapping at him, sometimes I found myself getting worked up over silly little things now. As annoying as this was, it wasn't the end of the world.

"No I'm sorry" I sigh "It's not your fault"

"I didn't think they would say things like that" He replies glumly.

"At least you can't tell I'm pregnant in the picture" I say "The comments would be way worse then"

I dreaded to think of the day that it got out that Mitchel was expecting a child. Some of these fangirls were crazy and I know I would receive all sorts of abuse for it, even if this whole situation was accidental.

BUMP // MITCHEL CAVEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora