2-steak sandwich

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Mitchel's POV

California. My home from home. Moving out here was the best thing me and the guys ever did. Sure Australia was the best place ever and I loved living there but there's only so far you can go in the music scene and so moving out to the creative city opened so many doors for us.

It wasn't easy and I'll never be one of those celebrities that praise that; it was damn hard work but now it was finally paying off and we had earned the right to enjoy ourselves now. Our fan base had grown immensely this past year, we put out an album and not to mention countless tours. We were living the dream and everything in my life was going great, my life was amazing.

The others missed home a lot and so do I but this city is unlike anything I've ever experienced and I thrive here, there's always something to do and someone to see. Sometimes it makes me wonder if I ever want to go back home to Australia.

"Are you high or just daydreaming?" Christian says snapping me back into reality.

I realise I had just spent the last few minutes staring at the wall thinking about how amazing life was. Yet another girl had just left my bed and out the door and so I was now sitting in the kitchen smoking a cigarette while relaxing in the sunlight streaming in through the window.

"Very funny" I retort.

"I never know with you sometimes" He smirks.

Christian wasn't exactly innocent either; he too had a tobacco addiction as well as a taste for liquor. He was more of an old soul however and rarely dabbled into anything more like I did. I guess you could say I was more the adventurous one.

"Seriously though, you good?" He asks.

I nod my head in return. I assume he already knew of the girl spending the night. At the beginning he questioned why he never seen the same one twice and I told him it was just easier out here. LA wasn't a place to make relationships, lifestyles are too busy and emotions get too complicated. It was much easier just to have plain simple fun and leave it at that. I knew he wasn't keen on my revolving door of women in the house but after the sixth or seventh he eventually stopped caring so much.

"Pass me a glass" I say.

He grabs me a glass out the cupboard he was currently searching through and passes it to me before I fill it up with some water. I take a sip whilst leaning against the counter and finishing my cigarette.

"So what we doing today?" He asks.

"Well I have plans" I say "I don't know about you"

"Plans?" He asks.


"And let me guess, this plan involves a girl huh?" He replies knowingly.

"Does it matter?" I reply.

"Didn't I just see a girl leave like ten minutes ago?" He sighs disapprovingly.

I nod in response only earning another sigh. It was okay for him; he had a girlfriend. He lucked out and got a girl out where who wasn't batshit crazy. It's not like I hadn't tried dating out here but honestly they were all psycho, they all crave the attention out here.

"One day you're gonna get bored of this" He states.

"Well that day is not today" I reply.

I lift my weight off the counter and head back upstairs to get ready. It was lunchtime now and so I was glad we had arranged on getting food as I had worked up quite an appetite.

I wasn't going to lie, I wasn't even sure I remembered the girl but she had my number and I had seen a previous text I sent her when hers came through saying I had enjoyed our night and so I knew she must have been good. I wasn't one for second hookups, mainly because they never tried to, most girls accepted it was a one night occurrence and that it would be nothing more. I gave them my number occasionally when I was feeling generous but very few ever used it.

So I was blissfully surprised reading a text from one asking to meet up. I figured there was no harm in a second round of fun, I probably couldn't push a third time without sending off wrong signals but a second was definitely safe.

I take a shower and throw on some clean clothes. Nothing fancy, just a casual jumper paired with jeans and converse. I braid my hair into my signature style and then head out the door. I give a small wave to Christian and the boys as I leave although they don't take too much notice.

I was never one for daytime meet ups but I had nothing better to do and I could go some nice food to help sober me up from last night that I was still suffering a minor headache from.

I wasn't really sure who I was looking for but I then see a familiar girl standing at the spot she had suggested and so I naturally assume it's her. I walk over to her and she shoots me a nervous smile confirming my suspicions.

I give her a quick hug and polite 'how you doing?" before we make our way into the restaurant. It was fairly busy inside and so we agree to sit in the outside seated area that was basically empty while being able to enjoy the sunshine and nosy at everyone walking past.

We both study the menu making small conversation just to avoid slipping into an awkward silence.

"What you having?" I ask her.

"Probably just pasta" She smiles politely.

"Just pasta? I hear they have good sandwiches here, they have great steak" I explain.

"Oh no I can't eat steak anymore now tha-"

She cuts off her words and I look up and her cheeks flush red. My eyebrows furrow in confusion as she goes to speak again.

"Uh now that I'm vegetarian" She laughs awkwardly.

I give a simple nod in return. Not surprising. Finding a girl out here who wasn't vegan, vegetarian or on some strange strict diet was rare.

We order our food and wait on our food coming. I could tell by her constantly checking the time and her leg bobbing up and down that something was eating at her mind and she looked like she almost didn't even want to be here which is strange as she was the one to ask me out.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

She nods but it gives off an unconvincing performance as she avoids my gaze once again.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

Something was definitely up and I was starting to think that the idea of a second date was just a ploy to get me to meet up with her. Perhaps she was another crazy fan that was going to stalk me again like one I've had in the past.

"Look if I'm honest I only asked you to meet up because I need to speak to you about something" She says.

"About what?" I reply.

I was growing impatient with her vague responses and a little annoyed that she was probably going to ask of a favour of some sort. Nothing I hadn't seen before.

"Well you see-"

She was interrupted by the waiter bringing us our food. We both plaster smiles on our faces as she places the plates down before walking away.

"You were saying?"

"Well um there's no easy way to put this" She sighs before taking in a deep breath.

She finally meets me in the eyes before muttering a few simple words that were about to change my life.

"I'm pregnant" She states "And it's yours"


Another short chapter but that'll be fixed soon, we just need to get the story moving and going 💓

Hope y'all are enjoying so far and I'd love to hear what you think 🌹

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