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Maya's POV

I was tired but I felt myself waking up. There was a bright light that made me quickly shut my eyes as soon as I opened them. I rub my eyes adjusting to my surroundings as I look around the room.

My eyes fall on Mitchel who was cramped up on the small chair fast asleep. He didn't look comfortable at all and I wondered why he was here so early.

There's a small knock on the door before a nurse with a kind smile walks in to check my levels. She chats quietly to me as she makes a note of all the numbers.

"He's been here all night bless him" She says looking over at him with a sympathetic smile.

"All night?" I ask.

"Yeah" She said "I told him to go home but he insisted on staying here with you"

My heart swelled hearing this and my emotions were already all over the place from everything that had happened yesterday and these past few days. I didn't deserve Mitchel and how caring he was, not one bit.

The nurse finishes up and heads back out and the closing of the door causes Mitchel to stir in his sleep. He slowly wakes up, wincing as his neck seems stiff from sleeping so funny on it.

"Morning" I say.

His eyes quickly snap over to me, a sleepy smile illuminating his face as he stands up and comes over next to me, one hand  taking mine and placing a chaste kiss on my knuckles.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"I feel alright" I shrug "I wish we were at home though"

I hated hospitals. I hated the clinics odour in the air and the harsh lights, the constant noises and people moving around. I just wanted to be back at home where I could lay with Mitchel on the couch watching silly films and eating pickles out the jar.

"I know baby" He pouts "But we need to get you better again"

I nod in response as I just enjoy his comforting touch, it always calmed me instantaneously and I knew that would come in handy for whenever I would actually have to go into labour.

"Why didn't you go home?" I ask.

"I didn't want to leave you" He replies.

"I know but you need to rest too" I say.

"I can do that later" He dismisses.

"Do you think they'll let me out today?" I ask hopeful.

"I don't think so Maya" He says "They need to monitor you"

I hated being here. Even with Mitchel's presence, I just wanted to leave already even if I hadn't even been here that long.

"I know you don't like it here" He says placing a soft kiss on my forehead "But it'll be over soon I promise"

Once again, I nod and accept there was no point in kicking up a fuss. It was my own fault I ended up here, I didn't look after myself so now all my levels were off and they weren't going to let me go until they were fixed.

We spend the next few hours watching the small tv screen playing reruns of old sitcom shows and we laugh at them together making jokes and it takes my mind off being in here when we were doing our usual routine we'd do at home.

The door knocks and the nurse stands there with a smirk on her face and a tray of food in her hands. She walks over to me and places it on the table and I already couldn't wait to dig into it. Even if it wasn't the best food, it was still food and lord knows I was hungry.

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