30- Luke

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Maya's POV

Tears started to spill out my face as I walked away from the house, I wasn't sure where to go or what to do to fix this. I'd landed myself in a huge mess that I could only pray Mitchel would listen and let me explain.

"Maya!" I hear Luke shout "Maya wait up"

I only walked faster which was hard when I got out of breath over the shortest distances nowadays. I didn't want to see him or speak to him in the slightest, that's how I ended up in all this mess.

Sadly however, he caught up to me and moved so he was now in front of me preventing me from walking anywhere.

"Go away Luke" I say through gritted teeth.

"Not until you talk to me" He replies "Why won't you?"

"Because you're insane Luke!" I sigh frustratedly.

"Don't be so dramatic love" He scoffs.

"Fine" I say "You want to talk? Talk away, what do you want?"

"I seen all your posts" He smiled "I mean I know you blocked me but Michael let me use his phone and I seen all the pictures of you with him and I know what you were doing"

He takes this as an opportunity to tuck strands of hair behind my face which his eyes looked into mine with adoration.

"You we're trying to make me jealous, to get me back" He sighs "Don't worry I'm here, I'm ready for you to leave that idiot and be back with me"

I swat his arm away, his touch making me feel nauseous. I thought I'd finally managed to get rid of him but now I realise I've only brought him back stronger and now I may have lost Mitchel because of my actions.

"We can be a family together with our baby" He says "I understand now that's what you want and we can have that"

"The baby isn't yours Luke" I say "It's Mitchel's"

"But you said-"

"I know what I said and I shouldn't have said it, I was angry and I lashed out but I was lying and it's not yours, it's Mitchel's" I explain "It's always been Mitchel's"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asks.

There it was. The anger. His anger always resurfaced even with his sickly sweet words he would hide behind.

"I only said that to make you go away" I said quietly.

A few weeks after I'd told Mitchel about the baby, I had come home one day and I'd found Luke in my apartment and I panicked. We had broken up months ago and yet he was still persistent in pursuing me. Soon after dating I realised what he was like, he was crazy and obsessive and he could never let little things go. I wasn't happy with it anymore and so I broke things off with him and at first he took it well which I was surprised at but then he got even weirder.

He would text me as if nothing had happened, calling me pet names and wanting to hang out. When I ignored his messages he would come round and I would have to psychically make him leave. I had done everything to get rid of him; I had blocked him on everything, I avoided anywhere he went and changed my locks yet somehow he had still managed to find his way here.

He was leaning over the counter of the table and reading a leaflet from the doctors, one in which had all the details of my pregnancy and I watched as his eyes scanned the page, his distaste present. That's when I took my opportunity, a last attempt in getting rid of him properly.

At the beginning of our relationship we once had a conversation about children after Kyra had been babysitting her cousin that day. I had expressed a longing to have kids one day but then he became very cold and serious explaining how he never ever wanted children and that it would be a dealbreaker. He even said that if I ever ended up pregnant he would leave me and at the time I laughed it off thinking it was a joke but then once I found out Luke's real nature, I realise he had been telling the truth that day.

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