25- Commotion

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Mitchel's POV

I run off stage, the adrenaline still running through my body as I bounce through the hallway backstage. That was one of the best shows I'd performed in a while but I pinned that down to my great mood after the doctors appointment earlier.

I'd been dying to know the gender for a while but now we knew, it was like we were one step closer to the little family I'd pictured so many times in my head. I was even happier now I knew we were definitely having a girl, I had been hoping and leaning towards that although I wasn't sure why, I just had a feeling that's what it would be. I was going to treat her like a princess and that's what she would be to me.

I walk into the dressing room where Maya was currently lying on the sofa scrolling through her phone. I wish she would come out and watch the sets more but I understood she didn't want to with all the fans around as most of them took a dislike to her and she was just a reserved type of person anyway.

"Good show?" She smiles.

"Amazing" I beam leaning down to give her a kiss on the lips.

After we found out the gender we spent the rest of the afternoon gushing over it at lunch. I think Maya was happy it was a girl too although I know she would've been fine with having a boy too. A girl seemed right for us and if she grew up to look anything like Maya herself, she was going to be gorgeous.

The rest of the boys come tumbling into the room still on a high from the set we just performed. It was out last show of the tour so I'm glad we ended it on a high note. While it has been fun exploring different cities and meeting lots of fans, I couldn't wait to go home. I'd missed the hills, I missed my bed and my mini studio set up in my room. I knew it would be much easier and less stressful for Maya too, she didn't particularly enjoy tour life much but I knew it wasn't for everyone.

I sat next to Maya who complained that I was still sweaty from performing and I proceeded to pull her closer laughing as she whined playfully.

"Get a room" Clinton says shaking his head as the others agree.

"You guys are so bitter" I reply.

"And you guys are sickening" Clinton retorts.

"They're in love leave them in alone" Christian defends.

I send him a nod as a thanks for defending us but I paused to look at Maya as Christian let the L word slip. I knew what I felt for the girl sitting next to me and while I hoped she felt the same back, it was still early and I respected that it might take time before she was comfortable admitting the same so I remained patient and I was taking things slow, in order to not mess it up.

She seemed unfazed by his words and so we continue on with generic group conversation before deciding we should head out to the bus to meet fans before we set off back home. I was pretty tired and I wanted just to curl up in bed with my girl underneath me as we watched some stupid rom com but I had to meet the fans. It never felt like a chore or anything but sometimes I just wanted to rest after a show but I didn't want to ever disappoint anyone.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll meet you outside" Maya says.

I nod my head and follow the boys outside where we were met with a few large groups of fans. I remember being in their position once, waiting after shows in the hope of seeing the artist and it was always still surreal to be on the other side of that now. It amazed me people cared about us so much and there wasn't any emotion to really capture how it made me feel.

"You were great" One girl comments.

"Thank you" I smile.

"Can I get a picture?" She asks.

"Sure thing" I reply.

I take photos with several fans and I felt like I did the same pose in them all but to them, I'm sure they didn't care. I look over and see Clinton flirting with a girl with long brown hair and I roll my eyes smiling. He always managed to find one every show, I don't know how he does it. Although, I suppose I was the same once.

I look around in search of my own girl who still hadn't appeared yet and I grew worried that she hadn't come out yet. The fans were busy speaking to the others so I quickly went on the bus just to make sure she hadn't snuck on while I was preoccupied. I did a quick scan around but I failed to spot her and my thoughts are interrupted by a small commotion outside the door. I recognise one voice as Maya's and I quickly run over to the door to open it.

"I'm with them!" She says.

"Sorry sweetie but that's not the first time I've heard that one"

She was frustratingly looking up at a security guard that the venue had insisted on providing us with for this show. I wasn't used to having someone like that around but the venue was adamant he hang around until we were on our way home as they'd had problems in the past with fans and artists near the venue.

"Look I promise to you I am, please just let me on the bus" Maya sighs moving forward to the stairs.

I go to interject with the guard and let her up but he instead places his arms on her side and moves her back making something snap inside me. I know he was only doing his job but he didn't need to use his hands, especially not on my girlfriend.

"Hey she's with me!" I reply.

He doesn't seem to hear me but instead continues to push her back from the door as she tries to push forward to get to me.

"Get your hands off her, she's fucking pregnant" I say louder and he takes his hands off her quickly.

He begins to apologise profusely but I just wave him off as I motion for Maya to come over and join me. I was angry and I didn't understand his need to manhandle her or any of them at all, they were just young girls, they weren't capable of any harm.

Our little situation had caused quite a commotion and both the boys and the fans had turned their attention to us and what had happened and there was an uncomfortable silence lingering in the air. I'd just realised what I'd done as Maya looks up at me with worried eyes and she looks round at all the fans looking her up and down as I'd now just admitted that she was pregnant and I'm sure it wouldn't take them long to piece together that it was mine.

"Shit Maya I'm sorry-"

Before I'm able to finish the sentence she had quickly run past me and into the bus shutting the door behind her as I was left feeling like an idiot as everyone continued to stare at me, silent whispers echoing through my ears.

"No more pictures" I say monotonous "Sorry"

I turn away from the group and head onto the bus hoping to fix the now big mess I had just caused.


Shits goin down

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