7- stay

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Maya's POV

The past month had gone by surprisingly smooth as far as being pregnant goes. My morning sickness had died down, I was feeling more energetic and I was actually doing pretty well in all aspects of life. Mitchel and I had also grown pretty close and he tried his best to see me every two or three days. We mostly just hung out in my apartment watching films or tv or we went for food, not to mention he always helped me grocery shop to always make sure I had food to eat and most of the time he insisted on paying for it, I always felt bad about that but he wouldn't let me even try to argue him and so I let him do it as it made him feel better knowing the baby was being fed properly.

We mostly hung out round at mine because I wasn't the most comfortable at his. His friends were nice and while they were all lovely to me, I couldn't help but feel they must resent me slightly for the whole situation. This would limit them all as a band and for that I felt guilty and so I tried to keep my distance, I didn't want to also annoy them with my presence.

"Pass me one" Mitchel says.

He points to the bag of M&M's in my hand that I was currently working my way through and I shake my head at him.

"Get your own" I reply popping another in my mouth.

"I can't even have one?" He laughs "One M&M?!"

I shake my head for no again and he just laughs at me. I was only teasing him and I would of course give him one after I'd had some fun with it.

"Please" He pouts.

I couldn't help but break a smile at him jutting out his lip and blinking quickly at me to make himself appear more adorable. It worked; even though he always looked cute anyway.

I wasn't sure of my feelings of Mitchel, I enjoyed his presence and we had a lot of fun and so having him as a friend was really nice but sometimes in these small moments I wished he was more. I wished we were properly together and raising a child as a couple, I wished he would spend the night and hold me as i fell asleep next to him and I wished I could kiss him again like I did the night we met. But then I remember all the complications that would come of that and I remind myself that a guy like Mitchel simply can't be tied down to one girl and while he spent a lot of time with me, I bet he still continued to see girls regularly like before. Besides, all these emotions might not even be real, they were probably just my hormones.

"Fine" I laugh rolling my eyes and passing him the packet.

"Thanks" He smirks popping a few in his mouth.

We were currently sitting on my couch watching some horror film Mitchel had insisted we watch. I wasn't keen on watching scary films and this one in particular had lots of jumpy bits that I wasn't really enjoying but I couldn't complain, I was mostly the one to pick films so I let him choose this time.

It was getting late now and I knew he would be leaving soon where I wouldn't see him again for a few days. I had grown to hate these goodbyes, I had realised how lonely I was whenever he left. Kyra always tried to come round when he wasn't to keep me company but even she had her own life and couldn't come babysit the pregnant girl all the time.

I watched as the man in the film hears a noise and walks slowly towards the staircase and I can't help but think it's a stupid decision, you never go investigating in the dark or alone for that matter. Surely enough as he reaches the bottom, the creepy music starts playing and I feel my heartbeat rise again as I knew something was bound to jump out. I attempt to hide as best I could behind my sleeve but I still kept one eye trained on the tv so I could see what happened.

Just as the man reaches the door and pushes it open, a scary face pops out and I feel two hands jump on me earning a loud scream to emit from my mouth. This is then followed by a loud laughter coming from Mitchel as he points at me and how scared I got with him putting his hands on me.

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