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Maya's POV

I say the words I had rehearsed so many times in my head last night out loud and I watch his face fall into a look of sheer shock. He drops his fork and his hand rushes up to cradle his face as his eyes blink slowly staring between me and the table.

"This is a joke right?" He replies laughing lightly, although slightly unconvinced even at his own words.

"Unfortunately not" I reply.

"Are you sure it's mine?" He asks.

"Positive" I reply.

He stays silent and I completely understand, I was the exact same when I found out too. I had my suspicions when my period was late and I started feeling particularly ill in the mornings. I went and got a test and sure enough it said positive but I'd heard so many stories of false positives so I prayed it was just a mistake but the doctor confirmed it was indeed true yesterday.

"I can't believe this" He says.

It was strange seeing him like this. When we first met, back at a lowly lit club he was one of the most alluring people I had ever come across. The way he spoke, the way he held his drink and the way he touched me; all of it exerted confidence and control. Now here he was, holding his head in his hands and looking like a scared little boy.

"Look I-"

"Sorry I can't" He interrupts standing up.

"Mitchel wait" I beg.

"I can't do this right now I'm sorry" He replies.

He quickly pulls out a note from his wallet to cover his meal that he didn't touch and he leaves the restaurant. I watch him walk away and I feel the tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I didn't expect this to go perfectly but I didn't expect him to completely walk out.

I was glad the outside seating area was empty because as the tears begin to fall I realise I must look like a complete mess. It wasn't that I was upset he left, I was upset that this was probably a sign that he was not interested in this child at all and while I tried to convince myself I'd be fine raising it alone, I was still terrified at the prospect.

I finish what I could of the meal and pay the bill before leaving feeling even worse than what I did yesterday. I didn't know what to do and I couldn't see Kyra until later because she had work until 6 and so I was alone and upset.

When I get back to my apartment I flip down on my bed in a sad matter as I let more tears fall. I was trying not to let myself get worked up because I knew the stress would be bad for the baby and for the first time in my life I had to be responsible for someone else as well as myself.


Mitchel's POV

I walk into the house and sit down at the kitchen table. I couldn't even think properly, there was so many feelings and questions in my head that I didn't know what to sort out first.

The only person here was Christian and he looks at me slightly concerned as I hold my head in my hands looking down at the table.

"Mitchel?" He asks.

I just look at him and shake my head with a loud sigh, I couldn't even form a response from my head being so messy.

I couldn't believe the words that came out her mouth. She was pregnant and it was mine. Mine. I was having a baby. I was going to be hopeless, I couldn't even look after myself half the time let alone a child.

"Mitchel what happened?" He presses coming over to the table.

"I've fucked up" I say "I've fucked up big time"

This was going to ruin everything, not just for me but for all the boys. We had just started to get big and we were good, we were getting somewhere with our music and we'd successfully done 3 tours and shortly about to start our 4th but now all of that was going to come crashing down. How could I continue to be in a touring band when I had a baby to look after? I had ruined everything for all of us, I'd let them all down.

"What did you do?" He asks.

"She's pregnant" I say muttering the words aloud for the first time.

"Who?" He adds.

"The girl I met up with today" I clarify "She's pregnant and it's mine"

I watch his face drop as he realises the seriousness of situation and what it meant for not just me but all of us.

"Are you serious?" He says "Tell me you're fucking kidding"

I shake my head no and look back down to the table. He was angry and rightfully so, this was one mess I was not going to be able to fix.

"I knew it! I told you this Mitchel" He spits "I told you all this sleeping around was going to get you in trouble one day"

"I know! Fuck you think I don't know that?!" I retort.

"I can't believe this" He sighs getting up and wandering around the room running his hand through his hair.

"I don't know what to do Christian" I say quieter.

How was I going to raise a child? How was I going to tell the others? Tell my family? My mum was going to be so disappointed.

"What do you mean?" He asks "You're having a child and you're going to be a dad, end of"

Dad. Even just the word seemed a foreign concept for me. Just the idea of me being someone's father was strange.

"How the hell am I going to raise a baby?" I say.

"I guess you'll just have to figure that out" He sighs.

I nod my head as I feel his look of disapproval continue to bore into me.

"Are you sure she's telling the truth?" He asks softer.

His words cause another question to swirl into the mix swirling round in my mind. Was it mine? After all, maybe she was just saying that because she knew who i was and that I had money. Maybe it wasn't even mine, I had just taken her word for it.

"I don't know" I say.

He lets out another sigh and in this moment I felt like I was a child and he was my father. He was a great friend but sometimes I wish he would just be that instead of lecturing me all the time.

"Well what did she say?" He asks.

"Well she told me she was pregnant and then I panicked and walked away" I reply keeping my head down.

He looks at me in disbelief and I know myself that I shouldn't have done that.

"You really need to grow up sometimes Mitchel" He says.

"I'm sorry I panicked! I didn't know what to do, I wasn't expecting to hear that" I justify.

He continues to shake his head and rub his forehead in his hands as if trying to figure out how to solve my problem as I clearly couldn't be trusted to do so.

"Well I suggest you go and talk to her about all this and then I guess we'll need to sort it out from there" He replies.

I nod my head knowing he was right. I did feel bad now thinking about how I just left her there and walked away but I just couldn't handle it, I needed to get away and be alone in my own thoughts. But Christian was right and I had to go speak to her.

"Okay" I say "I'll be back soon"

I get up and grab my phone phoning her as I head to the door and out my house.


Another chapter, I know this is a bit slow just now but things will pick up soon once the story gets going so please vote and comment and let me know what you think

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