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Mitchel's POV

I lie down in bed facing the ceiling wondering where all this anger was stemming from. I didn't understand why I was feeling this way and why just seeing X talk into Maya's ear was making my blood boil. It felt like jealousy but it couldn't be; we weren't together, we weren't messing around and I didn't even like her. So why was I angry?

Maybe I was just feeling protective? She was carrying my child and so perhaps I was subconsciously taking over that need to look after what was mine. X was a great guy and a good friend but he had a habit of playing around with the ladies and the last thing I needed was him to break Maya's heart or cause any unnecessary stress.

With every minute that passes and she's not here I grow more and more frustrated. I should've stayed downstairs where I could keep an eye on things but I just couldn't deal with seeing him be all over her and I had hoped that telling her I was going to bed, it would've prompted her to do the same.

I decide to grab my laptop and start messing around with some music to distract myself and thankfully it does, I loved how music always did that. It always managed to calm me. I started to work on one of the songs I'd been most eagerly working on these few weeks, it was the longest song to make but that was because I was doing it alone and I wanted it to be perfect. I'd taken all my feelings about the baby and the whole situation and poured it into this song and it had easily become the most raw thing I'd ever made.

As I'm playing around with some vocals I recorded earlier I hear the door creak open and Maya appears creeping in. When she sees I'm not asleep, she stops walking so quietly and sits at the side of the bed awkwardly.

"You're making music?" She asks pointing to the laptop.

"Yeah" I say simply continuing to play around with the buttons.

"Can I hear it?" She asks.

"No" I say closing the laptop "I mean not yet"

She seems taken aback by my abruptness but I was still somewhat annoyed, even if I didn't have the right to be.

"What's wrong with you?" She asks her eyebrows crossing in.

"Nothing" I sigh.

I love the laptop back over at my desk and run my hand through my hair before opening the door to the balcony. I needed air, the room was feeling all too stuffy for my liking.

I walk out into the cold air and I let it soothe me breathing in the night. I hear her soft footsteps follow me outside too and at first she doesn't say anything and I just feel her eyes on me but then she breaks the silence.

"Is this because of X?" She asks quietly.

I don't reply because I had no right to. If I said no, I'd be lying and if I said yes then it would look bad for me.

"If it's an issue I like your friend I can back off" She says.

"You like him?" I ask looking at her.

Her face flushes a shade of pink and she tries not to smile but I catch that ever so minor twitch of her lip. Her words triggered more jealousy in me but I couldn't figure out why. It was ridiculous, I did not like her that way. I push the thoughts out my head, I refused to succumb to feelings I knew weren't real.

"Yeah he's pretty sweet" She smiles bashfully.

I nod my head letting out a slight scoff that I couldn't help but let myself escape. Of course X was playing good guy, he was good at it; getting girls to think he was sensitive and sweet and innocent but I knew what he was really like. I couldn't even get mad because I was the exact same or I was, rather. It was all about the fuck and then move on, no emotions ever.

"Well you have fun with that" I smirk walking back inside.

Once again, she doesn't fail to follow me inside and I hear her close the door behind her with the same abrupt fashion as my tone.

"What is your problem?" She asks getting annoyed also.

"It doesn't matter" I say shaking my head.

"Tell me" She says firmly.

She was standing in front of me, arms crossed and a pissed off look on her face. I'd seen this before, mostly when she was hungry and craving something I refused to get her until of course, I did.

"I just don't know if you should be seeing guys is all" I explain.

"Excuse me?" She asks.

"Well you know because of.." I trail off motioning to her stomach.

"What does that have to do with anything?" She laughs in an annoyed tone.

"I just don't think it's appropriate" I state looking her right in the eye.

I was being an asshole and I knew it but I couldn't help myself. She was making me feel things I didn't want to feel so I was going to inflict them right back at her not caring how immature I was being.

"You're kidding right?" She asks.

"That's my baby" I say.

"But this is still my body" She scowls.

I begin to wonder how the night had turned to this. Things were going well and we were enjoying a film together and I enjoyed being that close to her but then the others came back and it all crumbled from there. It was all my doing of course but I had every right to be annoyed.

"This is coming from the guy who fucks a different girl every week" She spits.

"I haven't slept with any girl since I found out" I defend.

"Sure Mitchel" She says shaking her head.

I was telling the truth on that one. I had been very good and not spoke to a single girl let alone sleep with one.

"I'm going to sleep in the spare room" She states gathering her things.

"Fine" I reply shrugging like I couldn't care less.

"Fine" She repeats.

She grabs her stuff and walks out the room without another word and once I hear the door slam shut I throw a pillow at it needing something to take my frustration out on.

Maybe I wanted her to be angry at me, maybe having her annoyed with me would make it easier for me to not think of her in the ways my mind had been somehow trailing to.

I don't know how much longer I could stay in this sense of denial but for now I still held onto it because she clearly didn't want me anyway.

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