Chapter Forty-Four

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"You heard me right, Jane. Your cousin is against my Father. But that doesn't matter for now, what I want to know is about your stepdad being in jail for bad reasons."

I can't look at him straight to his eyes. I'm scared. How did they know? And Stephen? What's even his job to fight agaisnt Sebastian's Dad? I don't understand anymore!

He gently placed his arm on my thigh and I awkwardly moved away. I'm really, really scared like I'm becoming the coward version of me again. It's not that I can't trust Sebastian, and besides he needs to know something from me, but I can't. It's really not something to talk about. It's not something I am open to talk about. It still hurts up until now. I just can't.

"Jane, what ever that fucking asshole did to you, he will pay. I will make him kneel down to you and apologize, but I know that's not enough. I'm sorry. It really got in my nerves. I want you to be happy, and safe. I want you to forget all those things that keeps you from moving forward." he said and it made me glanced at him.

Is this the Sebastian everyone hates? Is it really him?

He then hugged me tight and I felt his head rests on my shoulder, "Don't be sad. I'll tell you more when you want to know more, when you're ready. As of now..." he paused and pulled away from the hug, "...I need to make you happy even if I annoy you most of the time. I will try, okay? Don't give me that 'awe' look." he said and it somehow made me smile. I laughed and hopped out of the bed, "I'm happy that you're trying." I said and went inside the bathroom to finally have a shower.


We all end up in an Amusement Park beside the sea this afternoon for the sunset up above the ferris wheel. It was Sebastian's plan since Beatrice and Peter really need to get along or else this mini vacation of ours will ruin.

We are all walking on the pavement, site seeing everywhere what ride we can enjoy. I always look at Sebastian because he's acting kinda bit strange since the thing we talked about earlier, and besides that, he looks tired.

Sebastian sat on a bench near us and I sat beside him. He's making me worried. I caress his back gently and hand him a water bottle we brought along the way. He immediately drank it and glanced at me, "Go on, enjoy this day, assholes. Don't mind me." he said and laid back. Everyone looked at him in a very very annoyed look ,"I already told you that we can relax at home but you still have this fucking stubborn attitude and now- let's just go home-" Beatrice was cut off

"No. All of you can carry on. I'll just stay here for a moment." he said and I looked at him. "We can't just go and enjoy all of these when you are just sitting there looking like a dumb kid who lost his Mom." Peter said and Sebastian looked at him, very annoyed.

"I'll stay with him. Don't worry. Just enjoy it." I said, to end their argument. They all looked at me, "Not you, too." Destiny pout and I just smiled. "Come on, let's give them time." Beatrice said and winked at me, I just rolled my eyes and watch them walk away.

I sighed and rest my head on Sebastian's shoulder. "I'm glad that you're starting to be confortable when I'm around." he said and sighed, "I should be, you know." I said and I heard him chuckled.

"I think we should go now." I looked at him, very confuse

"What do you mean?" I asked and he looked at me, "Well, I acted like I'm tired-well, I am, but that doesn't matter, so that we can go ride the ferris wheel alone without them." he said and stood up then grab my wrist.


I was sitting on the chair while holding on some bars. Sebastian here keeps on laughing because I look stupid on my position. "Jane, come on. It's not even that scary!" Sebastian said and slowly grab my hand, "Yeah. That's it. You can stand if you want to." he said then sat beside me.

Silence until we're already on top... Then it was sunset.

"I wish we can go here like everyday or even stay like this forever." he said and hold my hand tight. It made my eyes teary.

Silence again...

The thought about Stephen suddenly bothered me. It is somehow connected. Stephen said that he's going out of the country, and Sebastian's Dad didn't attend the dinner because he's busy all the sudden. Both of them are fighting for what? I don't understand! I don't know what's happening between them!

"S-Sebastian, what d-do you know about Stephen?" I suddenly asked and he glanced at me, "Do you really want to know now?" he asked and I nod.

"Well... I already knew him when I was little and Stephen was just a teenage boy who works really hard for him to live independently. He was falsely accused by my Father's men. They said that he stole some of Dad's riches and then give it to the Navou, Dad's enemy. Father thought that he's working with them, and he really was. But, I know Stephen never stole something from Dad, and he's a good guy."

"Then why you didn't tell to your Dad that he didn't stole anything?"

"I told him a thousand times, but like I said, Stephen's working for the Navou and Father really despise them for almost overpowering him and they are the reason why my grandfather died. They killed him. It was like a war back then–"

"How about the government?"

"Psh. The Government? They have nothing else to do and besides half of it is on the side of my Father while some are on the Navou's. It's kinda messed up. So, to make it more simple, Stephen is working for the Navou who used to work for Dad." he conclude.

It was so hard for me to take it all in.

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