Chapter 8

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AN: Hi idk if I gave a description for beth but she is gonna look like this

R- Fuck! I slam my hand into the wall! 'Fuck' I yell again as my hand starts to throb and hurt like a bitch without my demonic powers to give me more strength and dull the pain. 

Artemis bolted into my room with his sword drawn and in a fighting stance for whatever was threatening me. He goofs off a lot but is very serious when he wants to be and is the best fighter I know that's a demon that isn't me. 

R- At ease. There is no pressing threat. I say while I cradle my hand it had started bleeding, swelling, and bruising where I had made contact. I had made the mistake of not using my non-metal hand. My cast had gone off a couple days ago and I would probably need a new one after this. Zoey was gonna kill me. 

A- Ma'm what's wrong? Wow, Artemis was on high alert he never called me ma'm in less he was in his very serious mode where he is no-nonsense and very on guard. I hadn't seen him like this for a long time. 

R-I am okay besides a possible broken hand until we can go back into demonic form. Zoey and Beth are probs gonna kill me but besides that, I am okay besides the fact that my mother paid me a visit in my dream. 

A- That old hag visited you in your dream? I mean I am not that surprised she is called the dreamcatcher for a reason. What did she want anyway? He said putting his sword back in the scabbard that was on his back. 

R- She said she came for a reason but never got to it because she got caught up being a bitch about our past aka her taking my arm, leg, and my soul mate, then sending me to hell for all eternity. I say with a grunt of frustration toward the end. 

A- Ah so that's why you punched the wall you. You got frustrated like you always do when you think about the soulmate that you got taken away all those years ago. But besides that, she didn't really say anything which could either be good or bad because she did want to say something. 

R- Yah we really need to go into demonic form soon so I can heal and my metal arm is getting a little stiff. 

A- Speaking of that I feel like your getting sidetracked from our plan. We haven't caused havoc for several weeks for the damn angels. I am starting to think you are getting a soft spot for them in that stone cold heart of yours. 

R- There is one person beside's you who has or will ever have a soft spot in my heart and that person will never be able to know who I am or what I am to them for many reasons

Artemis's POV

 I sigh at Rex's statement. She is soooooo oblivious to who her soul mate is and even if she did find out I don't think she would accept it right away. Its gonna be really funny when she realizes who exactly is the person that has her heart. 

A- Look whether that is true or not we still have to keep our plan going. I have an idea that will solve two of our problems. 

R- Well what is it

A- You stay here in bed. I am gonna go outside release my demonic seal. Hide it again then come inside. It will get their attention to keep them on their toes and let them know we know who they care about and we can do whatever the hell we want whenever we want. When Zoey shows up worried about us you show her your hand and make up a story like I know you can. 

R- Sounds good let's do it. 

Back to Rex's POV

I head back upstairs and pretend to be a sleep because I don't know if Zoey will look through the window or not. 

About a minute later I hear the doorbell ring and walk downstairs with Artemis still on the stairs acting/looking tired and groggy. He was a good actor. I walk to the door and open it while rubbing my eyes with my metal arm that had a glove on it and have my broken hand against my chest. Not in an obvious way but still makes it somewhat obvious. 

There standing looking disheveled and frantic are Zoey and Sam. 

R- What are you guys doing here it is 3 am?

 Z- Umm we ahh... they said scratching the back of her head. 

S- We got a really bad feeling at our house and needed to leave immediately. We felt like an evil presence was watching us.  And could have sworn we could see someone watching us from across the street. Do you mind if we stay here for the rest of the night?  We are too scared to go home and with Rex being a black belt it would make us feel safer. 

A-Of course come in. We let them in and walked into the living room. When we got there we all sat down Zoey and I were in a two-person love seat and Sam and Artemis were sitting on the couch to our right. 

Z- What did you do to your hand this time. Trip again? 

R- No not this time. I said with a laugh. 'I had a really bad nightmare just before you guys came here and I got up thinking a demon was next to me so I punched where I thought they were full force but it just ended up being a wall. I am just hoping it's not broken. When I am saying this I see Zoey and Artemis glance at each other with a scowl and both of their faces. 

Z- Hey Artemis where is your guy's first aid kit?

A- Down the hall second closet on the right. Artemis and Sam start choosing a movie for all of us to watch. 'You guys okay if we watch a Disney movie I am in the mood to sing' 

S-I didn't realize you were such a nerd especially a Disney one at that. 

A- Rex and I both grew up in shitty neighborhoods and watching Disney movies gave us hope for the future. 

S- Huh that makes sense I am glad you guys had something like that. While they were talking Zoey came back with the first-aid kit and started rapping my hand. Sam put on tangled and we watched as Zoey finished rapping my hand. 

Z- Is that okay? She whispered trying not to disturb Sam and Artemis. 'I am sorry about it by the way'

R- It is perfect. And why are you sorry it isn't your fault.

Z- I feel like it is though... she said looking down. 

I raised her head with my finger and smile at her 'Don't I was being stupid and superstitious and it cost me a broken hand ' She smiled and nodded at me. What I missed was Artemis and Sam exchanging a look at the interaction we just had. 

We both turned and faced the tv and started paying attention. After a while, they shifted and I moved my arm onto the back of the chair so I was more comfortable. They seemed to be almost asleep when I did this because their entire body fell into mine and we where technically cuddling. I looked down and started to feel warm inside as I moved her hair out of her face. 

My head snaps up and Artemis had already sensed my panic and made I contact with me. My eyes were wide and worried. He gave me the do I need to get my sword and send these asses back to heaven look. I shook my head but he could tell I was still mentally freaking out. 

He mouthed 'what's wrong'. 

I mouthed back 'Earlier you said you knew who my soul mate was.' 

He nodded 

'I am not crazy it is the person in my arms right now isn't it. 

He nods and mouths ' Yes. Zoey Angel of life is your soul mate.'

Well I am fucked.

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