Chapter 33

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*The first day of Spring Break

It is 5 AM and we have a 7;30 flight but we are taking a special plane that my friend sent for us so we don't have to deal with security or any of that madness. 

I walk downstairs and grab two pans after making some coffee and tea so people don't just fall back asleep, and walk back upstairs and start banging them together to get people up. Griff slams his and Monica's door open and was about to kill me but Monica grabbed his arm and stopped him from doing something stupid. 

Max, Lican, Kris, Sam, and Artemis are slower to get up but get there eventually and go downstairs to wake up the sleeping teenagers who slept over the night before knowing that we were leaving early for our trip. Octavia had moved in with us after getting kicked out of her pack. I cared a lot about her and all of us were happy to have her. She stays at Raven's every once in a while but not super often. Most of the people in our group spend most nights here. I have slowly added some more rooms into the basement and underground so they could have actual beds if they stayed here instead of sleeping on the floor in the living room. 

I grab a quick shower and wake Zoey up with a kiss. They grumble and get up slowly, throwing on leggings a tanktop and one of my hoodies and walks downstairs for food and coffee. I get out of the shower and put on a crewneck and ripped jeans. (I don't want to keep saying glove just assume that Rex is always wearing it unless otherwise stated.)

I walk downstairs to everyone eating Max made pancakes and talking. I smile at Lexa and Octavia who are being competitive dorks. 

Rex- Okay guys finish up we have to head out soon.' All of our luggage was already in the cars. 

Carm- This is gonna be great! 

Laura- It will be! But wasn't it expensive to get tickets for all of us? There is like 30 of us.

Rex- Not really. I am rich as hell and one of my connections is flying us all out.

Lena- Cool! I am excited to get there! I hate heights and flying but it is gonna be a great trip. 

We all nod and finish our food and pile into the cars. 

I had told the other cars to follow me no matter how weird the route seemed because none of them knew we are taking a private jet. 

Lexa frowns from the passenger seat in my car when I don't take the normal turn into the parking lot for the airport. 

Lexa- Rex you do realize that parking was back there right?

Rex- Yes I am aware. We aren't taking a normal plane though so... Right, when I finished talking we got to the gate that leads to our plane. I roll down my window and show my license to the security guard and tell him that 'The next 5 vehicles are with me.' he nods and opens the gate letting us in. I pull up a couple of hundred yards from the gate, park, and get out of the car.

Everyone else follows me and their jaws are hanging open when they see the plane. 

Sara- We are taking THAT!!!????

Rex- Yep?

Alex- Is your friend Oprah or something? Alex asks only half joking.

Rex- I know her she is really great but this was not her doing. Max remind me to give her a call or something maybe we could have lunch or something. 

Max- Will do! After giving all of our luggage to the crew we all hope onto the plane for the 5-hour flight. 

*Skip to LA. Just google inside of private jet and that is what it looks like I don't feel like writing about a flight they are boring. 

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