Chapter 57

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Sam- Wait if Max is so protective of you then why did she let Artemis take over as second in command.

Kris- She didn't want to and she discreetly followed Artemis around with Rex for the first four years that he was second in command.

Thea- Really?

Rex- Yep

Max quietly says 'That's the time that they knew I was there' I am the only one who heard it and glared at her.

Sara- Okay that makes sense, but one thing doesn't add up. Kris is acting like she knew what happened back then and you said Rex never told anyone and you never told anyone till now. 

Kris- I do know and so do all the seven lords of hell plus Luie. 

Kara- How?

Max- A couple of years after the event I was still pretty mentally struggling with the fact that Rex hadn't stuck me in a deep firey hole and Hell was still getting it's shit together and during a court event someone ranted about hunting down some angels as revenge for what they did. No one but Rex and I knew the truth at the time and I snapped and stormed out of the room but it was a big deal and everyone saw. 

Kris- We followed her concerned about what caused that reaction. She was having a mental breakdown and was ranting about how she could be brainwashed again and could hurt Rex again. We were all concerned about her and Rex was clearly frustrated. 

Max- So she put a spell on me. Well technically it is a curse but I never have and never will consider it one. Max rolled up her sleeve and released the glamour over it too show the circular scar.  

Lena- What does the curse do?

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Lena- What does the curse do?

Rex- It prevents Max from doing something. 

Alex- That still didn't answer our question

Max- I was going crazy and this curse helped. If I have the genuine intent to hurt a demon ever again that hasn't done something to deserve my wrath I get a terrible shock and sent to a pit in hell for one week in demon time so about a month in human time. It also will stop me only three times then I will permanently be trapped in that pit for the rest of eternity. 

Yang- Wow...

Blake- Has that happened?

Rex- Yes but it was self-imposed by Max herself. Max needed time to think and figure herself out. 

Max- It took a while but I did eventually and I was a better person because of it. 

I walk up and punch her arm before saying 'You are still an ass hole but you are a better person'

Weiss- That explains why Max is so overprotective of Rex 

Kris- 'Yep' Kris said while popping the p. 

The others who left for food and came back with several large bags and set the food in front of all 4 of us who were on the ground. Misty is looking slightly pale so I pass her food first and then some to Laura and Max. They dig in and eat all of it super fast. 

Zoey- Rex you need to eat you just had a hole in your chest. 

Rex- I will be okay don't worry. 

Zoey glares at me but stops when Max hands me some of her food. 

Zoey gives a thankful smile to Max. 

Rex- Okay know that we have eaten where did you put the asshole of a cresent. 

Yang- I will get him, Kirito come help. 

They walk off and come back about a minute later with the cresent who looks to be around 20 years old and was sneering at me and my 7 lords. Zoey and Sam stood toward the back so they wouldn't be seen. 

Rex- What's your name weakling

Grant- I am Grant. I am the second in command of the 3rd battalion of the angelic army. 

Rex- Okay and who gave you the order to attack us

Grant- The highest ranking person in heaven that isn't high one herself. Zoey the arc-Angel of life. He says with a cocky smirk.

 We all look at him for a moment then all start dying of laughter. 

Octavia- For sure Zoey definitely did that 

Lexa- Oh yah for sure the arc-angel of life definitely told you to kill Rex

Yang just keeps laughing and Blake has to support her so she doesn't fall on the ground

Grant- 'What's so funny? It's true. She hates your guts.' I walk up and slap him across the face hard. Everyone seemed shocked but didn't do anything. 'What was that for?' 

Rex- Well, we will explain later. For now, Z come on out and show this idiot why we know he is lying. 

Grant- Who is Z? And why am I an idiot? I just told you the arc-angel of life is trying to kill you. You should be trembling in fear. 

Rex- Dude I am the con demon of death I have had Zoey trying to kill me for a lonnnnnnngggg ass time. This isn't anything new. Also...' I say as I move to the side to show Zoey and Sam standing there looking furious. 

Grant has a full dear in headlights look. 

Zoey- Hi. Zoey says while squinting their eyes and smiling slightly. They definitely seemed pissed

Grant- Ahhh hi high one. I didn't realize you guys already were taking care of these assholes. 

Zoey- Well we are on their side so we aren't 'Taking care' of anything

Grant- What?! Why the fuck would you help them?! 

Sam- Well Rex is their soul mate and we found out the truth about Serafin and how hell was created. We are on the right side of this fight. 

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