Chapter 24

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AN: hello

I slowly regain consciousness but keep my eyes closed until I remember what happened and figure out where I am. After a couple deep breaths I remember what happened and I sensed Zoey, Artemis, Max, Octavia and Lexa all in the room.

I groan as I open my eyes and I am blinded by the day light. Zoey is by my side in an instant.

Z- hey hey go slow okay

Rex- what the hell happened?

Artemis- dont talk. Breath deeply and listen.

Rex-what? Why?

Artemis- just do it.

I huff but do as he says. After about half a minute I hear it. It is quite but it is there. A small badum (idk how to describe what a heartbeat sounds like) but it wasn't just one it kept happening. Then it hit me

Rex- I have a heartbeat

Zoey- and I only have one heartbeat.

Rex- so us being soulmates is officially official.

Zoey- yep... are you disappointed

Rex- not even a little bit. Just a little surprised I haven't had a heart for a LONG time so it caught me off guard. What happened after I passed out?

Octavia- Well when Artemis heard the thump of your body he ran into the room and almost strangled Zoey because he thought she did it. I gave him a stern look and he gave me a 'sorry I know I fucked up look' while rubbing the back of his head. 'Max stopped him while we checked on you. Normally it is bad when you don't feel a pulse but for you it was weird because we felt one. Zoey put two and two together and we brought you too your room to rest till you woke up.

Rex-well besides extreme surprise I am okay just tired as fuck so I am gonna sleep. See you guys tomorrow! I say as my eyes droop shut.

*Monday at school

I am actually excited to go too school I have Mrs Danvers for history she has quickly become everyone in the groups favorite teacher. I walk into the class.

Rex- Hey Mrs. D how are you this morning?

Mrs. D- I am good. I have a feeling that their id gonna be some shenanigans this morning and I dont really know what to expect.

Rex- the unknown is the best. In brace it and good things will come. I say while turning around and waving at kara who is in her normal seat.

I walk back and take my normal seat next to her and as soon as I am sitting I sense to fists coming for the side of my head and quickly caught them.

I look and see a sad looking Lexa and Octavia.

Mrs.D- WHAT THE HELL!!!??? Since when were you two in my classroom and why in the hell would you try and punch your friend. I could give you detention for that you know!And how did you stop that Lucy? I am so lost...

Kara-mom calm down this is normal behavior for our group

Mrs D.-This is normal!!????

Lexa- yah there is this ongoing bet between all the girls in our group to see who can land a punch on lucy first winner gets 100 bucks.

Octavia- is that weird?

Oh those naive beans.

Rex-normally people don't try to punch their friends...

Mrs D. Interrupts saying 'thank you!! Someone gets it'

Rex- Mrs danvers I am a second degree black belt in several different practice and these two dorks asked me too train them and this is part of it so don't worry.

Mrs. D- well damn okay have fun with that

I turn to Octavia and Lexa and said 'You guys are getting better at hiding your presence I didn't notice until you were really close, just dont get over confident and stop hiding your presence even 1 second can make a difference.'

Lexa- got it! But you have to admit that we did better.

Rex- 100% i am really proud of you guys your doing better! I say giving them a smile.

Octavia looks down being the bashful little dork she is. Lexa just smiles at me.

The next couple classes went well and nothing crazy happened.

I decided to go back to my meditation tree and sit down. I can sense Raven Thea and Kris approaching me. If I had to bet who would try this time my money is on Thea.

Mental conversations are in italics

I hear a voice in my head that said '20 bucks says its Raven not Thea.'

Rex-'your on, Thea is impulsive af and will definitely try she wants that 100 bucks also'

I keep my eyes closed and hear Thea run at me. I catch her fist.

Rex-'you owe me 20 bucks'


Rex- just a heads up running is very loud when you are running on leaves

'Got it' Thea says smiling and plopping down next to me.'I will get you eventually'

Rex-Of course I am in a good mood now though I just made 20 bucks!'

Raven- How did you get 20 bucks?

Rex- I made a bet with Zoey that Thea was gonna be the one to try and punch me today. Zoey said Raven would do it, we beat 20 bucks and I won soo... i say while standing up.

Kris- Of course you guys created your link (the official name for a soulmate connection) so the fact that you finally have your mental telepathy isn't surprising.

Rex- maybe you will find your soon

Kris- what are you talking about? I am a demon I can't have a soulmate. I see her give Thea a small glance that the girl doesn't notice but I do.

Rex- That isn't technically true. You where an angel however briefly so you might still have gotten a soul mate but just haven't meet or noticed them yet.

Thea- Could Kris's soulmate theoretically be a non demon or angel? Like a human, werewolf or vampire for example.

Rex- For sure. Soulmates love goes beyond gender or species.

Raven- That is adorable and amazing. Also I might get killed for this but Octavia and Lexa are sneaking up on you.

I smirk at her and keep talking with the group like nothing is wrong but now that I know they are coming it is easy too sense them. They are getting better at this. They must be practicing with out me.

They get close and throw a punch a catch both and flip them on their asses.

They land with a thud and a grunt.

Lexa- ow

Octavia-  I thought we got better not worse leading us to get our asses handed to us.

She says with a pout. Raven walks up and gives her a hand up while I help Lexa up.

Raven- sorry O thats on me I may have warned Rex that you guys were coming.

O-damn i thought we where gonna get her but no biggie I cant stay mad at you she says while kissing Raven on the cheek

Lexa- How did you even know that we where coming Rex struggles and she is one of the best out of all of us?

Raven- I have figured out that for knowing where Octavia is especially when I haven't seen her for over an hour I know exactly when and where she is when she gets close. She also smells amazing. Raven says while blushing and earning another cheek kiss.

Kris-makes sense. You guys in for Game of scones and a little practice at John's place after school we can bring the squad plus.

Rex- sounds fun I have something new to teach O and Lex.

Their eyes go wide and they start discussing what it could be as we walk too class.

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