Chapter 10

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AN: Hey!!!!! So I can't remember if I described Beth but this is what she looks like in my vision of this story.  

'This is gonna be a long story and we have to start from the beginning the very beginning that even you weren't there for'

I take a deep breath and start 'It all started 6-7 million years ago with the start of everything...'

R-In the beginning there was only Seraphim as you know. She was ever present and the earth had no human life yet. She was bored and lonely so she started to experiment with creating angels to keep her company. Many many times it didn't work until she tried getting herself pregnant to see if that work. That is how I was created. 

Z- What?????!!!!! Your High One's direct descendant but you're a demon! 

R- Let me finish please don't interrupt. I wasn't alway's I will tell you about that later. 

R- But when she gave birth to me she didn't realize I wouldn't be able to actually take care of myself and keep her company for another several years. She was pretty pissed about this and once I was somewhat independent around 6 years old she stopped looking after me and started focusing back on creating angels. I grew up alone with no family and no love. 

Z- That's terrible! She said gasping 

I gave her a look that said shut the fuck up and let me finish. 

R- Once she figured out how to create angels I was about 18 or so and she created about 3 to start. You should know them as the council of elders. They weren't created to fight just help Seraphim rule. The four of them started to create Angels and humans. But there was no balance in the world and Seraphim noticed this. I was about 30 in years on earth but my body stopped aging when I was 18 or 19. You were created just before my mother decided the world needed balance. The human population was growing and there was nothing controlling it. I had shown signs of having really strong magical powers because I was a direct descendent instead of just a creation. So my genius mother thought it would be smart to create the opposite land of Etheral (the land where the angels live) to bring balance and send me there to figure out what is going on and sort it out and come back. The thing I didn't know was that she was going to tell the rest of the Angels that I had gone rogue and created this evil opposite place. As I was fixing things and creating a bond with the land like my mother had with Ethral the angels made a move at the area. I was unprepared in the beginning but seeing the people I cared about looking at me with such disgust and hatred made me snap. I turn toward Zoey 'You probably heard about the Great Slaughter that happened when angels invaded Nifelhiem (hell)'  she nods with a worried look probably figuring out what I was gonna say. 'Well, that was the bloody aftermath of me snapping. I have had many many names over my years of existence but Bringer of Death was and will always be my least favorite. I don't remember that fight at all I just saw red and then woke up an hour later with a lot of dead angels and my mother in front of me with a look of pure horror on her face. What pretty much happened was she damned me to live in hell forever to keep the delicate balance that is humanity. But by damning me and stripping me of my angelic status it scarred me in 4 places but I never told my mother about the fourth. The first two you can see are my arm and leg and she gave me magical prosthetics that fused with my system and work like normal limbs but have other 'benefits'. The next was my heart. Because my soul mate was an angel and I was now a cursed demon my soul mate kept my heart until a certain event happens which isn't important right now, but that is why you have two heartbeats and I don't have one at all. So I Nifelhiem up and the few angels that survived the attack got framed for treason by my mother and sent to hell but because I suffered they didn't have to as much, they only lost their wings. I appointed one fallen as a proxy king but all high demons new if I wanted it I was the rightful ruler. I gave three other fallen's the title of Con and territory to rule and to oppose the archangels. With the invention of Nifelhiem and bad things/people the bad people got sent to hell and good to Etheral. Every once in a while we will get a new fallen who did something to piss Seraphim off or just broke a rule. I slowly became known as Rex con of death and my reputation is mostly fake stuff people made up, I like messing with people but I don't kill unless absolutely needed or the person really deserves it. I made the proxy king make it forbidden to kill in Nifelheim or on earth unless with the written consent form me. It made sense because everyone saw me as death. 

Z- Wow so the person who everyone in Etheral idolizes and the ruler of the land is a grade a Bitch and a major asshat of a mother. 

Y(B)- Yep that is the jist of it. I go back into the room and put on a shirt and shorts hating being undressed in front of people. 'Hey, Rex you didn't tell her your actual/secret title.' 

R- First Beth watch the pronouns you use you may offend someone I say glancing at Zoey who was looking at me with a sparkle in her eye but quickly turned away with a blush 'Second I have no reason to tell them, they hate me and probably won't forgive me for lying.' 

Z-Thank you Zoey says looking at me ' and of course I forgive you for lying you were still honest about a lot of things or at least I hope you were.' 

Y(B)- Why are you thanking her? And Rex do it or I will she has a right to know and not hate you for your title. Also now that you know she is your soul mate it is going to become harder and harder for you to lie so you might as well. 

Z- I do not hate her! she interrupts

R- You did for a long time. You didn't like me because I am death and you are life and you just want more life and peace in the world, but for that to happen there needs to be balance. The world has to have something to counteract all the goodness in the world. Whether you actually want to interact as soul mates is up to you and you alone. I know what I want and I have known for years what I would do if I ever figured out who my soul mate is. I am gonna tell you my real name and then give you a day before I return here and hear what you want to do. 

She is in a dazed state. She nods understanding. 

R-The name and title I was born and given is Naxer of Balance. 

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