Chapter 60

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Rex- Come on Frankie you of all people should not assume peoples genders. And sorry to say but they are off dealing with some angelic business and won't be back for a couple of days.

Frankie- Fair enough my bad but in my defense, you are gay so it wasn't a random assumption it had-

Quinn- OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! We heard Quinn shout from the back yard. I chuckled and Frankie gave me a questioning look.

I gave him a mock bow as I said 'After you'

Frankie and I walked out into the yard to see Ruby drunkenly flirting with Alex. Which is hilarious and making her blush so much. I have to remember to ask her about that later. 

As I sense two fists come for my face and I can barely duck out of the way and as Lena and Carm jump from the roof and try to do a superman punch as they do. I do a back handspring to get out of their way right as I stand Raven tries to sweep my feet but I teleport out of the way and into the tree where the can't get me. Or so I thought. 

Clarke jumped down and got a centimeter away from my face before saying 'Gotcha' 

I jump down and Clarke follows as the others cheer and high five. 

Kelly- What the hell just happened? 

Raven- We each just got 16 bucks. 

Blake S.- How exactly. That was some serious ninja shit though.

I sigh and say 'They had a long-standing bet that the first person to land a hit on me gets 100 dollars, but it seems that they took my advice and worked together and divided the reward. Also who exactly is giving you the money?

Artemis- That would be me I wanted to see if they could. 

Sara had seen the commotion and walked over with Alex, Wendy, Misty, and Laura. 

Sara- Who are the 4 newbies. 

Frankie moved out from behind me and closed his eyes as he waved. I saw Sara's eyes flash before her eyes widened and she ran away. 

Frankie- Ummm Okay?' Frankie looked worried and sad. 'Did you tell them?'

Rex- Of course not that is your story to tell if and when you are ready. I say giving him a small smile. 

Wendy- Huh? I am so confused. 

Rex- Frankie go talk to Sara she has some trust issues things and I think you just scared her for a reason that isn't my place to say. Frankie nods and walks off to find her. 

Rex- Look that is Frankie. He is super cool and is also the person that designs pack tattoos. It is his special magical ability. Megan usually gives them. This is Cecilia she is in charge of the vampire species and is also Carm's mom and my old friend. Megan is the tattoo artist who did my arm tattoo and is also a very strong vampire and general. Oh speaking of Ruby, Megan wants to give you a tattoo. 

Ruby- Sounds fun I am in. Her tattoo is sick so you must be good. 

I nod and continue 'This is Quinn he is a young Vamp who is apprenticing under Griff.'

Wendy- Really?

Kara- Don't doubt it. They actually go really well together. 

Rex- True, we also have school tomorrow so we can't stay up too late unless we want to take tomorrow off. 

Beth glares at me and was about to say something but Kris interrupts and says 'Let's do it I will call us in sick.' 

Beth backs down once she realizes Kris is on board. 

Sara's POV

God dammit he was cute. I ran away so fast I hope I didn't offend him. I thought my soul mate was going to be a girl but I don't care. He was just so great even though I don't anything about him. 

I walk out the front door and take a seat on the front step. Even if he knew I was soul mate I doubt he would ever want someone with the baggage I have. 

A couple of seconds later I hear the door open and I can smell it was him. 

Frankie- Hey,...

Sara- Hi. 

Frankie- Did I do something to you? Do I offend you because of who I am? Unless Rex's is lying and told you, you would have no way of knowing so. Why the hell are you being weird and distant? 

I sigh and say 'Look it's not your fault. You did nothing to offend me and I have no idea what you are talking about. It was a personal choice to run away and it was slightly because of you but not because of anything you did. 

Frankie- Well will you at least give me a chance to become your friend. You seem super cool.' I hear him mumble 'and pretty' under his breath.

Sara- Look it will be better for both of us if we don't. I say as I stand up and walk toward the tree that is in the front yard. 

Frankie- What? Why? You don't even know me. 

Sara- Look do you know exactly what everyone in that backyard is. 

Frankie- Yah it's a Moche pit of literally every supernatural being out there including some very famous humans. 

Sara- Yah well if you can't tell I am a werewolf, and I don't know if you know this but werewolves have soul mates. 

Frankie- I know that. What's your point. 

Sara- Well when I saw you I realized your soul mate but you deserve better than a damaged person like me. So I ran away and I was planning on avoiding you till you left. 

Frankie- Well that was stupid of you. 

Sara-Why is that? It seemed like a great plan in my brain. 

Frankie- Well it would start hurting you mentally and physically if you kept avoiding me and it is also stupid that you would think I wouldn't want you. I mean you are gorgeous. But you wanting to be with me is another story. 

Sara- Why is that? You seem pretty damn amazing. 

Frankie- Ah. Well, you see...

I raise my eye at the redhead boy who was sitting next to me. 

Frankie- The thing is...

Sara- Nothing you can say can change the way I can or will feel about you in the future. I say grabbing their hand and squeezing it lightly. 

Frankie- Frankie wasn't always my name. 

Sara- What do you mean?

Frankie- I am transgender. 

Sara- Huh. Cool. Okay let's go back to the others I want to talk with P!nk more.

Frankie- That's all? You aren't going to flip out and reject me. 

Sara- Nah I am pansexual and you are my soul mate so you are kinda stuck with me for the rest of your life. 

Frankie- I could seriously get behind that idea. He said with a wide smile. I stand up and grab his hand and help him stand up as we walk back into the house hand in hand. 

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