Chapter 58

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Zoey- Well we are on their side so we aren't 'Taking care' of anything

Grant- What?! Why the fuck would you help them?!

Sam- Well Rex is their soul mate and we found out the truth about Serafin and how hell was created. We are on the right side of this fight.

Grant- They are DEMONS!!!! You are on the wrong side of this. 

Rex- Look you don't know shit about this world the angel world or hell if you think we are on the wrong side. 

Grant- That's bull. Your an evil demon. Period.

Sara- It's ignorant assholes like you that make me understand why hell exists. You may be an angel but you are worse then every demon I have ever met and I have met the 8 people who are supposed to be the worst.

Grant scoffs and just glares at us.

Lena- Oh shit... You didn't. She glares at him hard and is practically growling at him. 

I raise an eyebrow at her and Lexa says 'Oh shit. He definitely did.' 

Carm- What is going on?

Grant- Aw so you guys figured it out.

Artemis- Will you two geniuses explain what the fuck you figured out. 

Lexa walks up and punches Grant as hard as she could and her eyes clearly flashed gold. Revealing her wolf knew what the fuck was going on.

Lexa- This is the asshole that put the curse on the house in L.A. that almost killed you guys. 

Zoey- Oh this mother fucker is gonna die. Zoey said while walking up and was about to punch him hard but Sam grabbed their arm. 

Sam- Zoey that isn't the right thing to do and you know it. Even if he deserves it majorly will bring him to court in heaven where he will be punished properly. 

I walk up and slap him hard before saying 'That is for hurting my family. Make that mistake again and I won't be so nice. They won't hurt you but I know the punishment for what you have done and I am gonna save a special spot in a deep pit in hell for you' 

He looks scared shitless

Sam- We will take care of him. 

Zoey- We will be back as soon as we can but the trail might take a little while and we probably have to deal with paperwork and probably have to hold court once or twice. 

Rex- Okay have fun. We will miss you. And stay safe. 

Zoey walked up and pulled me into the back room. 

Rex- 'What's u-' I was shut up as Zoey pushed me up against the wall and kissing me hard. It is filled with lust and passion and love all at the same time. After a minute we finally pull apart to breath 'Well okay then.'

Zoey laughs at me and says 'Sorry I needed to make up for the time we are gonna spend apart, and I also really wanted to kiss you.' 

Rex- Fair enough, I am a great kisser. 

They punch me in the arm and walk back out into the room to grab the cresent and Sam before leaving. 

Octavia- You okay?

Rex- To be honest not really. Being away from them will suck but I have you guys to keep me company until they get back. 

Lexa- That is true. Now can we go home my wolf is itching to run around and I am also. 

Octavia nods in agreement.

Lexa- Also what is a beta? My wolf said that when she saw Octavia and I didn't know what she meant. 

Kris- Called it.

Griff- You did. 

Monica- But it was also very obvious and anyone could have seen it. 

Octavia- Umm can you guys explain, please.

Rex- There is a bond in the werewolf species that isn't a soul mate bond but is just as strong and important. It is called the Alpha-Beta bond. Lincoln is the beta of his pack. 

Lexa- But what does it mean. 

Max- It means that Octavia is your second in command and is going to protect you with her life for the rest of her life

Octavia- That's it? I was gonna do that anyway. 

Lexa laughs at the girl and pulls her into a hug. 

Rex- Okay break it up let's head to the house. 7 idiots of hell everyone teleport like 5 people each. 

I grab Kara, Sara, Alex, O, and Lexa. 

Alex- Are you sure you are okay to teleport? You just had a very large hole in your chest.

Rex- I am all good don't worry. Misty and Laura worked their magic and I ate a ton of food so my energy is fine. After I finish my sentence I teleport us into the backyard.

They adjust for a minute and then Lexa growls and says "Intruders" 

Just as I realized who exactly was in my house Octavia and Lexa had rushed at the back door with their swords drawn with Alex slightly behind them with her sword drawn. It is swung open and their stands Blake Shelton with his back facing them. 

I teleport quickly between them and block two swords that dig into my metal arm and two that dig into my metal leg as the last one stabs my shoulder. 

Blake spins around quickly and looks shocked as I spit a little blood out and the others who just teleported show up in the backyard to the escalated scene. 

Blake calls into the house  'Guys get out here now!'

Octavia- Crap! 

Kara- Rex! 

Everyone rushes up to me but I calmly pull the swords out of my arm and leg before grabbing the one that was buried in non-metal flesh. I grit my teeth as I yank the sword out. I drop to a knee from the pain. The people in the house rush out also. 

Rex- Ow. 

Kris- What the hell happened! We weren't with you for all of 10 seconds and Rex has been stabbed again! One was enough! 

Rex- Calm down, They weren't using angelic blades so I will heal in a couple of minutes

Artemis- Still what the hell guys?!

Lexa- We thought there was an intruder

Kris- So you thought Rex was an intruder? She owns this fucking house. 

Halsey had run up to me in the middle of the argument to make sure I was okay. 

Octavia- No we sensed these dorks' Oh said while pointing at the group of actors standing on our back porch. 'We thought they were angels and because our wolves are so jumpy they acted for us and charged with our swords getting ready to stab whatever came out of the door. We didn't realize it was Blake until it was too late and we were about to stab him. Rex teleported in the way so Blake wouldn't die.' 

Blake- Thanks for that by the way. He said giving me a smile. 

Rex- No worries I will be fine soon. I mean I just had a massive hole in my chest and I survived that so this was nothing.

Taylor- You had what now!!!???

Rex- Long story

P!nk- Where are Zoey and Sam by the way

Yang- That is related to the long story. 

Ruby- fair enough

Rex- Can we go inside, I am still hungry.

Monica- Yah I also promised Galant and Fenrir that they could come back out and walk around and explore. 

Kelly- Who are they?

Lena- I am still not sure but it is part of the long story 

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