Chapter 39

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Erin- I got no idea I haven't seen you interact with anyone so I can't make a good guess. Can you bring them over so we can get some photos with you and your S.O?

Rex- Sure Z! Raven! Clarke! Get your butts over here!

They all walk over and give us a hug. 

Rex- Erin this is Zoey, my partner, Raven, Octavia's girlfriend, and Clarke, Lexa's girlfriend. 

Erin- I hope I don't offend you by asking why is Zoey your partner but Raven and Clarke are girlfriends with Lexa and Octavia. 

Lexa- That is a reasonable question. Zoey is non-binary and for the viewers who may or may not be watching, that means when I person identifies as neither gender and prefers they/them pronouns instead of how most people use she/her or he/him. 

Erin- Oh thank you for explaining! I am not the most knowledgeable on the subject and I don't know if a lot of people are but explaining is a good first step!

Zoey- No worries! No person is going to get mad at you if you politely ask them to explain. 

Erin nods in agreement and says 'Do you guys mind if we get some photos I think I might do a segment on you on snapchat tomorrow because you guys are so adorable. 

Octavia- Hell yah!! That is gonna be so cool! It was cool meeting and talking to you! 

We spread out into three different areas for photos. I am with Zoey and the flashes get bright so they turn into my shoulder to hide for a second. I look down at them not caring about the camera's anymore just wanting to look at the shy Zoey. It is a side of them I rarely see. 

They sense me starring so they look up and start staring at me also. I stop caring about the other people in the room because they are the only person that seems to matter in the world right now. They lean up and give me a kiss on the check. 

There is a chorus of 'Awwwwwwws' from the reporters and my fellow friends who saw us from the carpet. 

I rub the back of my neck and look down while blushing at the extra attention. Zoey laughs at me and we continue taking photos for another minute before walking up to another reporter and his cameraman. 

Guy- Hello! I am Trey I am with TMZ do you mind if I ask you guys some questions? After tonight I think everyone is gonna want to know more about Hollywoods new it couple. 

Zoey- I don't think we will be Hollywoods it couple but you can ask us questions. 

Trey- You guys are adorable! How long have you guys been together? 

Rex- We actually hated each other for a really long time but recently became friends because of one of our mutual friends Beth prevented us from killing each other. Eventually, we started getting along and being friends a couple of months ago but became a couple about two months ago. 

Zoey- Actually our two-month anniversary is in three days. 

Trey-Awwww that's adorable! Congratulations! Do you guys mind if we play the girlfriend tag it is a youtube challenge were you answer questions the way you think the other would. We nod and he hands us, white boards. 'Okay, first question. What is the others favorite candy?' We both smile and quickly write down the answer. 'You guys seem very sure about your answers'

Zoey-We have had a whole argument about which is better. SOMEONE' Zoey says giving me a look 'Thinks chocolate is better than sour patch which is just completely absurd! Sour patch is the best period!' 

Rex- Not a chance! Chocolate is the best by far! Okay, viewers tweet #chocoisbetter if you think I am right. I am! or #S.Pisbetter if you think Zoey here is right, they are not!' 

Trey- Oh my god you guys really are adorable!' We laugh at the grown man fangirling. 'Who is the more outgoing person' We didn't use the whiteboard since both of us knew the answer to that and I pointed at Zoey while they pointed at themselves. 'Wow, really Rex seems so social!' 

Rex- Nope. I said popping the p. 'I hate interacting with new people and I don't trust people very easily and I can be friendly but I usually end up be awkward and antisocial.' 

Zoey- It's true and really funny! But when she get's pissed off she can make everyone shut up real fast and can be quite scary. They say with a shudder. 

Trey- Jeez why is she so scary? She seems like a giant teddy bear. 

Halsey walks up from behind us and throws her arms around our shoulders and says 'She is a big teddy bear but she is a big teddy bear with claws. Rex is a third degree? She gives me a look for confirmation. I nod ' Black belt in one art and a second in another two martial arts.'

Trey- Well damn famous badass and an icon! You are seriously an amazing person!

Rex- Thanks but I don't see how I am an icon I mean I only have been in the public eye for about an hour. 

(I am writing at night and have to go to bed sorry for not finishing. I am going to start writing another story kinda similar to a robin hood story please go check it out when it gets published)

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