Chapter 31

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I run up to the bench and Lexa gives me a weird look and says 'Who was that?' 

Rex- She is a nice girl that I knocked on her ass. I felt bad so I helped her up and turns out she is probably the same as Laura if I had to bet. I got called over before we can talk a lot but I said we would talk after the game. She could maybe help our small little army. 

Octavia- Sounds fun! But right now she is the enemy so let's go shoot some baskets while we still have time. We can invite her to Kara's after the game. 

We nod in agreement and go grab some balls to shoot on our side of the court. It goes by quickly with lots of laughs and funny shots. The ref blows his whistle letting us know that half time is almost over. We go back to the bench and Coach tells us 'Okay girls let's keep up the hard work! Lexa, Pheonix, Rex, Mellisa, and Wesley you are in. Octavia, you are going to sub in for Mellisa after a couple of minutes so stay ready.' We nod and the five of us run onto the court.

Zoey's POV

I was still glaring at that girl that Rex knocked down. I didn't like her flirting with my girl, but my attention got drawn back to the center court when the ref blew the whistle. I see Lexa, Rex, Wesley, a girl I didn't know, and Pheonix all run onto the court. 

The other team started with the ball. Our team was on the other side of the court getting ready to play defense. I didn't know a lot about basketball but I had enough knowledge to understand what is going on during the game.

The other team dribbles down the court and I see Lexa pick up the person who dribbled down the court. The ball gets passed around a couple of times at the top of the key. I see the girl Rex is guarding try and post up on her. The girl gets the ball and I see Lexa slip down court probably trusting that Rex can guard her. Lexa was proven right when the girl gets swatted by Rex. Getting the rebound quickly and throwing it down the court to Lexa but before anything else could happen a girl slams into Rex sending her flying into the nearby wall. I stand quickly worried about Rex and wanting to go kill that girl who did it. The ref quickly blows the whistle and calls a technical foul and throws the girl out of the game. Octavia runs off the bench to check on Rex while Lexa drops the ball and runs over with her with the small girl from earlier close behind. I want to run down but Lican grabs my arm giving it a reassuring squeeze trying to convey that she will be okay. 

Rex's POV (It is gonna be a little farther back in time, not a lot)

This big girl was trying to post up on me when she got the ball and tried to pull a fast one and pull up for a shot. I quickly block her and see Lexa down the court so I grab the rebound and throw it to her. Before I could follow my throw and try and help, one of the girls from the other team slams into me sending me flying into the wall. It hurt like a bitch because I didn't have my demonic strength and I was practically human so getting hit that hard hurts like a bitch. I was too distracted by the game to sense her and dodge it. 

I keep my eyes closed and choose not to move because it is too painful at this moment. I feel someone touch my shoulder and slowly open my eyes to see Octavia and Lexa kneeling next to me with Kit standing behind them with a worried look. 

I try and sit up but my head is throbbing. Lexa helps me up and says 'Take it slow that was a hard hit even for you' Octavia looks worried. 

I finally get upright and lean against the wall but I am still on my butt.

Octavia- You okay Rex?

Rex- Yah I will be okay just give me a second... I say putting my hand to my forehead. 

One of the refs walks up and says 'Take your time. Kit can you go get her some water?' 

I sense Kit run away getting my water bottle from our bench and come back passing it to me. I take a long drink and pass it to Octavia and say 'Lex can you give me a hand. Once I am standing I should be able to stand alone.' She nods and stands up on her own offering her hand to help me up. It takes some effort and I have to put most of my weight on my metal leg but I am okay. 'Thanks dude' I say letting go of her arm and walking back to the court. 

Mackenzie walks up to me and says 'Hey dude sorry about that are you okay? That wasn't cool of Frankie and we will definitely scold her later.' 

Rex- No worries don't worry about it let's just finish the game. I will be okay eventually. I say giving her a small smile. 

I walk to the other side of the court and send Zoey a smile to let her know that I am okay and use the mind link to say 'Don't worry I am okay '  

They just smile and yells 'Go Knights!!' Everyone else in our section of the crowd follows their lead and cheers along. I stop by the bench and tell coach 'I am okay to stay in the game'

She gives me a worried look and just says 'Okay but if it gets to be too much let me know and I will take you out.'

I nod and walk over to the free throw line and take my two shots. After we get possession of the ball and the game continues. It is a close match throughout all the quarters. There are less than 30 seconds left in the fourth quarter and the game is tied 72-72. We have the last possession if we waste all the time which we need to do if we don't want the other team to have enough time to score. 

Octavia takes the ball up the court dribbling slow enough for time to run a little. The other team gets frustrated and puts pressure on Octavia who passes it to Wesley who gets to the three-point line. I am just near the outside of the key. I fake a back door cut 10 seconds but the person guarding me stays close. I see Lexa near the Key so I run toward her for an off-ball screen. 5 seconds. Lexa catches the person guarding me off guard and gives me enough room to get around them and get to the three-point line. 'Three.' Wesley quickly throws me the ball. 'Two' I catch the ball and shoot immediately, everyone was holding their breath and on their feet, and it goes in right before the buzzer goes off. 

The crowd goes wild and my teammates run and hug me and Wesley and Lexa put me on their shoulders as the crowd storms the court in celebration. Almost the whole school was at the game and everyone was super happy. I get set back on the ground as Raven, Clarke, and Zoey all run-up and bear hug Lexa, Octavia, and I. 

Clarke- Good Job!!! We finally beat them!!! 

Zoey pulls away from the hug and says 'I almost killed the girl who knocked you down but Lican stopped me. Thankfully, getting us disqualified from the game would have been unfortunate especially with that ending. 

Kit runs up too us and says 'Good job that was an amazing last second shot! And just an amazing game in general! Also, who are your guy's friends?

Raven- We aren't friends

Kits- It seems like you are

Clarke- What she means is that I am dating Lexa. Raven is dating Octavia. and Zoey here is dating Rex. We are friends with each other but some of us are more than friends. 

Kit- Ahhhh that makes sense. And it also explains why Zoey was glaring at me during half time. I am Kit nice to meet you

I see Zoey blush and Raven and Octavia laugh at them. At that point, Max and the rest of our friends run up and we have a massive bear hug as we continue to celebrate the victory of the game. 

After 20 minutes or so Octavia Lexa and I deide to go change and meet everyone else at Kara and Alex's house for the after party. 

AN; Hope you guys enjoyed it

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