Chapter 21

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AN: Comment and introduce yourself

We all walk out of the dojo and I could feel Alex, Kara, and Thea all staring at me trying to figure out who I am and what type of supernatural creature I am. 

I wave and tell the others that I will meet them at the house. 

I hope on my bike and head home fast trying to get the others to hide in their room so our new friends don't get overwhelmed. 

I pull up to the house and park my bike. I speed walk inside and call out

Rex- Hey yall get the hell into your rooms for a while or at least stay upstairs. My theory on our new friends was right and they know we are supernatural and we are gonna explain who we are and hopefully, they will help us defeat my mother. 

Griff- You heard her guy's let's go. They all walk upstairs. They are sarcastic and annoying sometimes but they can follow orders when things come down too it.

A grab some food so I don't get hangry and right after the doorbell goes off.

I walk up to the door and open it 'Zoey you live here also you don't need to knock just come in'

Z- Yah but I still feel weird about it. She says. 

R- Lican Sam and Beth why don't you guys grab food and then go upstairs with the others. Zoey and I can explain the madness that is our existence. 

They nod knowing that I will kick their ass if they don't listen. 

Z- We might as well go into the living room it seems like our go-to place for talking about our past. 

I nod and we bring Thea, Lexa, Clarke Alex, Kara, Sara, Octavia, Lena and Raven into the living room. I gesture for them to sit down. 

R- Just for shits and giggles do you guys want to guess what we are. 

Sara- Well you have no heartbeat so I am gonna go with Vampire for you and shapeshifter for Zoey.

Thea- I think Zoey is not a shapeshifter. 

Alex- My money is on a fairy or an elf.

Kara- Nah I don't have a guess but I don't think those are right. 

Octavia- I don't care whatever it is it won't change how I see them. Octavia says smiling at me. 

Raven- Just hurry up and tell us. 

Z- Okay you guys were all wrong. 

R- we are demons.

Everyone- What?????!!

R- Well Zoey and Sam are Angels. Beth is Zoey and I's Neutral being so shapeshifter like John but stronger because she is in charge of keeping two of the strongest beings in check aka Zoey and I. 

Thea- So you are a demon. Like lives in hell and represents all bad things in the world demon. But you seem so nice.

R- Well technically I am not just a demon I am con-Demon and Zoey is an Arch- Angel. Oh also just so you know my people are the 7 lords of hell and Artemis is my second and Sam is Zoey's second. 

Thea- So all the mythology about angels and demons are true. Wait don't arc-angels and con demons represent different bad and good things in the world what do you guys represent. Also, don't con's and Arc's hate each other

Zoey- Yes they do and in particular Rex and I hated each other more then the others did until recently. 

Sara- Well what is your guy's names/ titles 

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