Chapter 38

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AN; Enjoy I have never been to a red carpet so sorry if my description sucks. (Also a heads up Camila is still in 5H in this)

I quickly summon the things I need from hell to get the carpet set up near the driveway. I easily get it set it up and go back inside. 

I walk upstairs to where I am guessing everyone is getting ready I see most of the girls getting ready in one of the common rooms. No one has their dresses on yet they are just getting their makeup ready. I call out 'How's everyone doing you have a little less than two hours so hurry up. We have a hoard of reporters wanting to see everyone. Also, did you warn everyone else who is coming.' 

Lexa- Yah we took care of it don't worry! Did you deal with setting up the red carpet.' 

Rex- Yep don't worry about it! Just be ready for craziness. 

Thea- We have handled you when you are pissed we can deal with anything! 

Max- What in the world made you think that you have seen the full extent of Rex's rath?

Sara- I mean she seemed royally pissed off can she get more mad?

My seven lords shudder and Lican says 'Yes very much so yes.' 

Artemis- Pray you never have to face her rath. They all shudder again. 

Alex- Jeez is it really bad...

Kris- Yes, the Salem witch trials was because Rex got REALLY pissed and kicked the shit out of a ton of rich guys, who majorly deserved it and they wanted to catch her so they killed a ton of Women who they thought were working with Rex. Once she heard what happened she went back and slaughtered them. 

Kara- Jeez

Griff- They were major assholes and deserved it.

Halsey- What did they do.

Monica- These guys were known for abusing slaves which was normal at the time but Rex heard that they were raping women and then killing them. 

Taylor high fived me and said 'Good job dude! They deserved it!' 

I chuckle at the girl and say 'Okay people enough of that, keep getting ready we don't have a ton of time. I am going to get ready and you know me I am going to make a grand entrance just make sure they don't overwhelm you if they do let me know and they will all get kicked out. ' 

Halsey- I told my assistant to bring some of our security guys to help control them. 

I walk up to my room to get ready leaving the others to get ready. 

Kara POV

Kara- Thanks! See you later! This is my first red carpet I have no idea what to do?

Lena walked up to me while putting some earrings on and says 'Don't worry, a lot of us haven't either'

Kelly- They aren't that bad it is just a lot of yelling and flashes. Some people will get interviewed others won't it just depends on what the reporters want. For the photographers, there will be a place for you to stand and then just pose and wait a little and someone will tell you were to go too next. 

Selena- It is just a giant photoshoot! You guys can partner up and walk with your SO or a friend they just might ask you to separate for some of the photos, don't take it personally if they do. 

Yang- This is gonna be fun!! What did Rex give everyone to wear?...

*Time skip to outside right before going on the carpet. Still Kara's POV

I am standing outside by myself I was the first person outside. Rex had left me a white suit with a blue undershirt and a red tie with some yellow accents. (I am not gonna describe what the celebrities look like unless they are relevant use your imagination otherwise) 

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