Chapter 55

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I squint at them and give Max a nod signaling the girl to get the two angels.

She does and once all the angels left we allow the others to come out of the back room.

Octavia runs out and tackles me in a hug. 

Octavia- Are you okay? Did they hurt you? I will go hunt them down if they did. She says while growling. I laugh at the protective girl and the front window is shattered and a person jumps through while throwing a large spear at Octavia and I. I didn't have time to catch it or dodge because I was shocked and I had to throw Octavia out of the way. The thing went through my stomach and hurt like a bitch as I stumbled back from the pain. 

Octavia's POV

I heard the window shatter and because I was facing away from it I didn't see what happened. I didn't realize what had happened until I sat up from the floor to see Rex with a spear through her stomach and blood coming out of her mouth. Artemis and Max run over to their friend as Galant takes over. It was weird having the wolf in control. It felt like watching a tv show of my own body and experience. 

Galant looks over at Lexa briefly and I hear my wolf whisper 'Alpha' but I was gonna deal with that later. I can tell Fenrir is in control of her body also. 

Max- Beth put a barrier up. Now. 

Beth nods and I look over and see Rex had passed out. As Misty and Laura were trying to do all that they could to stabilize her. 

Max's POV

O and Lexa looked like they were fuming both looked over as the cresent stood there cockily waiting for a response from us thinking he could take us. Something in O snaps even more than when her emotions went crazy and her wolf took over. 

I hear a growl and then both girls shift into wolf form while jumping at the now terrified cresent. 

Easily pinning the weak angel to the ground within seconds in wolf form. Artemis teleports over to the group and Monica goes over to them with Artemis and Growls at them. 

The others look confused at the girl's actions. The two wolfs growl back in a territorial way. Probably because they were defending Artemis and wanted to avenge her. 

Monica rolls her eyes and growls. 

Thea- What is she doing?

Kris- Monica can speak any language. Including speaking animals and wolves. 

Raven- Cool..

O's wolf growls at Monica. 

Sara- They are having a conversation aren't they. 

I nod. 

Raven walks up and she gives Clarke a 'Follow me' look. The two girls walk up to Monica and Artemis. 

They seem to be having a mental conversation with their girlfriends. The wolves eventually growl in frustration but back away from the angel. 

Monica sighs in relief and says 'Thank you, guys. They are stubborn in human form and it seems their wolves are the same way. They wouldn't listen and were being all 'We have to get back at this idiot for hurting our teacher.' You being there soul mates makes them listen to you. I don't think I would have been able to get them to stop without you two so thanks.' 

Clarke- Of course. Anything we can do to help we will. Fenrir walks up and nudges her arm and they walk over to Rex to make sure she was okay. 

Fenrir lies down next to the passed out girl and Clarke leans into her. 

O seems frustrated and her wolf growls again. I don't speak wolf but I think it was not a clean word and my assumption was correct when Monica flinched and growled while saying 'Watch your language O.

Galant rolls her eyes and joins us next to Rex. 

Max- Kris and Thea go make sure Zoey doesn't come back. Do not let them in until we tell you it is okay. Artemis tie up that asshole. You and I will deal with him soon. They nod and do as told. 

I turn to Laura, Misty, and Rex. The spear was still in Rex's chest. 

Max- If any of you guys are squeamish around blood you are gonna want to leave now. 

Kara looks scared and Sara is trying to act brave but I can tell all of them are worried about Rex. 

I give them a nod and turn to Laura and Misty 'Guys you might want to scoot back a little, I don't know your abilities as well as Misty's but please try and just keep Rex's energy up. We as demons can heal but it takes a lot of energy and this big of a wound will take a ton of energy even for Rex. 

They nod and get ready. I grab the handle of the spear and say 'Okay ready? Three two one.' I pull the spear out quickly as Laura and Misty start to work their magic. 

Luie turns to O and Lexa and says 'Monica can you translate please,' She nods. (just assume it is translated I am not gonna write it out.) 'Fenrir Galant please shift back. O and Lexa are going to want to be present in their human form.' 

They growl in response. 

Monica- They don't want to. It's their first time in wolf form and they want to stay longer

Luie- Ughh you guys your friend is injured badly stop being selfish. When we get back to the house you can shift and hang out for as long as you want, but we need O and Lexa now. 

They growl and shift back. Luie and I both remembered that when they shift back they won't have clothes on. I quickly take off my shirt as Artemis runs in and does the same. Artemis turns away after giving me the shirt. 

All the guys turn away and I give the shirts to the girls who look embarrassed as they quickly put them on. I point at my bag that has an extra pair of shorts. And next to it someone else has a bad with a pair of shorts. 

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