Chapter 61

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Sara- Nah I am pansexual and you are my soul mate so you are kinda stuck with me for the rest of your life.

Frankie- I could seriously get behind that idea. He said with a wide smile. I stand up and grab his hand and help him stand up as we walk back into the house hand in hand. 

Rex's POV

I see Frankie and Sara walk back laughing and goofing off. 

Raven- You two seem happy 

Sara- We are. She said giving Frankie a large smile. 

Rubes- You were gone for like 5 minutes what the hell happened. 

Frankie- Sara is my soulmate

Lena- Well damn that happened fast

Carm- Yah good for you two

Lexa- Can you tell us what our pack symbol is!!! I am dying here!!!! Common!

Frankie raised an eyebrow at Lexa and then looked at O. 

Frankie- Alpha and Beta I am guessing?

Laura- Yep. 

Frankie- Well I had an idea and I wanted to distinguish all the species in your pack because there are so many in this damn pack also I might individualize them for each person so it might take a little longer so I will be around for a while to learn more about everyone. Sara didn't notice the side glance Frankie gave her because she was too busy zoning out while staring at Frankie. 

Lena- Sounds cool! 

Quinn- Speaking off...

Cecilia- Quinn is going to be starting as a freshman transfer student along with Frankie. Also, Megan is going to be the new art teacher.

Raven-Sounds Gucci but why not keep them at their schools

Rex- Because my mother knows we are here, the more people we get together in our pack the stronger we will be when we fight her or anyone she throws our way. 

Weiss- Makes sense. With all of us as together, we are practically unstoppable plus Asuna and Kirito. And I think Wynonna and Waverly will be on our side. 

Kris- Sounds fun. But if we are all starting school we should go to school tomorrow and not miss more class. 

Beth- Makes sense

Raven- Yah but can the adults stay and not ditch us because I want to spend more time with them. 

Quinn- True! Adam want to play cards with Yang, Griff, and I?

Adam- Sounds fun! I am in! After we can play cards against humanity and knowing Rex she will drink whiskey. 

Rex- Knowing us we will all drink whiskey

Next day at school 

We all walk into school and I tell everyone but Quinn and Frankie that we will meet up with them after. They follow me to the office where we get their class schedule's and I ask if Clarke can switch into Megan's art class. They said sure and sent a notice for her. 

Clarke had shown me some of her drawings and she was very talented so I thought she would like megans class. 

After getting all of our shit together I walk them to their classes and tell them some of us would pick them up and take them to class. I told them we would meet at lunch for the self-defense club in the gym. 

I walk to my first period with Mrs. Danvers. 

I walk into the class and see Kara in her normal seat with Octavia and Lexa in front of them. 

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