Chapter 22

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AN: hey this is gonna be a long chapter because  I had a long plane ride and just kept writing because I was bored.

I don't have a 5th period so I can go into the gym in basketball clothes. I was wearing a tank top but had my glove and a t-shirt on under it. I was also in a pair of my favorite basketball shorts with compression pants on. I also had curry 2.0's on. I turn on my wireless headphones and play my jams playlist.

I grab a ball from the rack and start dribbling and doing handling while I slowly approach the basket to start shooting. I start feeling the music and getting into the rhythm. My favorite song comes on. I start doing lay-ups and then lead into medium range shots. I hear the doors open but don't really pay attention to them until the right moment.

I move back to the three-point line and do a cross over into a euro step with a reverse lay-up.

I grab the rebound and go to the corner and sink a three.

Octavia's POV

We walk up to the gym entrance and walk in. Lexa and I were toward the front with the coaches next to us.

Rex is listening to music and totally killing it on the court. After walking over to the place where we all leave our stuff while practicing we watch her drain a three from the corner. She is a great shot for a center. I hear our coach say 'Wow' under her breath. Our other coach nods.

Coach- Lexa do you know who that is? Lexa is the captain of the team and also very popular at school so she knows everyone and coach knows that so I am not surprised our coach asked Lex.

Lexa- Oh that is Lucy, she is a transfer student from Australia who came this year.

At that point with perfect timing that I knew was most likely not a coincidence, Rex looks over at us.

Rex- Sorry mates I didn't realize anyone was gonna be here. I will pack up and head out. Enjoy your practice. Good day.

She said walking over to her bag.

Coach- How did she get the nasty ass scar?

Mellisa- There are about 100 different rumors going around about how she got it ranging from she fell on a knife, to she was a crime boss who got shot in prison, to it was from cancer surgery to remove a tumor. says one of our point guards

Coach 2- So we know nothing about her and she looks like she could be one of the best players in school. Lexa, what do you think?

Lexa- We don't know anything about her and we shouldn't judge her based on appearance. Like Mellisa said it is just rumors so we don't know anything for sure. Let's give her a chance if she wants it.

Coach- Hey Aussie hold up! Can you come over here real fast?

Rex- Sure what's up? Rex says while jogging up to us.

Coach 2- You seem to know what you are doing with a ball. Have you considered joining the team.

Rex-Well I was dealing with stuff and haven't been at school for a couple weeks so I missed tryouts. But I love the sport a lot you know what I mean mate?

Coach- Yes I know what you mean. You seem very good at the sport would you like to join us for practice and maybe join the team if you want.

Rex smiles and says 'For sure mate let's do it!'

We all get ready to start and did stretches and a warm-up run.

Coach- Okay let's do some lay-ups and then do some 3 on 2 on 1 (it is a fun drill that will get explained later)

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