Chapter 28

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AN: Hello. That is all.

I arrived at the house first with Artemis. I could tell he was being a little shyer than he normally is and is was bothering me. 

Rex- What's the deal with you? 

Artemis- What do you mean?

Rex- You are acting differently what's the deal. Tell me or I am gonna demote you and put Lican in your place just to piss you off. I say squinting at him!

Artemis- Fine! I miss home! Okay... I have people there I miss that aren't here. You have most of the people you love at here and seeing you with Zoey and Lucifer just reminded me of someone at home and I miss them a lot and it has gotten hard for me. We have been gone for a while. 

Well fuck I am a terrible friend. 

Rex- I didn't even think about that. I was so caught up in life here that I didn't even pay attention to you. If you need to go home and visit go for it just have Beth cover your tracks. I will have Kris call you in sick. 

Artemis-Thanks dude you are the best! He said hugging me. I am still awkward and hate touching so I just awkwardly pat in the back. 'Sorry got excited and forgot about the touching thing. Are you sure you are okay with this?' 

Rex-Of course! Who is the person you are going to see?

Artemis- I may or may not have fallen for a low level fallen. She hasn't been in hell long but I care a lot about her. 

Rex- I am excited to meet her when we get back 

A couple of seconds later the door open and the large swarm of teenagers came in. 

Artemis-Hey guys! Beth can we talk later?

Beth- Is what we were gonna legal and approved by Rex? Beth looks at me and I nod my approval

Artemis- Yes it is. Kris, Thea, and Alex come help me cook.

Rex- Luie go set the table with Kara, please. Everyone else chill for now it will be ready to eat in about 30 minutes or so we are having pizza.

They all nod and walk into the living room to hang out. The team had left earlier because their parents wanted them home for dinner. It was just the girls and my squad. 

I walk in and say 'Just a heads up Artemis is gonna be gone for a couple of days and will be gone until the game on Saturday so say goodbye tonight.' 

Thea- Why isn't hell shitty? Why go back?

Lican- It actually isn't that bad, especially if you have friends or family there. I never hated it because we always had each other. My younger sister just came to hell recently so showing her around has been a blast. She looks up to Rex so much and wants to replace Artemis as her second in command at some point it is really funny. 

Griff-Lican is right. We also live in massive houses or castles depending on where we are staying at a specific time. So we are never really uncomfortable. 

Kris-The whole stereotype that hell is terrible and you live your worst nightmare is false unless you do major bad things in your life then Lucifer and Rex review your what you did and decide if you can do what you want in hell or get damned to what humans stereotype as hell. 

Alex- Cool it actually sounds like a lot of fun

Rex- It is. For the people who just choose hell instead of getting sent there, we try and make sure we treat them with as much as respect as possible. We just tell them not to spread rumors that isn't bad we don't want rich spoiled brats deciding to come to hell and even still we get some. 

Artemis walks in and says 'Yah one guy was being an asshole a couple of weeks ago because he thought Rex was a terrible a second and challenged him in a fight for her position. It is a BIG deal to challenge someone in hell for their position, especially higher ranking demons.

Kara- Wait hold on I thought you were the second in command and Rex was the con-demon

Max- That is accurate, Rex is anti-social and hates social interactions and dealing with court is crazy so toward the beginning of the creation of court Artemis agreed to make public appearances for Rex. Then Rex got all hot and bothered because of figuring out Zoey was her soulmate so she was fully pissed off and not wanting to deal with court's bull shit. She told them off and put the same guy from before in his place. Then we came here. 

Lexa- Of course she did that I bet she was all dramatic and shit. 

Lican- She was. It was hilarious! 

Octavia- Oh I so wish I could have seen that it would have been so cool! 

Kris- It was badass

I heard Zoey says through our link but she definitely didn't remember that 'damn that's hot

I laugh out loud and everyone gives me a weird look but gets back to a conversation. Zoey walks up to me and asks 'What was that about?' 

I use the mind link to say 'I think you forgot that we have a mind link and if you don't cancel it out I can hear what you think'  

Zoey blushed and says ' Umm I am just gonna go check on dinner now.' I chuckle as Artemis walks out and says 'Dinners ready dorks! Get your butts in the kitchen!' 

We all walk in and sit down enjoying the company and food. 

*Next day rally for the basketball game is today. 

I woke up early at 5 am for an early morning workout and shower. 

I decide on a run. I ran 3 or 4 miles and got back to the house around 5:30 and took a long hot shower until around 5:45. I threw on my jersey with a glove and a short sleeve under it so no one could see my arm or tattoo. I left my jacket on the dresser and wrote a note saying that it is a tradition that players S.O wear their jacket's. 

I walk down stairs and wake Max up so she can help me make pancakes. 

We play music quietly and start singing and dancing while we make chocolate chip pancakes. Eventually, people slowly come downstairs and start grabbing food. The morning goes by smoothly and everyone is ready for school and the rally.

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