Chapter 27

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AN: Get ready for a fun chapter ;) Comment your reactions

R.P- Rexan Luna Morning Star!!! Maximum Frey Lea!! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU TWO IDIOTS BEEN!? I heard someone I really didn't want or expect to hear for at least another month.

I look at Max and both of our eyes go super wide.

Max/ Rex- RUN!!!!!

We both look at each other with wide eyes and yell 'RUN!!!' I run and do a par-cor move over the counter and hide on the other side. I saw Max run into the back room and shut the door.  

Thea's POV (For fun)

I small girl with black hair with blue streaks. She looks around for who I assume is Max and Rex. 

Alex- Umm who are you and why are you looking for those two? Should we be worried

R.G- Hi I am Lucifer most people call me Lucy?

Bri- Like Lucy? Or Rex I am still very confused on what to call her

Lucifer- Call her Rex if you call both of us Lucy it will just become weird. REX, MAX WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS!! I HEARD YOU BEFORE I CAME IN HERE! GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE! 

Max- 'Hey squirt' she says moving out of the closet trying to seem innocent. 'How have you been?' 

I stay hidden not wanting to die. 

Lucifer- I am good now where is Rex so I can kill her for being gone from home for so long. 


Max- She means the house that we all live in hell. Us meaning the 7 lords plus Lucifer and the other 3 con- demons if they visit or need a place to see. It is also the imperial palace of hell. 

Octavia- Woah!! Cool can I see it!  

Lucifer- At some point sure you seem cool, and it is technically mine.

Lena- It's yours?

Lucifer- I thought humans new that the ruler of hell's name was Lucifer?

Lexa- Wait you are the devil!!!???

Max- I thought you guys were smart enough to realize that from the name.

Alex-Fair enough that's on us. 

Lucifer- Seriously, where is Rex though.

Rex's POV

I walk out with my hands up and say 'I come in peace don't kill me.' 

Lucifer- Okay I have a human and devil phone so WHY in heaven's hell did you not contact me at ALL! It isn't that hard to take two seconds to send a text to me saying 'Hey I am going to the surface for a long period of time so make sure to come visit me every once in a while.' 

Zoey- What the hell dude! Text your damn friend she seems important in your life.' 

I sigh knowing the truth is about to come out.

Rex- She isn't a friend

Thea- Dude! I know you are a demon and all but you don't need to be an asshole.

Kara- Seriously! what the hell Rex I thought you were a good person!

Rex- Calm down you guy's she isn't my friend because she is my daughter.

Everyone- WHAT??!!!

Lucifer- Seriously Mom I hadn't heard from you and you scared me. She said while walking up and punching me in the arm. 

Rex- Sorry sweetie! I caught up to her and hug her. 

Lucifer pushed me away and narrowed her eyes at me and said 'Why do you have a heartbeat?' 

Zoey- That would be because of me! Zoey said stepping forward and slightly raising her hand. 

Lucifer looked at Zoey then me and said 'Soul mate? '

Rex- Yep I said popping the p


Alex- Oh we definitely forgot that they were here

Pheonix- Okay Bri's flip out was accurate and needed please explain.

Rex- I hate this damn explanation so I am keeping this short and sweet again. Demons, Angels, werewolves, mages, healers, and hunters all exist. Most of those species are in this room. Lena and Carm are vampires. Laura is a healer. Max, Kris, Lucifer, Artemis, Griff, Monica, Lican, and myself are all demons. Beth and John are neutral beings. Zoey and Sam are Angels. Did I forget anything?

Kara- The scar and your arm

Max- And your leg. 

Wesley- What is wrong with your arm and leg! Will it affect basketball?

 I take off my glove and show them my metal arm while rolling up my pant leg showing them my metal leg and said 'I don't have a real arm or leg they are metal prosthetic.' 

Bri- Cool!!!

Lucifer- What is the deal with the scar I haven't seen it before. Who do I have to kill? 

Rex- No killing, maiming, stabbing, or any harming of that person no matter what. I say squinting at Lucifer and say 'Mom power' 

Lucifer- Ughhhh fine! Who did it!

Octavia- Wait first what is Mom power?

Lucifer- It is mom or daughter power. One of us can say it and other has to do what the other says no matter what. Who did it I won't kill them, hopefully.

I squint at my daughter and then stick my thumb at Zoey 'Zoey did it but it was an accident and didn't even realize that they ended up doing this. No one knew except Max until recently.

Luie (What Rex calls Lucifer sometimes) turned to Zoey and says 'I will not hurt you but if you hurt my mom ever again. Not even mom power will stop me from hunting you down. 

Zoey- I don't plan on it. Zoey says walking up and giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 

Lexa turns and looks at part of our basketball team and says 'How are you guys so calm about all this?' 

Wesley- Well I am technically part wolf. I am like 1/16 wolf though so I have very little power and never got a shifted form but I grew up around werewolves and heard stories about it so I wasn't super surprised.

Bri- At this point with all the weird shit that happens in this town I am not surprised that werewolves, vampires, and supernatural being exist here and in the world

Pheonix- I had no fucking clue and it surprised me that some of you were supposed to be evil but you would have hurt more people and been meanier to us if you were truly evil. You are my friend and I don't care what you are as long as you aren't a douche.

Octavia-Fair enough! I am tired though and it's been a LONG day can we go eat dinner at the house? I want to hear the story of how the little devil was born. She said while pointing at Luie. 

I nod and say 'Good idea I am also! Carm you have good aim which is important but you still need some more strength training.' She nods and we all pack up and head out to our cars agreeing to meet at our house. 

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