Chapter 16

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AN: Whatsssss up

Z- What the fuck you asshole?!! we aren't even dating yet!

R-It was a joke calm down. I was just messing around with you. I doubt you even want to date me. I bet you are one of the people who just wants to just stay friends with their soul mate and have no romantic relationship with them. I say while taking off my glove to reveal my arm and undo my braid.

Z- I never said anything like that! Don't get ahead of your self so quickly. She said with a laugh as she approaches me. 'I.' she hesitates for a second 'I have never been in a relationship before. In heaven, the only stuff happens between soulmates and no one else does anything because they don't see the point. I always figured that something happened to my soulmate because I had their heart so I gave up years ago on finding them. I want a relationship with you it's just I have no idea what the fudge I am doing so I avoided this conversation.

I walk toward her 'Look, I am not gonna force you into anything. Whatever you are comfortable with, is what we will do.' I say grabbing her hand and giving a light squeeze.

I turned away and walk toward the shower. Once I am in the bathroom I take off my shirt and pants and take a nice long shower.

Once I am done I jump out and grab a towel and wrap it around my body as I realize I don't have any extra clothes. I throw on my sports bra and a pair of spandex and walk out into our room not caring that I was pretty much naked right now. I had released the glamors on my arm and leg that I keep in case, someone sees me without the glove on. I also put my eyes back to their natural color of red.

What I didn't care about was the fact that I released the glamor on the very large scar on my neck. I knew they were gonna be worried and then be super pissed at themselves when they find out how I got it.

She was my soul mate and I didn't feel like hiding things from them.

While I was walking out of the bathroom Zoey turns around and I hear her gasp.

Z- What the hell happened to your face????!!! You were gone for 10 minutes! Is your mother in there or something!?

R-Quite down Artemis is gonna run in here worried that you are trying to kill me. And none of us need the headache that would be Artemis if he thinks your evil.

Z- They took a deep breath and tried to calm down but I can still they were still massively pissed off 'What happened? Tell me now!' they said gritting their teeth and probably not realizing that their eyes flashed gold

R- You really don't want to now trust me.

Z- I want to know what happened you are my soul mate and things that happen to you are important to me. they said walking up to me and reaching out to touch the scar but hesitates right before she touches it. She eventually touches it and I can feel sparks but try and ignore it.

R-Okay but you can't get mad at your self. I say grabbing her hand that is resting on my jaw right now. She nods trying to say I should continue.

R- Okay you remember in the 1300's ish when I started the black plague and you got super pissed and we got into that very huge fight and you were majorly pissed but you got somewhat sick because of the black death so you weren't at full strength. Well after Sam and Artemis went back to Nifelheim and Etheral. I beat you in that fight but before you went back to hell you accidentally sent a shot of pure power/late at me but I wasn't paying attention and my back was turned so right before I went back to hell and that shot me in the neck. It knocked me out for a week and I was in my room when Max found me. She was in the castle at the time and took care of me not wanting Artemis to know it so I just put a glamor on it all the time.

Zoey covers their mouth and I see tears start to form in their eyes. 'So you are telling me that the reason you have a massive scar going from your chin to your color bone. Wow I am the worst
person ever' she says moving away from me slowly looking like they were about to break down. Zoey takes a seat on the bed and rests their head in their hands.

R- Hey hey! don't worry about it! It was a long time ago and we hated each other back then, and we didn't know that we were others soul mates. I lift her chin so she would look at me ' I needed the sleep anyway there was so much shit going on in hell and I was super stressed. If you didn't knock me out Max would have so I would sleep. I hadn't slept in a week. I say with a laugh. 'I also love scars and the stories behind them so don't worry I will be okay.'

I was looking deep into there eyes making sure that they know I am very serious about what I am saying.

Z- You are too amazing and forgiving for a demon you asshole. They say pushing my shoulder lightly. I can tell they hate showing emotion as much as I do and this was their way of saying thank you for everything.

At that moment we both realized that I was very close to being naked and they were almost on my lap and I moved away very fast blushing hard. Zoey stayed on the bed and I moved to grab some clothes from my half of the walk-in closet. I grab a pair of basketball shorts and a muscle tank top not really feeling like covering my arm or leg right now. I did put the glamor back on my scar to cover it.

Z- Can you promise me something?

R- Whatever you want

Z- You don't even know what I am gonna say

R- Don't care whatever you want. I say while looking in the mirror to do my hair

Zoey laughs and says 'Okay Zorro.'

R- Why Zorro?

Z- Have you not seen 'Princess Bride'?

R- Nope

Z- Okay we are watching that tonight or tomorrow.

R- Okay what do you want me to promise.

Z- Will you promise me that we won't lie to each other anymore. No secrets?

R- Yah of course. I just have to think about anything I missed about telling you. Give me a little time but I will tell you when I figure it out. I have a had a long ass life so it might take a while.

Z- Of course.

I walk up to Zoey and give them a kiss on their forehead and then head out of our room and walk downstairs for food.

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