Chapter 26

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AN: Hey! Hope you like Rex's tattoo I kinda want to get that tattoo.

Wynonna walks down and takes off her leather jacket and puts on hand wraps. I do the same and take off my flannel and gloves leaving me in a workout tank top.

Wynona- Damn with your tattoos, scar, and metal arm, you are pretty damn intimidating.

Right when we are about to start a random girl I didn't recognize walks in so I quickly glamor my tattoo and metal arm so the girl doesn't see it.

Girl-Hey is this the self-defense club? I am interested in joining is there still room?

Rex- Of course! I am Rexluc I am president of the club. My friends call me Rex or Lucy up to you. What's your name?

Girl- Oh sorry I am Asuna! Nice to meet you! Hi, Mrs. Earp nice to see you again. I see them exchange a weird series of glances. In the blink of an eye, she was behind me with a knife poking me.

Asuna- Who are you people and why is there a massive amount of supernatural power coming from this building. Also, I am already aware of the two vampires in this room so explain everything else. 

After a couple seconds a medium sized skinny guy with jet black hair walks in.


He looks at me smiles and says 'Rex?' I run over and bear hug him.

Rex- Dude it is has been too freakin long! How you been!

Asuna- Kirito who is this and how do you know them?

Kirito- Sorry, I met Rex a couple years ago when I was apprenticing to become a hunter. She was posing as a trainer for shits and giggles and we got really close. Eventually, she got revealed for who she truly is and we stayed in touch because she explained the whole truth, which I am guessing the people who aren't Asuna in this room know what is.

Octavia- Yes we do.

Kris- How you been GK?

Kirito- I have been good Asuna hasn't killed me yet and I am 99% sure I am gonna get killed.

Asuna- yes yes you will but after you and these people explain what the fuck is going on.

Rex- Okay I am sick of telling this to people, and we have to get back to practice. You are going to get the short blunt version of it and If you have questions bother Kirito about it. Asuna please don't interrupt. Zoey is the arc-angel of life I am the con demon of death also the con demon of balance. Raise your hand if you are one of the 7 lords of hell. They did. 'If you are a werewolf raise your hands.' They do. 'If you are a vampire raise your hands.' They do. 'If you are a rogue hunter raise your hand. Cool we are all on the same page then'

Asuna- Okay yah that's normal. I am in a room full of some of the most powerful beings on earth heaven and hell.

Kris- By the way how the hell are you as fast as you are without powers?

Asuna- I am a half mage and use some speed magic but I am naturally fast for a human.

Thea- Huh cool

Rex- OH Kirito want to spar!! We haven't fought in forever and was really fun when we used to do it! 

Kirito- Dude!!! Let's do it! This is gonna be fun!

Rex- Beth do you mind if I fight Kirito instead?

Beth- Yah be my guest

Kirito- Anyone have two swords or are we doing this the old fashioned way?

Wynona- I got you I keep two swords in my office in case of emergency. Waves can you go get them please?

Waverly- I got it! She runs and grabs them and comes back and throws them at Kirito and me. They were both in scabbards that were very nice.

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