Chapter 41

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AN: Thank you for the one or two people who consistently read I love and appreciate you! Also thanks for 200 reads!

I had Alex help me set up the live stream so I could read the comments on a computer. She really is a wiz in tech. 

At 12 I turn the live stream on as I drink some hot cocoa on one couch with the others sitting opposite with me. Team RWBY took Luie and a couple of others to go out and explore, including Monica and Griff.

Almost immediately after starting the live video a ton of people join really fast. I say 'Hey guys! I am gonna wait a little longer for more people to join then we are going to do a Q and A and then I will go live with some of you guys if you want to. For the Q and A start sending your questions now,' I see the comments blow up with yays and so excited along with people starting to ask questions. 

After answering the different questions and doing different accents for the fans amusement. Every one of my friends was laughing the whole time. 

Rex- 'Okay people send in a request to go live and my friends will choose random people to join.' 

After a couple of seconds, I see a young boy maybe 12 or 13 pop onto the screen and his face lights up when he sees me. 

Rex- Hey dude! What's your name and how's your day?

Nick- Hey! I am Nick! My day is good I can't believe you actually chose me to be on the live with you!

Rex- Of course, I am glad we chose you! But please understand if that I have to keep this relatively short because I want to talk with as many people as possible. 

Nick- Of course, I get it! I am just glad I got to talk to you at all it isn't often a person gets to talk to anyone who is even remotely famous and you are really famous and an icon!

I chuckle a little and say 'I don't know about an icon but thanks anyway! Do you have any questions or requests before we put someone else on the live.'

Nick- Can I say hi to Lexa. I saw a couple of interviews with her and she seems like a badass on the outside and a softie on the inside. 

Clarke calls from outside the frame 'That is accurate!' We all laugh and Lexa punches my arm as she walks up and sits down next to me on the couch. 

Lexa- Hey Nick! Nice to meet you! Ignore these dorks

Nick- Hi Lexa nice to meet you also! I will! I am guessing that was Clarke?

Rex- Yep I said popping the p. 'It was really nice talking to you but we should move on! Have a great day!' 

Nick nods and waves goodbye! I end it with him and nod at Alex to accept someone else's request. 

Next is a girl who seems to be in her mid 20's with short blue hair. She was looking away at the door to her room and yelled 'I will deal with it later calm down! I am on the live video with that new hottie who came out of nowhere and she is live chatting with people I want to see if I can get on with her.' 

Rex- You are live chatting with her. 

Her head flips around real fast at a new voice from nowhere. She was really shocked to see me.

Rex- Hi! What's your name?

Z- Hi! wow.. Um I am Izzy but everyone calls me Z!

Rex- Nice to meet you! I am trying to be more respectful about pronouns and ask when I meet people and try to not assume. I forgot to ask Nick, but I can start by asking you.

Z- I prefer they/them like your S.O Zoey. 

Zoey plops down next to me and waves at the human bean!

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