Chapter 15

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AN: Sup. This is what the outside of game of scones looks like.

Zoey and I walk into 'game of scones' with Lican and Max following behind.

We walk up to the counter and say Hi to Becca who is working the cash register.

Z-Is Ax here we haven't been here for a while and we want to say hi.

Becca- He is in his office doing some paperwork I will tell him you guys are here and want to say hi.

R- Thanks I say with a smile.

We walk farther into the cafe and find our usual seat next to the window in the back.

A couple of minutes later Ax walks up to our table and says 'Hows my favorite human beans.'

M-Hey what about me?

Ax- Sorry I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you. I am Ax I own this place and it's nice to meet you two. He said waving and nodding at Lican and max

Lican- I am Lican and the dork over there is Max don't mind her though. How did you meet Zoey and Rex?

After standing and hugging him both Zoey and I sat back down.

Ax- One of my former staff members gave them shit and called Rex a 'faggot' under his breath for rejecting him. Zoey, of course, stood up for her and told the kid off. I heard her yelling got involved fired the kid for being homophobic. I have been with my partner for over ten years so I don't tolerate my employees being assholes.

Max- Of course, Zoey would stand up for Rex they are soul mates so that is expected.

Ax- I knew it. I saw that coming a mile away. When's the wedding? Can I officiate? I got my license I couple of years ago for my brother's wedding and I can do it for yours that would be so fun!!!! PLEASE!!!

Zoey- OMG Ax breath! We are still pretty young. Zoey says playing the role of a teenager. But I promise if we do get married that you will be apart of the ceremony in some way.


L- My life is complete I just saw a grown man fangirl over something.

M- I mean same that was amazing

Ax- Who are you guys by the way?

R- Sorry as said before this is Max and Lican they are some of my friends from down under.

Ax-Huh I don't hear an accent on you guys.

Lican- (Using his accent) We prefer to use American accents when in America for fun and wherever we travel we learn the accent and try and practice the accent from that area.

M-So if we are in England (Max says doing an English accent for show) we do English accents.

L-If we are in Germany (In a German accent) we do a German accent.

They were always great at creating cover-ups for slips in our story. Zoey gave me a look showing that they were impressed with my friends.

Ax- Interesting you guys are great at doing different accents you must travel a lot.

M- We do it is really fun!

Ax-Well that is great! Are you guys excited for school on Monday?

Z- For sure I am excited to get back to school. And that same damn idiot from a couple weeks ago that we told you about tried to flirt with Rex again and he brought a friend who tried to flirt with me and we ended up kicking both their ass. It is the same punishment as last time but for both of them it is gonna be hilarious. they say with a laugh.

Lican-What was the punishment last time?

R- Brad had to walk into school butt ass naked

Lican, Max, and Ax all started cracking up.

Max- Of course, that is what you make him do You little devil. Max says smirking at me.

Zoey under her breath says yes yes she is.

Ax- Well I have to get back to the extremely large stack of paperwork on my desk. You kids enjoy the rest of your evening and don't cause to much trouble.

Rex- No promises says with a devilish smirk.

Ax walks away and Becca brings me hot cocoa and a croissant and a chocolate chip muffin and an Arnold Palmer.

Z- Thanks Beccs!

She smiles and walks away.

Lican- So how is Heaven I don't remember much because I was only there for an hour or so.

M-And then Rex and I had to raise you and the rest of the young angels that were sent to hell.

Z- Really I wouldn't have pegged you as the mothering type. she says looking at me.

L-You would be surprised Rex is a big softie with kids it is kinda adorable.

Z- Ohhh I am soooo looking forward to seeing that. they say giving me a cheeky smile.

R- Yah yah whatever I had to be a parent because there was no one else in hell mature enough to raise the kids.

M- She isn't wrong I helped as best I could but I was a punk for a long ass time until Rex finally knocked some sense into me when hell finally had it's shit together.

Z- Wow for someone who is crazy and reckless all the time you were surprisingly put together as a young kid.

L- Rex Reckless? Those are two words I would never thought would be put together in my life and I am immortal.

M- Rex does things that people see as reckless but aren't everything she does has been through excessively. An annoying amount of thought goes through everything that happens. She is as anal as anal comes.

Z- Bwahahahah

R- Will you guys leave me alone okay I says pouting at Zoey trying to see if I could get her to stop

Z- No stop! that isn't fair don't do that. They said covering their eyes trying to protect themselves from the sight of my pout. Ughhh fine! Guys leave her alone she did raise you!

L-Okay I am tired let's go home

We check out with Becca and walk to my car so we can go home.

We drive home and walk into a house of chaos.

Griff was arguing with Artemis and Sam about rooming arrangements. Monica was running around the kitchen trying to figure out dinner and Beth was passed out on the couch.

Rex slammed the door shut with a loud bang and yelled 'What the fuck is going on we have been gone for an hour. Artemis explain. Now.'

A- Griff is pissed you and Zoey took the master bedroom and started arguing with Sam over who deserves it. Monica tried to make dinner but almost blew everything up. Beth passed out from exhaustion because we asked her to shift into different forms so we can see her powers in action. And that's about it.

Zoey looked surprised that he responded so quickly. Artemis was a good person and great at listening to orders when it comes down to it.

R- Griff stop arguing with sam that room is ours and if you have a problem I will whoop your ass back too hell and you can clean the gargoyle stalls for a century. I say narrowing my eyes at him. Kris make sure Beth isn't dead. Max, you are the groups cook for a reason so go make sure Monica doesn't blow us all up and make us some pizza. Sam help Max. And the rest of you guys help were is needed maybe sweep or something this place is a mess. I am going upstairs and showering and If I get interrupted between the shower and pizza nothing good will happen.

I grabbed Zoey's hand and dragged her upstairs with me.

Once we were in our room I shut the door and sighed 'Sorry about them they get crazy sometimes' I say with a sheepish smile

Z- Don't worry about it, babe.

She said it so casually but we both knew that things were changing in our friendship/relationship and we would have to talk eventually but me being the awkward human I am just smiled and said ' I really do need that shower so I am gonna do that now unless you want to join me?'

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