Javier Escuella: Tell Her

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Javier Escuella X Jealous Female Reader

Warning? There is a lot of Spanish in the first half and I apologise for any mistakes

Summary: The gang rescues a woman who speaks Spanish and ends up spending a lot of time with Javier, which upsets the reader.

Word Count: 1560

You tried to pretend that it didn't bother you but you could admit to yourself that you were jealous.

Last week the gang had saved a young woman from an O'Driscoll camp, her name was Sofia Martinez and she had been staying in the van der Linde camp since then. You couldn't say that you didn't like her, she was lovely. She seemed nice and was very pretty. The only problem was that she didn't speak much English, she mainly spoke Spanish and that meant that she spent a lot of time with Javier.

You had liked Javier for some time now. All he had to do was look at you to make you a flustered mess. You had a small hope that he felt the same way about you but now you are starting to think that he had a thing for Sofia.

You sighed as you wandered over to the camp fire, taking a seat beside Lenny and trying to ignore Javier and Sofia who were sitting opposite you.

"Tal vez deberías decirle a ella" Sofia spoke, her face turned towards Javier. "No sé cómo no se dio cuenta de que la estabas mirando todo el día" she continued and you wished that you knew what she was saying to him. However, a part of you was actually glad that you couldn't understand them, you didn't want to hear them if they were flirting.

"¿Puedes por favor bajar tu voz?" Javier spoke back, you didn't know what he was saying but you could tell that it was a question.

"¿por qué? Ella no puede entendernos, y eso probablemente la está volviendo loca" she giggled and you had to fight the urge to roll your eyes. "Cuéntame sobre ella" she smiled, looking to at Javier in a way that you could only describe as curious.

"Es la mujer más hermosa que he visto en mi vida" he sighed, a small smile tugged at his lips as he stared into the fire.

"Eso es una declaración bastante audaz" Sofia hummed, tilting his head at her.

"Pero es verdad. Ella es hermosa por dentro y por fuera. Ella es amable con todos los que conoce, siempre trata de hacer felices a las personas, incluso cuando está triste. No hay muchas personas así en esta vida, ella es una belleza rara y ni siquiera lo sabe" Javier gushed, his smile only growing and it crushed your heart to see him smiling like that when he was talking to her.

"Dile a ella" Sofia smiled, nudging his arm almost playfully.

"Ella no quiere escucharlo" he shook his head as his smile fell from his face.

"Usted, señor Escuella, está completamente ciego. Ella quiere escucharlo, necesita escucharlo. Créeme" she giggled again as she placed her hand on his arm. That was enough for you, you couldn't sit here and watch this any longer. You smiled at Lenny and said your goodbyes before standing up and walking towards your tent.

"Lo haré, pero si lo arruino todo, te culparé" Javier nodded as he watched you walking away from the camp fire. Sofia had been right, he had been watching you all day and many days before that but he never saw you staring back so he always assumed that you weren't interested in him that way.

"No arruinaras nada" Sofia assured him, patting his shoulder in a friendly manner as he stood up. She smiled as she watched Javier walking after you, happy that she had managed pushed him to talk to you.

You disappeared into your tent and took a seat on your bed, picking up a book. "Hey, Y/N" Javier smiled as he stepped into the tent.

"Oh, hello Javier" you smiled slightly as you looked up at him, trying not to completely melt when you saw his usual charming smile.

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