Chapter 7

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Lesley's POV....

"Aria! I admit I yelled at you but I was frustrated because I had a long day of work and it was difficult. That's why I didn't mean any if that what I said." I tried to explain to her.
"Yet you said it." Aria said.
"I tried making you stay back but you have already left. God knows what you've been through and I'm sorry, more sorry than you'll ever imagine." I said.
"Aria? Please say something." I said.
"Come with me, we're gonna meet an old friend in the park." She said.
"Who?" I asked.
"You'll see." She said.
"Okay. Let me just drop in this work for the secretary and I'll meet you in the lobby." I said and she nodded.

Mr Johnson's POV......

I was on my way out when I accidentally bumped into someone luckily I caught her in time, I know its a her because of the long hair and boobs.
"Arh!.." She yelled out, right in time she fell into my arms. It was Aria. Then a past memory came back.

I was holding her in my arms, blood all over. I took her up bridal style an ran quickly to the ambulance.

I finally hit back reality when I realized our position.
"Eh 'em!" I said and brought her back to her feet.
"I'm sorry." She said. I just looked at her and left. That seem rude but I don't care. I really don't care about no one my heart belongs to someone and always will.

Aria's POV....

"I'm sorry." I said. But Mr Johnson just looked at me and left. It as if he didn't care. Before when he caught me he seemed traumatized like if he had seen a ghost and afraid to tell someone.
"Hey! Back to Earth to Aria!" Lesley said waving in my face.
"Oh. Let's go." I said and we both left.


Justin's POV ....

Me, Aria and Lesley was sitting in the park eating burgers and milkshakes.
"'s been a while since I've eaten one this. And drink it." I said eating down the burger.
"Hmm..seems like someone's hungry? Isn't it junior Ria?" Lesley asked.
"So who is the asshole that left you alone and pregnant?" Justin asked.
"His name is Scott Johnson." I said.
"Wait. Lesley's cousin? That Scott?" Justin asked.
"Unfortunately yes." I said.
"Hmm...I never liked that son of a bitch. No offence Les." Justin said.
"None taken. He really is a son of a bitch. If this pregnancy only goes viral then...." Lesley was about to continue when stopped, as if she realises that she was going to far or something.
"Then?" Justin asked.
"Then we're not realizing that it's about to rain." Lesley said as we all looked up.
"Hmm...its true. Well see you girls." Justin said.
"Bye." Me and Lesley said and he left.
"Come on, I'll drop you." Lesley said and I nodded.


We were on our way to my home when Lesley spoke.
"So did you find out the gender of the baby yet?" Lesley asked.
"Not yet. Tomorrow I think." I replied.
"Awe, you're going sweet. Can I company you?" Lesley asked.
"Sure, I'll be glad." I said. At least I'd have an companion with me.


Later that night....

I was having dinner with Sasha and Selena when I spoke.
"Sash what month did you find out the gender of your baby?" I asked her and she looked up.
"Uhm...I went and got it like the ending of my second almost to my third I think." Sasha replied.
"Oh." I said.
"Why? You going tomorrow?" She asked.
"Yes actually I'm going tomorrow for an regular check up." I said.
"Maybe I'm not sure they would tell you. Let's hope they do." Sasha said.
"I hope it's an girl. I'm gonna play dress up and makeup with her. If its an boy, I'll play monkey clown." Selena said and I laughed.
"Of course you will." Sasha said.
"You both will be the closest." I said and she smiled like it's the best thing she's ever heard.

The Next Day .....

I was waiting in the waiting room for my name to be called. Sasha got the morning off to come with me today as well as Lesley. I never thought me and Lesley would of spoken again but I'm glad we're friends again.
"Aria Carter?" The woman called. I looked at Lesley and Sasha.
"Let's go." Sasha said. Sasha and Lesley didn't quite chat much. Only an introduction of their names and that's it. I'm gonna bet that they're gonna be best friends when my baby is born.
"Good morning doctor." I said.
"Good morning dear. I'm doctor Robinson. Come on, have a seat over here and raise your t-shirt." She said. I did as I was instructed. She then put some kind of jelly thing in my stomach which felt cold a bit and then rubbed it around using a scanner thing.
"Okay, heart beat is normal rate and yes." Mrs Robinson said.
"Oh my God!" I whispered shout crying. Lesley and Sasha awed. Looking at the screen I saw my baby. I was crying now.
"The next time you come back her for an appointment, you'll know the baby's gender." The doctor Mrs Robinson said.
"This is so cute." Lesley said.
"I was the same way when I first saw Selena." Sasha said tears falling from all three of us eyes.
"You want a photograph?" Mrs Robinson asked.
"Yes please. Make that two copies please." I said. I know Lesley would of want one.
"Sure." Mrs Robinson said and left. I got up and smiled happily looking at them.


After we've left, Lesley was taking me to work, as we work at the same place. Sasha had gone back to her shift and me an Lesley were in the parking lot. I handed her one copy.
"Want me to give it to Scott?" She asked.
"He wouldn't care neither would my parents. I know we aren't staying together again so you can have it." I said to her and she hugged me.
"Thank you." She said
"No problem. Now let's get to work before Mr bossy arguers." I said and she laughed.


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