Chapter 15

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Sasha's POV....

I was waiting home and watching Frozen with Selena so it can keep u company. Well I've tried everything to get her to sleep but she isn't going to sleep.
"Mummy? When is Aria gonna come home?" She asked as her head was rested on my lap.
"I don't know baby. She will soon." I said honestly. I don't even know where she is. As soon as I was going to get up my phone rang and I quickly picked it up. It was the woman from earlier.
"Hello?!" I said and I went into a shocked scared mood then hung up.
"Mummy?" Selena called and I looked at her then looked back up.
"Come on sweetie go put on your coat and boots." I said.
"Why mummy what happened?" She asked and I looked at her a but angrily and she quickly run into her room.


After the call I took Selena and we're both at the police station.
"Hi, I'm here for Aria Carter?" I said.
"Are you an relative?" The officer asked.
"Yes. Where is she? What happened?" I asked.
"We've trace and searchers found the private jet crashed on the ground. The pilot was dead. Mrs Carter nor Mr Johnson was found. No trace of them nothing." He said.
"Where...where could they have gone?" I asked.
"Ma'am it's the middle of the jungle. No clue." He said.
"Please keep me informed." I said.
"We will. You are welcome to wait if you like." He said and I nodded and went to sit with Selena by seats next to the doorway.
"Where are you Aria?" I whispered to myself.

Aria's POV...

I was feeling uncomfortable in this shirt but I have to bear with it. I was sitting in the corner on the old bed looking out the window watching the rain fall.
"You hungry?" Mr Johnson asked.
"No I'm fine." I lied. I just couldn't help but allow the tears to stream down my face.
"I've lit a mini fire in the furnace. I've set out clothes to dry." He said sitting in the other side of the bed. I didn't even bother turning to look at him or responding. I really just want to go home. I wish I could of reverse the time and go back to the day where I hadn't met Scott. Wish I would of been at my home with my parents.
"Aria!" I heard someone calling. It wasn't Mr Johnson. I saw someone outside the door. I quickly got up and ran.
"Hello?!" I called.
"Mrs Carter?" Mr Johnson called.
"Hey! Is anyone there?!" I shout.
"Mrs Carter! Who are you calling out to?!" Mr Johnson asked walking next to me.
"I thought I saw someone out there!" I said.
"You're seeing things. We're in the middle of the jungle." He said.
"I said I thought I saw." I said walking away but he grabbed my hand.
"You need to stop behaving that way. I'm trying to help you, yet! Yet you're pushing me away! Don't forget who you're working for Mrs Carter!" He said letting go of my hand and walking away.
'I truly truly hate him!'
Why can't he be more polite. I went and sat on the bed and fell asleep somehow.

Sasha's POV.....

We waited here for three hours now, I've called Lesley and Justin an they're here with me.
"Mummy, I'm hungry." Selena said.
"Uh...okay..I don't know if there is an canteen near by." I said.
"Let her come with me." Lesley said.
"Where?" I asked.
"There is a mini mart across from here. They're open all night and day." Lesley said.
"Okay. Be careful and be quick." I said and she nodded an they both left.
"What was the last report they got?" Justin asked.
"They said that they're found the plane crashed, the pilot died and Aria and Mr Johnson isn't found anywhere." I said.
"Great. That's all so far?" He asked and I nodded.


After some time Lesley and Selena had returned and brought candy bars and biscuits for all of us. I didn't eat. I even wonder if she ate. She is like my younger sister, how I can I eat not knowing where she is or at what condition....
"Aren't you eating?" Lesley asked.
"No I'm fine. You all eat." I said forcing this smile to stay. Hm...Aria where are you?!!!
"Excuse me officer? Any news?" I asked.
"Nothing. You can all go home and come back tomorrow." He said and thinking about it I didn't want to leave but Selena is tired and well she wouldn't want to go to school tomorrow.
"Okay." I said and we all left.

The Next Day....

Aria's POV.....

I woke up and I didn't see Mr Johnson anywhere.
"Mr...Mr Johnson?!" I called. Oh God! Did he leave me here alone? Let me change quickly, he must have gone for a quick walk or something.
I quickly grabbed by clothes and remove his stupid t-shirt. After changing back to my clothes I walked out.
"Mr Johnson?!" I called again. I was getting scared. I quickly started walking until someone grabbed my hand.
"ARH!!" I scream. It was Mr Johnson.
"Where the hell are you going?" He asked.
"I...I...was..I was looking for you." I said scared a bit.
"I'm here now, I was looking for some clue of way. Let's keep moving, this way." He said and I nodded.
"Okay." I said and we started walking. The ground was muddy since the rain fell. I wonder if anyone is even looking for us or not? I am sure, one hundred percent sure that Sasha must have found out and she's probably worried sick.
"I think we should continue to walk this way. I was getting signal but now it is worsening." He said.
"Maybe if we keep walking we'll find the main road." I said.
"We landed in the middle of only God knows where and yeah only a couple hours and sure we'll find a main road." He said sarcastically.
"I was trying to lighten the mood." I said walking pass him.


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