Chapter 35

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Brittany Johnson's POV...

We were driving home when we saw a drunk guy walking so close to the road he could get hit. And unfortunately this car drove close to him, it graze him and he fell.
"Stop the car!" I said.
"What's wrong?!" Shane, my husband asked.
"Driver reverse the car! Look who it is all drunk!" I said angrily as the driver reverse the car to the guy sitting on the grass. That guy happen to be my youngest son, Scott. Me and Shane quickly got out the car and went by him.
"Scott! Scott! What are you doing here so late?! And all drunk!" I asked him as I stoop down to help pick him up.
"She said, I would have been a terrible father!" Scott said in a very drunk way.
"Who said that?" Shane asked.
"She said that." Scott said slamming his face on the ground.
"Jimmy! Get him into the car!" I told the driver whom came and helped us put Scott into the backseat with me. He laid his head on my lap and curled his feet on top the car seat.
"Why do you drink?" I asked him.
"Who else do you think he got it from?" Shane said from the passenger seat.
"We're not starting that now Shane!" I said and he sighed angrily.


Aria's POV...

I woke up the next morning with Brandon's hand over my waist. I feel so comfy in this position I don't wanna get up. But something tells me I should. Trying to open my eyes I did and gently put his hand down. I went and took a shower brushed my teeth and then I changed into a leggings and long soft pregnancy top, probably reaching to the top of my legs. I threw on a pair of flats since I can't wear heels during pregnancy. I let my hair down and did a little make-up. I'm feeling very dressy today. After I was done I walked out but Brandon wasn't there.
"Bran?" I called. Then I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me and over my large stomach.
"Missed me?" I heard a voice but it wasn't Brandon's. I quickly moved away the hands and turned around. It was Scott!
"What are you doing here?! Get out! Now!" I yelled at him.
"You said I would make a terrible father!" He said.
"I was angry!" I said.
"Just remember our deal when our baby is born." He said as he reached the door I talked.
"My baby! Not yours. This baby is not your child anymore. She's mines alone!" I said angrily.
"Of wasn't for me, you wouldn't have such a baby in your stomach." He said with a evil smile.
"Get the hell out of my room!" I said and he looked at me then left. I sat on my bed thought about how do I tell Brandon that I'm carrying his brother's child?! I can't!
"Aria! Are you ready to go?" I heard Brandon asked as he walked into my room.
"Yeah. Let's go!" I said quickly wiping my tears and walking to him.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"What? I mean, I'm fine. I'm just really scared today." I said and he laughed hugging me.
"Everything's gonna be fine. Now let's go before you miss the appointment." He said as I grabbed my phone and we left.


I was into the doctors room, lying on the bed as he put some jelly thing on my stomach, it was cold by the way. Then he rubbed the scanner thing over my stomach. I wasn't lieing to Brandon earlier, I am pretty nervous.
"And here is your baby girl." The doctor said.
"Oh my God! She's an angel! My beautiful baby girl." I said crying.
"Our beautiful baby girl." Brandon said holding my hands and he sat on the chair next to me so we can be same level.
"So how many copies do you want?" The doctor asked.
"Two." I said. One for me and Brandon and the other for Sasha. The doctor then nodded and left.
"Why the second one? One is enough for us." Brandon said.
"I...this might sound...not right but..I wanna send one to Sasha. Well not for her but Selena. I promise her that she'll see how much the baby will grow inside me in two months." I said and he smiled lightly. His necklace actually bring out the bad boy style in him, I've now recognize that.
"What about your parents?" He asked.
"I want to but I'm afraid they'd ignore it like trash. Its better that we just space ourselves from them. I will of course send them an invitation to our wedding. They'll always be my parents." I said.
"You're an amazing person. How do you have such an clean and honest heart? I'm so glad I've found you." Brandon said and I lost my smile.
"I'll be right back." He said kissing my forehead and leaving.
'I am so sorry Brandon! I am not that honest person who you love. I am hiding the most important thing from you. I'm really sorry. But I'll have to tell this truth sooner or later. And k promise to tell you before we get married. And that's if you'll still wanna marry me after you've learn the truth.' I thought and cried.


Brandon's POV....

"I'll be right back." I said kissing her forehead and left. I came out the room and luckily met the doctor before she went back inside.
"Doctor, I need one more copy of this ultrasound, without my fiancee inside knowing." I said.
"Okay, sure but why may I asked?" She asked.
"It's an surprise. See it's her birthday today." I said.
"Oh of course then." The doctor said as she went back to make another copy.
'Don't worry Aria. I'll personally send this to your parents. I'm sure they'll keep it.' I thought.
"Here you are sir." The doctor said handing me all three copies. I hid one and carried the next two inside.
"Hey you are." I said handing her the ultrasound copies.
"Thanks. Can we go somewhere? Maybe the library or something?" She asked.
"Of course. Anywhere you want to." I said. This is a good thing. The rest of them home will prepare the surprise birthday party. I don't think she remembers her own birthday.
"What are you thinking about and smiling of?" She asked.
"Nothing. Let's go." I said and she nodded confusingly.


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