Chapter 57

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As I came down all eyes were on me. I didn't realize that there were many people here already.

The dress and heels that Aria is wearing.

I was feeling so nervous as everyone was staring at me

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I was feeling so nervous as everyone was staring at me. I spotted Brandon and Scott standing at the alcohol table and I walked next to them.
"Wow!" Was all they both said at the same time.
"Bran. Everyone's staring at me." I whispered.
"Well you are looking beautiful right now. Sexy, elegant. I'm out of words to describe you at. You're so mesmerizing." Brandon said making me blush.
"You do look stunning." Scott said.
"Thanks boys. Where is my baby?" I asked them.
"Veronica and Selena are over there by our parents. It's like they have given birth." Brandon said.
"Ha! I'm going for my baby. They had her whole day." I said and was walking out but Brandon held my wrist.
"Aria, let them be. For now take this as an advantage. Have a drink?" Brandon asked me.
"I don't know." I hesitated.
"Come on. Enjoy yourself and relax a little. Your baby is right there. She's safe." Scott said.
"Well maybe one." I said. He then told the person making the drinks to make me one. I then took it.
"Cheers!" I said.
"Cheers!" Brandon and Scott said in unison as the three of us hit glasses. As I sipped it I felt it burn my throat a little. I squint a little at the taste.
"You'll get use to it." Scott said.
"What type of alcohol is this by the way?" I asked looking at the glass.
"Vodka." Brandon said.
"Ah nice!" I said taking another sip.
"Hey chic!" Lesley said as she and Justin came next to me.
"Hey girl!" I said hugging her and we both kissed each other's cheeks.
"You're looking so sexy! Damn it!" She said as we all laughed.
"As are you. You're looking amazing!" I said.
"Thanks." She said.
"Say where is your drink?" Scott asked.
"What drink?" Justin asked.
"You guys didn't take any drinks?" Brandon asked.
"Nope, we got here just now." Lesley said.
"Come on. What are you guys having? Vodka? Whiskey? There are others." Scott said.
"More like a hundred different types." Brandon said as we laughed. After Lesley and Justin got their drinks we just chatted randomly.
"Hey Aria." My parents and Brandon's parents said as they came to us.
"Hey mom, hey dad. Hey next mom and next dad." I said laughing a little.
"Let's cut the cake now. Veronica and Selena is feeling sleepy. You and Brandon can continue to spend some time with your friends." Brittany said.
"Sure." I said. The music then stopped and we went by the table. Damn! Was it a huge ass cake!
"Wow! How much did this cake cost?" I whispered asked Brittany.
"It doesn't matter when it comes to my granddaughter. She is a Johnson's after all." Brittany said.
"Well..." Shane then cut me off.
"Brittany is right. It doesn't matter. Three thousand dollars is nothing." Shane said and I almost spit out the vodka I was drinking.
"Three thousand dollars? Just on the cake? I'm not even bothering to ask about the cost of the entire party." I said. Brandon then held Veronica in his arms. I made Selena stand in front of me. I rested my hands on her shoulders.
"Well on this day. I Shane Johnson on behalf the Johnson family, we welcome Veronica Johnson to our family, my granddaughter. Hip hip!" Shane said.
"Hooray!" Everyone said. I realize that Selena's face drop a little. She seems left out. I won't make her feel that way.
"And as the daughter-in-law of the Johnson's family, I also want to welcome one more person to this family. Not only to the Johnson family but the Carter family as well. Selena, your mom and dad may not be with us today but you are, and you don't and won't ever have to feel alone. We are your family and always will be. I love you just as much as I love Veronica." I said as she started crying and I hugged her. Everyone was emotional.
" you too!" She said as she let go.
"Now no more tears. Time to smile like there's no tomorrow." I said and she smiled. Everyone clapped as I cut the cake. I dip my finger in the frosting and allowed Veronica to lick out a little bit of it. Her entire mouth is messed up now.
"Aww!" Everyone was saying as they laughed.
"Selena." I said feeding her piece of cake.
"Welcome to the family Elna." Scott said.
"Thank you." She said.
"Welcome Selena. You'll never feel alone." Brandon said as she smile.
"Selena, we're both looking forward in getting to know you more and spending time with you." My parents said making me smile.
"Thank you." She said.
"Okay so enjoy the rest of the party everyone!" I said and everyone scattered.
"Moms and dads. Can you all take Veronica and Selena to their room to sleep?" I asked mine and Brandon's parents.
"Sure honey. Come on Selena." My mom said as they left and went upstairs.
"So we are gonna have another drink." Scott said as me, Brandon, Lesley and Justin wooed.
"Hey Scott. If a guy was hitting on you, what would you do?" Lelsey asked Scott.
"Dude. No way." Scott said.
"What if he's hot?" Lesley asked. Both me and Brandon looked at Lesley confused.
"Les?" I said.
"Les no way." Scott said.
"I dare you to date a guy for this party tonight." Lesley said and we all look at her crazily and confused.
"No way!" Scott said.
"Scaredy cat!" Lesley said.
"No I am not." Scott said.
"Then accept the challenge." Lesley said.
"Fine. It's not like you're gonna find any gays here." Scott said.
"Really? Kevin!" Lesley turned around and call a random guy. He then came. He has black hair, brown eyes and is very sexy. Only he's gay, I think.
"Guys meet my friend Kevin. Kevin this is my best friend Aria, her husband my cousin Brandon and my other cousin who is single Scott. And well you know Justin of course." Lesley said.
"I do. Nice to meet you all." Kevin said.
"Hope we can get to know each other more." I said.
"Me too." Brandon said.
"So do I." Kevin said.
"Scott, your dare needs to be done." Lesley said as she explain to Kevin. Me, Brandon and Justin was just chatting by the time until one of my favorite songs started playing.
"Ria! One of your favorite song!" Lesley said pointing her thumb finger back. It was 'Give me everything tonight.'
"Let's go dance!" I said grabbing Brandon and Justin into the crowd. Lesley had pushed Scott and Kevin to the dancefloor as well.
"I want all of you tonight! Give me everything tonight!" We all sang. We then started jumping and dancing to the beat. Damn! This feels so much better than being pregnant!
"Woohoo!" I said. Brandon was just shaking his body.
"Bran! Lighten up. Let the beat of the music take you over. Look at you brother and Justin. Just dance like there's no tomorrow!" I said through the loud music. Veronica, Selena and my parents won't hear the music that loud since the house is so huge and the Air-condition is on all over the house. I realize that Kevin is slightly getting closer to Scott. Oh well! Time to enjoy! I was dancing until I backed up and bumped into someone.
"Sorry!" I said as I turned around, I was shock to see who it was.
"You?!" I said. He wasn't as confused or shock as me.



Who wanna guess who this guy is? A hint is, you all know him. He's been in a couple chapters recently. (comment below)

Next update soon. Click or touch the star below and don't forget to follow me up. Hope you all enjoyed till next time bye... love you all...😘❤✌

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