Chapter 34

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Aria's POV....

I was feeling a bit tired and tomorrow I got to go for a check up. But right now it's late evening and Scott is no where to found. I'm patiently waiting for him to come to know why he called earlier and was asking weird questions. As if he believe I fell for 'Selena is crying and wanna go somewhere but she doesn't say.' I mean I'm not dumb enough to fall for that.
"Hey, you okay?" Brandon asked me as he came next to me on the sofa.
"What? Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. Just a bit worried about Selena." I said. He then wrapped his arms around me.
"Relax. Everything's fine, I'm sure. You're just probably worrying about nothing." Brandon said.
"I don't know. I just have a feeling that it's something really bad." I said. Just then Scott came home.
"Scott!" I said as both me and Brandon stood up.
"Aria before you freak out you don't have to worry Elna is fine." He said.
"El who?" I asked.
"Uhm Selena. I call her Elna." Scott said.
"Well what happened?!" I asked impatiently. And he looked at me before starting to explain.


After Scott had told us, out of anger I slapped him across his face. By now Brandon was shocked so was the maids who had their hands covering their mouths in shock, Scott's face was to the side as he slowly turned back to face me. Brittany and Shane Johnson, the guys parents aren't home which is sort of a good thing.
"How could you have made such a mistake?!! Selena could of been hurt or worst!" I said angrily.
"Aria! Calm down!" Brandon said.
"Don't tell me to calm down! Selena is only four years old! What if something has happened to her?! Huh! Huh!" I said angrily.
"But nothing happened right!" Scott said.
"She could of been kidnapped and raped for God's sake! She could of skipped into that Lake and drowned and no one would of ever find her!" I yelled angrily even more loudly.
"Aria please! Let's all calm down and talk about this upstairs." Brandon said calmly.
"Why can't we speak about it here?! You know what Scott! You would of been a terrible father!" I said and stormed out only now to realise what I have just said. Shit! What if Scott tells Brandon? Then things would of taken a different direction! It's not like I don't wanna tell Brandon, I will just when the time is right.  I'm just gonna have to face the consequences thats all.


Some Time Later...

After brushing my teeth and taken a bath, my hair is still a bit wet, I mean I'm in no mood to blow dry, I was wearing on a black and dark purple robe. I was sitting on the bed leaning back to the wall when I heard a knock and my bedroom door open. It was Brandon of course I'd expect him to come.
"Hey." He called softly. Oh seems like Scott didn't say anything.
"Hey." I replied.
"I'm not sure if you're in the mood for company?" He said walking in and lightly shutting my door.
"Not really but if it's your company I wouldn't mind." I said and he laughed as he came and sat facing me.
"I'm sorry. Its just that Selena means so much to me even though we aren't related by blood, I just feel the connection and love with her. I just let my emotions get the best of me." I said.
"Hmm! Aria you're a sweet and loving person. I totally understand why you were so angry and so upset. But what I don't understand is the last thing you said to Scott, what did you meant by it?" He asked. Oh good! Scott didn't tell him anything. Now what do I say?!
"Aria?" Brandon called me breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Oh, I promise Scott I wouldn't say anything. But all I can say is that he trusted me enough with his secret." I said lieing again.
"I didn't get a chance to ask Scott. As you told him that I walked out, he stormed out the house." He said.
"Let me guess, he went to a club bar?" I asked.
"I'm guessing it to." Brandon said.
"Well, I hope you remember what tomorrow is." I said.
"Of course darling." He said.
"Good. The appointment is for ten." I said.
"Appointment?" He asked.
"Yeah. I have to go for an checkup tomorrow." I reminded him. Didn't he say just now that he remembered what tomorrow is?
"Of course. I didn't forget. I was testing if you... remembered." He said.
"You really can't lie, you know that." I said.
"Sorry. I better get going. You should get some rest." He said getting up seeming like he wants to stay.
"Bran, you know your parents are gonna be home late since they're seeing the office and Scott isn't at home, the maids all left there is only us at home." I said and he smiled.
"Want me to stay?" He asked.
"I wouldn't mind at all." I said biting my lower lip smiling.


Scott's POV....

After what Aria said to me and stormed of I also left and came to my usual 'Glowing Party' club.
"Another shot of tequila!" I ordered sitting on a stool by the bar tending counter. This was my fourth shot.

'You know what Scott! You would have been a terrible father!'

Aria's words kept in echoing over and over in my head until I kept drinking and drinking more.

'You know what Scott!'
'You would have been a terrible father!'
'A terrible father!'
'You know what Scott!'
'A terrible father!'
'You would have a terrible father!'

"NO!!" I yelled slamming the glass on the floor as I stood up. Everyone was looking at me. I paid the bartender and left. I was walking out on the streets since I didn't come with my car, I took the cab and now I'm not sure what to do! Do I continue to walk? I'm feeling so drunk I can barely understand what I'm saying or doing.
"How dare you Aria! I! Me! Scott Johnson! Would be a terrible father?!! No way!" I yelled at the top of my lungs drifting from side to side as I walked.
"You know what! You're right! I will make a terrible father! But can you do better?! You can't lie for long! You can't hide the truth for long!" I yelled as a car passed so close to me I fell to the side of the road on the grass. I think I realize the car reversing. I recognize it though! The woman and man in the back look so familiar I just can't recognize them, I'm so drunk!


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Bye till next time...❤

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