Chapter 29

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After the restaurant we all just walked outside and went to the benches next to the lake. The waters look so beautiful with the lights and stars reflecting on it. It's like sparkling.
"Ria, what'd you think?" Lesley asked. I honestly had no clue what she was talking about. I was so taken away by the nature beauty.
"Uh...yeah?" I replied and she laughed.
"She asked if you would put peanut butter on your pizza." Scott said and I covered my mouth and laughed.
"Sorry I was lost in my thoughts." I said and Brandon's arm went around my shoulders. I saw Scott face went to a jealous sort of way.
"We all know." Brandon said.
"So. Where to now?" Justin asks.
"Home. I can really use a nap." I said stretching my arms.
"So does little Aria." Brandon asked placing his hands over my stomach.
"Yes darling." I said and we all laughed.

The Next Morning....

Sasha's POV....

I never should have done that deal with Brittany Johnson. I should have known better, but it'd be better that way since I have to make sure Selena's future is safe. Then a knock came to my door
"I'm coming!" I said and went to open it. There I saw Aria and Mr Brandon Johnson. I truly hate the Johnson's every single one of them.
"Hey!" Aria said hugging me and I wanted to hug back but I didn't. I can't even though I wanted to. Brandon has realise but didn't say anything. Aria in the other is just too quick in everything.
"I came to meet you." She said walking in and Brandon following behind her. I close my eyes tightly before saying something.
"I haven't given you permission to enter my home." I said in a rude way and she an Brandon turned around and looked at me.
"Sasha? What's wrong?" She asked.
"Huh? It's been so long you've gone you haven't called me not once. If I didn't call you the other night you wouldn't have visited me." I said.
"Sasha? It's not that I didn't wanted to see you. I wished you were with me. I have always thought about you and Selena." She said. I know she did.
"Oh did you? Is that why you waited until last minute to say you're getting married? Let's face it you're nothing more than a shameful person." I said and Aria looked shocked.
"Sasha? This isn't you." She managed to say.
"Oh it's me. It's just the other part of me you haven't seen. The ones that speaks the truth." I said.
"Please stop!" She said.
"Let's admit it. You never cared about me or Selena. You've used us and when you've met him you trick him into marrying you because you're nothing more than a gold digger!" I said loudly and harshly. I saw Brandon's hand curled into a ball.
"You're even carrying an illegitimate child to the Johnson's family." I said in a smiling evil way. I'm so sorry Aria.
"Enough! How dare you speak to her that way!" Brandon yelled.
"I can speak to anyone I want to in any tone." I said.
"We've risk coming here! Aria risk coming here! Just to see you and make sure you're fine! She have done so much for you and even wanted to persuade my mother to invite you to our wedding! She even wanted you to be her maid of honor!" Brandon said and as much as I wanted to cry and yell it's all a fake what I said I can't.
"Just get the hell out of my house!" I said pointing to the door. Aria's face was completely shocked and it seems like she was traumatized.
"Let's go!" Brandon said holding her hands and walking out. When she came next to pass me she stopped and stared at me, her eyes filled with waters ready to fall. So was mines and I just looked away as she then walked out with Brandon an I closed my door. I then went inside my bedroom and slammed my door shut. I sat sitting down leaning my back against my bed side on the ground and I curled into a ball covering my face in my knees as I remembered.

One Day Ago....

After meeting Aria yesterday and we left, Mrs Brittany Johnson came to me and offered me a deal.
"Hmm...I guarantee my daughter...but since you're rich..the Brittany Johnson..the price will be to raised the price to fifty thousand dollars cash." I said.
"Done." She said nodding and gesturing for me to follow her to her car. After I went to her car. She took her check book out and made out a check and handed it to me.
"One hundred thousand?" I asked.
"Yes, because I not only want you to hide the truth but I also want you get out of Aria's life. Because you see, my son Brandon's life is connected with Aria's and Aria's with you. I need you out!" Brittany said and I got angry. My blood have reach to an boiling point that it can't go anymore.
"Never!" I said.
"You want more money?" She asked.
"No! I want to know why?!" I said.
"Simple. You know the truth about what really happen that night and so did I. And I can't risk that coming out. So you! Keep your mouth shut! Your precious daughter's life will be at risk here." Brittany said. How dare she to use my daughter against me!
"Fine! What do you want me to do?!" I asked.
"Get angry with her, say harsh words against her you know to get her out your life." Brittany said.
"If I do this I need your word and guarantee on something." I said.
"What?" She asked.
"I want Selena's future to be in the Johnson's family after the wedding and make sure she's always happy. Because at the end of the day, you're her grandma. You know she carries Johnson's name." I said. Two can play at this game, Brittany Johnson.
"You're quite smart you know that. And why? Wouldn't you be around?" She asked. I then went into my bag and hand her my medical papers. She grabbed from my hands and read them. Her face went to a shock.
"You're dieing? That too with cancer?" She asked shocked.
"Yes." I said.
"You have my word then. Selena will live with us and you will have to without an choice stay out of our lives." Brittany said.
"I won't be around to anyways." I said and she looked at me serious.


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Hey guys...sorry but you can't blame me for the late update. My phone was stolen and wiped so after finding it back I tried for two weeks straight trying to get back my account and I did today. all please do vote and leave your comments...thank update is tomorrow..💞✌❤

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