Chapter 18

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After dropping Selena to school I still didn't know where Sasha went to so early. I called her but it leads straight to voicemail and she isn't replying to any of my messages. As I entered the office I signed in.
"Good morning Mrs Carter. Welcome back." Said the woman in the front desk.
"Thank you. Good to see you to." I said smiling and she returned it.
"Welcome back Mrs Carter." Mr Brown my work colleague said.
"Thank you." I said.
"Good morning Mrs Carter." Said Mrs Smith.
"Good morning to you to Mrs Smith." I said. Everyone was greeting me and welcoming me back, so sweet. I walked into the elevator and went up to Mr bossy office. After knocking he then answered.
"Come in!" He said with his stern serious tone. Why does he always have to be this cold? Geez!
"Good morning Mr Johnson." I said walking in.
"Aren't you in your fourth month pregnancy or something?" He asked all of a sudden.
"Yes I am." I replied confused.
"Then why are you wearing heels?" He asked.
"Oh, I just put them on to walk in. At my desk I take them off." I said.
"Still it can be dangerous." He said.
"So? It's my life, my baby, my body and I Can do whatever I feel like. Besides it's not like I'm gonna fall." I said rolling my eyes. He then came closer to me. Surprisingly what the hell has gotten into him?
"Don't you care?" He asked coming closer to me. My heart raced. He was inches away from my face.
"About?" I whispered a little loud.
"Your life?" He asked.
"I...." As I was about to continue my phone beep making us separate. He walked back a little and I check my phone.

Sorry for the late reply but I was a bit busy with work. See u home for dinner. Is Selena at school?

I then replied right after.

I've taken her to school already. See u later. Bye be safe❤....

Then I looked back up to see Mr Johnson looking at me.
"What?" I asked and he shook his head.
"I have something for you." He said handing me an yellow envelope.
"What's this? A raise?" I asked jokingly. After opening it I saw the last ultrasound I did on Paris.
"My ultrasound? My baby girl!" I said smiling. My eyes was watering.
"While some of the officers was searching for clues or whatever they found a couple things. For example this." Mr Johnson said and I was so happy my tears started rolling off my eyes. I then hugged Mr Johnson without even thinking.
"Thank you!" I said. He then surprisingly hugged back.

Mr Johnson's POV.....

"Thank you!" She said hugging me. I wasn't sure if to hug back or not. Then without thinking I just wrapped my hands lightly around her hugging back. I don't know why I didn't see the vision hallucinations thing that I always get whenever I get close to people.
"Oh sorry!" She said pulling away smiling. Her face seems so glowing.
"Sorry?" I asked confused.
"For hugging, I mean I know you're an person who dislikes hugs and those things." She said. She looks so cute I must admit.
"No problem. I am a good hearted person you know." I said and she started laughing. That wasn't even a joke.
"You?" She laughed even more.
"Okay I think this is enough fun and jokes even though it wasn't one." I said.
"You needs to lighten up a little." She said.
"Meaning?" I asked.
"Meaning you're just too...I mean I'm surprised you even have a heart." She said and I gasp a little smiling.
"Wait a minute! You're smiling? Oh my God! The Worlds gonna end? Mr Cold Face is smiling!" She said and I blushed a little.
"I smile sometimes." I said defensive.
"Really? Like when?" She asked.
"Uh...the day before yesterday?" I said lieing and she laughed.
"Liar! You should know something about me that I'm good at knowing if someone's lieing." She said.
"Really then..." My phone starts to ring as I continued.
"Excuse me. You can check the files on the desk." I said. It was my mother Lisa calling, surprisingly.

Mr Johnson(me), Mr Johnson mother(Lisa).

Me:"Hi mom."
Lisa:"Hey dear. How are you?"
Me:"I'm fine."
Lisa:"Well I'm calling to say me and your father is visiting. We're coming back to America tomorrow."
Me:"That's good news to hear. I'm...I mean have you told..."
Lisa:"Yes, I told your brother already. He actually called us and I've just decided that we'll visit tomorrow. We're leaving England soon."
Me:"Okay. See you tomorrow, bye."
Lisa:"Bye dear, hope I see my future daughter-in-law."

Then she hung up.Great! This is just great! Now I have to make something up. Daughter-in-law? I told her I don't want to get married after what happened with...
"Mr Johnson?" Mrs Carter called breaking me of my thoughts.
"What?" I asked.
"The files is all good." She said. I could see her facial expression changed to a bit sad. Great! Good job Brandon Johnson! Nice way to ruin a perfectly good moment of making a new friend.
"I'll see if anything needs to be fix, outside?." She said or asked as she was about to walk off I stopped her.
" free tonight?" I asked. Maybe she can help me.
"Tonight? I guess I am." She said.
"Well I would need a extra hand in something. I'll pay you for it." I said.
"What is it?" She asked.
"I need to find someone to act as my girlfriend for a couple days. Not more than a week of course." I said.
"Okay? And why do you think that I can help with something like that?" She asked.
"'re my assistant." I said lieing. Its really because she's the only one I think I can trust out of all of my staffs working here.
"Oh yeah. Well, I'll stay back after work I think I know where you can get such a girl." She said. Then I nodded. As she was walking past me she accidentally slip.
"Arh!" She yelled as she fell and I caught her in my arms. We just stared at each other's eyes. Our face was so close I could feel her breathing.


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