Chapter 68

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I continue to read.

I  also did something stupid. I've made an deal with Brittany Johnson, the woman who murdered her son my daughter's father, my love.  The deal I made was to not tell Aria anything in exchange for fifty thousand dollars. I mean I know I was gonna die so I had to make sure that Selena's future is secure. So I agreed. Ever since I've, without an choice been mean to Aria. I said things to her that I didn't mean. But I did that part because I've made yet another deal with Brittany. I told her that I will do as she says if she guarantee that she will take Selena in and allow Aria and Brandon to raise her. She agreed to it. I've said mean things to Aria. See I know that Aria loves me like her blood. She loves Selena a whole lot. But I just can't tell her anything. I love both Selena and her so much. I hope that Brittany Johnson pays for the sins she's done. All the murders she committed. She has killed so much innocent people. Including the waitress lady or I don't know her too well. I know she killed many people because before in cold blood she murders Brad he told me all the things his mother have done. That's why I kept Selena as far away from them as possible. I didn't want Aria and her unborn child to stay with such family but finding out she is carrying the next generational heir of the Johnson's, they won't stop until they have that child at any cost. Aria if you get my diary, I want you to know how sorry I am for hurting you. And always know I am watching over you and Selena. I love you both..♥♥♥

Bye...I don't have much time again to live. I've jotted down as much as I can. But please continue to search for answers and the truth. Be careful and I will protect you. I love you♥

I turned the page but it was empty. I closed the book realising that it has nothing else in it. I started to cry. Michael then came and sat next to me.
"Aria?" He called. I don't know what came over me but I turned to face him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and I cried on his shoulders.
"It's okay." He said.
"No!- it's not- I-I had...I had no- idea!" I said breaking up while crying.
"It's not your fault. Nothing is your fault in this. You're innocent." He said and I continued to cry.

Brandon's POV...

We've been driving around Paris and looking like for over three hours now. We couldn't find any signs of her no where. I was sitting in a bench in some mini garden with Andrea and Chase.
"Did you contact the rest of your family?" Andrea asked.
"I was going to and it slipped my mind. I'll do that right now." I said taking out my phone and walking to the end of other side of the mini garden, dialing Scott's number. I'm definitely not telling my parents yet or Aria's parents because they'd freak out.
'Come on idiot! Pick up the phone!' I yelled in my head. He finally picked up.

Scott:"This better be important."

Me:"Scott. Don't let our parents or Aria's parents know anything yet but Aria's missing. I've filed an report and now I'm searching around for her with the help of two...friends."

Scott:"What?! How did she get kidnapped? Where were you both?"

Me:"Having an romantic evening until she felt a bit sick and went to the washroom. After some time I think she's taking a while to get back so I went and search for her. A couple was passing by and thought it was her husband who was putting her in the van."

Scott:"Great! Like that helped?"

Me:"I don't know what to do!"

Scott:"Uhm...things have been getting crazy over here as well. I mean we broke in the building, sent in an smoke bomb, stole some camera footages and now we're hoping we weren't caught by the CIA or whatever it was."

Me:"What the hell are you talking about? CIA? Smoke bomb? Stole security footages? And who the hell is we?"

Scott:"Oh! Aria hasn't tell you about it yet hasn't she?"

Me:"Tell me what?"

Scott:"I can't explain it the right way. It's a too long story. Focus on getting Aria back."

Me:"Okay. But what do I do?"

Scott:"I have an idea. I'll call you back in five to ten minutes."

Me:"Okay bye."

I then hung up not knowing what my next move is to do now.

Aria's POV

After I was finally finished with crying, I dried my face with the tissue paper that Michael gave me.
"Thank you." I said wiping my eyes.
"No problem. It is very difficult to take in such information." He said.
"I know and I'm sorry." I said getting up.
"What for?" He asked.
"Everything. I accused you so many times and so much more." I said.
"Don't worry about it. Now that you know what I wanted to see a long time now, are you finally gonna help us?" He asked.
"If it means getting back to my daughter then yes." I said.
"Good. You can start by telling us what you know about Brittany Johnson." He said.

"What do you mean? Like start from the beginning?" I asked as he sat in his chair behind his table and I sit opposite him.
"Yes." He said.
"I don't know much." I said.
"Just tell us anything, any little detail of her." He said.
"Well she always keep herself in the low. She loves both her sons very much as well as her granddaughter....granddaughters, I can assure you that. And I think she's drinks alcohol." I said.
"That's it?" He asked.
"As what I know of yeah." I said.
"Okay. We need to...think of a solution." He said.
"I have one." I said as my eyes fell on the diary. Michael then looked at me.
"What?" He asked.
"We're making her come clear." I said and he stared at me confused.


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Hey guys, the book is coming to an near end. Maybe about four to five chapters remaining (not sure).

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