Chapter 71

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"The gun points to the murderer!" I said moving the gun from Scott to the actual murderer. Everyone's faces went to shock including the person who is the murderer.
"You?!" Lesley asked.
"Brittany, you're mistaken." Shane said as I point the gun to him.
"I'm sorry! But I'm not the puppet for you to be playing with anymore! Burn in hell!" I said, about to pull the trigger.
"Mom stop!" Brandon said as he, Aria and Michael Murray burst through the door.
"Your father deserves it!" I said.
"Brittany Johnson if you pull that trigger you're gonna go in prison." Michael said.
"Why don't you tell them what you did Shane!" I said.
"You tell us then!" Aria said.
"Well let's start about how he murdered my son!" I said.
"Brittany!" Shane said making me jump. I still held the gun facing him.

Four years ago....

"Mom, this is the girl I want to marry." Fred said to me.
"And her name is?" I asked.
"I'm Sasha Mitchell." The brunette said.
"Well if you are my son's happiness I'm willing to accept it." I said smiling lightly.
"We should tell dad." Fred said.
"Tell me what?" Shane asked coming inside the living room.
"Fred is getting married. Her name's Sasha." I said happily.
"Definitely not!" Shane said.
"Why not?! Dad we love each other and she's my happiness!" Fred said.
"She doesn't know our ways and do you know anything about her reputation! She isn't from a high class family and she's only what? Sixteen? Will she be able to run a company?" Shane asked and I looked at him with disgust.
"Mr Johnson, I can learn the ways. I will keep Fred happy." Sasha said.
"Shane please." I said.
"The next heir to the Johnson's business will not be run with a middle class girl." Shane said and my eyes started to water. I can see Sasha tearing up.
"Dad she..." Shane cut off Fred mid sentence.
"My decision is final!" Shane said.
"Dad she's pregnant with my child!" Fred said causing both me and Shane to look at him shock.
"What?!" I asked.
"You choose! Either both the baby and you stay here or you leave and you're no longer the heir to the Johnson's business empire!" Shane said.
"Shane! Pleased don't do this!" I begged.
"My reputation is very important to me!" He said.
"Sorry father but I'm not leaving Sasha alone." Fred said as he took Sasha's hand and was about to walk out the door.
"Fred wait!" I called out to him.
"If you dare walk out that door you're no longer my son!" Shane said and I started crying. Both Fred and Sasha turned around, Sasha was also crying.
"Forgive me. I will never make the same mistake like you did." Fred said.
"Fred please! We can sort this out!" I said.
"Sorry mom. The decision is final." He said and I cried more.
"Fred you can't leave your family because of me." Sasha said.
"It's my decision to make. Now lets get out of here." Fred said as he and Sasha intertwined hands and leaving.
"Shane you have to stop them!" I begged.
"Your son is stubborn. The day will come when he'll regret leaving." Shane said which took me by surprise.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"You'll see." He said and left.

Two Years Later...
Author's POV...

Brandon was driving home with Fred in the passenger seat and his best friend Irene in the backseat behind Fred. The rain was storming heavily. Irene was five months pregnant. Brandon was in love with Irene but she was carrying someone else's child. Brandon didn't who he was and didn't bother to ask. They were coming back from the hospital. Irene had gone for her check up in Mount Valley Hope Hospital. It was in the mountain side.
"Bran? I still don't get why you need me to come with you." Fred said.
"Well you have experience with Sasha." Brandon said.
"Smooth reason." Fred said and laughed a little.
"Brandon you can just drop me off at my restaurant. I have an mini bedroom there." Irene said.
"No way. It can be dangerous." Brandon said.
"Brandon look out!!" Fred screamed as the light of another vehicle crashes into them.
"Arh!" Irene screams from the back as their car was at the edge of an mountain. On both sides of the front seats was slippery rocks.
"Arghhh!!" Irene screams as she held stomach.
"Irene! Fred!" Brandon called.
"Brandon get Irene out of here! This wasn't an accident. Someone wants me dead." Fred said.
"What?! No you go!" Brandon said.
"No you go first!" Fred said and Brandon nodded. He hopped into the backseat and opened the door.
"Go! I'll be right behind you!" He gently push Irene out.
"Fred come on!" Brandon yelled. Fred was about to move when he felt a sharp pain in his leg.
"I can't move my leg!" Fred said.
"I'm coming!" Brandon said. Then they saw a bright light reflection in the rearview mirror.
"Shit! Brandon go!" Fred said as the vehicle was starting up.
"I'm not leaving you damnit!" Brandon said.
"Take care of everyone. Tell mom I'm sorry for blaming her." Fred said holding his younger brother's hand.
"What do you mean?" Brandon asked.
"She'll explain it one day! Now go! Please! I'll find a way out!" Fred said. The vehicle then started to drive.
"GO!!" Fred screams as the vehicle smash into their car and the car fell of the cliff.
"Brandon!!!!" Irene scream in shock and fear. The vehicle then reverse and quickly drove off. Irene was bleeding but sh dragged herself to then end of the cliff to see Brandon holding on to a branch of an tree.
"Bran-Brandon!" Irene manage to scream out. Same time an ambulance came.
"Hang on!" Irene said closing her eyes and going unconscious.

After the medics helped Brandon up they called the cops. Brandon saw Irene on a stretcher on the ground with stains of blood on her lower part of the white and pink dress.
"Irene!" Brandon scream. There was a bruise on his forehead that was bleeding as well. His shirt was torn as his hands were also bleeding. He quickly rush to Irene and held her bridal style carrying her inside the ambulance. He didn't want to use the stretcher.

Brittany's POV...

We were all sitting at home. I was worried sick about Brandon. All of us including Scott was here. I don't know where my son is and it's killing me. I pray to God he's okay. The house phone then rang and I quickly rush to answer it.

Dr.Mark Murray:"Hi I'm doctor Murray calling from New York Hospital. There was an accident. Your son didn't make it."

I then dropped the phone and started to panic in fear.
"Arh!!" I screamed. Scott and Shane them came to me.
"What's wrong?!" Shane asked.
"Mom!" Scott said.
"Accident. Dead." Was all I could say. We then rush to the hospital. I run into the room to see someone covered in a white sheet.
"Mom?" Brandon called.
"Brandon! You're okay!" I said hugging him then it hit me. Whose that under the sheet then?
"Brandon? Whose that?" I asked. He was quiet. I then went and slowly move the sheet.
"NO!!!!!" I screamed almost falling down. Fred has bandages all over his head.
"Mom!" Scott said. Everyone was crying. After some time Sasha then came in. She handed Scott, Selena. She seem to be in a trance. I feel pity on her. She started crying and screaming.

It was the day of his funeral. I was ready and waiting for Shane to finish get ready.
"Why are you so lost in your thoughts?" He asked. I didn't even realize he was finished.
"How did Fred die?" I asked.
"What are you talking about?" Shane asked.
"I have a witness that says she saw you in that vehicle, Irene." I said.
"Listen to me! If you dare tell anyone about this, I will do the same to you as well. So keep thinking that it was an accident. And if anyone asks you tell them you killed Fred, because I know Sasha will ask." Shane threatened.
"I can't do that." I said crying.
"If you don't I will put the entire blame on your son and he will go to prison." Shane said.
"You're selfishness will get you no where." I said.
"Let's go!" He said.

That same day after the funeral i lied to Sasha telling her I killed my son because of my status. I was feeling so guilty I wanted to end my life but couldn't. I have to live with a murderer.

Couple Days Later....

We got news that Irene was dead. The police said she committed suicide because of grieving for her child that she lost. Later I found out that doctor Murray said she had left a video clip from his phone to give to the police. I watched the video and it happens that Brandon invited her to our home for his birthday. When she came to our house someone spiked her drink and then took advantage of her. It so happens that the report Dr Murray gave to me proves that Shane was the father of her child. I was shock and crying. How could I have live with a guy so horrible?

I confronted Shane and it also happens that he killed Irene in cold blood. He slit her neck and made it look like a suicide. I once again took the blame that I killed her. I was told to be quiet and also threatened.

Present Time....

I was still facing the gun to Shane.
"There's no way I'm letting you leave here alive!" I said.
"Mom! NO!" Brandon yelled. I then pulled the trigger. The sound filled the room.


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